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Ok, Mewi pt 2 fr this time


"Y/n, Y/n... my Y/n..." Rui purred against your neck, laying on top of you. You had complained earlier about being cold, so of course your oven of a boyfriend offered to lay on top of you... and didn't take no for an answer.

His hands on your shoulders squeezed back and forth, similar to how Lucky did when kneading against you. In fact, you were sure that's what Rui was doing. He purred loudly, nearly feeling like the neck massage for you.

You kept one of your hands on his head, scratching the back of his neck and around his head. As fun as it was to raise your hand near to scratching at his ear and feel his whole body freeze, you didn't do it too often. He'd start pouting if you teased him too much.




"My name's Rui."

"But Mewi..."

"Nuh-uh. Not my name."

You huffed. "You're no fun."

"It's dumb. I prefer pretty kitty, like you said that one time."

"You're a grown man, I'm not calling you that all the time."

"A grown man who's not allowed in the kitchen without supervision..."

"That's for safety's sake. Be glad I don't lock the pantry."

He made a displeased noise, going quiet for a few moments. Then, he spoke up again, quieter. "Please don't."

You chuckled, then finally stopped resisting the urge to scratch behind Rui's ear. His whole body froze, just like before, then you felt it relax. Every muscle relaxed, pressing his entire weight onto you from above. He was purring loudly, almost like a motor. When your hand got tired and you stopped, it took a moment for Rui to regain his senses. He sat up, wiping the corner of his mouth and glaring at you.

"Fine, is that how you wanna play? Roll over."

"Why?" You smiled up at him.

Instead of giving you an answer, he slid his hands under you and flipped you himself. You curiously watched over your shoulder at his determined face as you felt his hands slide under your shirt and pull it up your back. Then, his nails, longer than a normal person's, raked down your back. He scratched carefully, gauging how much you reacted to certain spots. Meanwhile, you sighed in bliss, loving the feeling of a good back scratch.

Once Rui was sure he'd gotten every inch if your back at least thrice, he pulled away. Giving you a glare.

"There. Even." At your lack of a response, he looked at your face. Ah, you were asleep. But, sure enough, he could see the faintest bead of drool at the corner of your lips. His payback had worked.

He pulled your shirt back down and leaned up, kissing you on the cheek.

Then it was off to raid the pantry for snacks.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now