headcanon overflow???

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This one isn't just Rui but I'll end with him :3

~Calls her mom "mum" (unless she's talking to those she isn't close with)
~Likes cats but is allergic
~Scared by spontaneous affection, so Emu always waits before bear hugging her
~Thinks PDA is gross, but only because if someone did that to her, she'd be embarrassed
~The type to bully characters she doesn't like in her games
~Stranger Things enjoyer
~Wanted to try voiceacting for a short time. Took some online classes on it and really honed her voice, but when she finally got around to recording her demos, they were never good enough for her. So she got frustrated and gave up.
~I feel like she had a dog when she was very young, so young that she only has one or two memories of it, and she sometimes wonders where it went
~She can be very sound sensitive. She doesn't like Tsukasa's loud voice, this we know. But if she's around too many different noises, her ears will become increasingly sensitive to them. Eventually, she'll have to find a way out because the overstimulation makes her ears buzz.

~Stranger Things watcher (as in she doesn't pay attention to the plot, she just gets excited when her favorite character shows up on screen)
~Very easily understanding and perceptive of boundaries, as in she can tell when someone is uncomfortable with her actions.
~Calls her dad "Papa" but only to him
~Comes up with nicknames for people she doesn't know, but has seen or heard about (ex. She called y/n 'Star-girl' until meeting her. She only got the idea from Tsukasa telling her the name of your old Sekai. Usually her nicknames end with girl, boy, etc.)
~Some of her stims include bouncing, dancing, humming, or lightly pinching her own cheeks
~Surprisingly, she's not one to hyper fixate often. She'll focus on one interest at a time when it comes to watching anime or other such things, but she'll ramble about any interests she's had, past or present.
~She's a great listener if you want to tell her about your hyper fixation. That's so long as it's not one she's been interested in before. Otherwise, she'll be rambling along with you.

~One to have a regretful sweet tooth. He can hardly stop himself when faced with delicious sweets or sugary sodas, but he begrudgingly rejects them. Unless it's at a party, of course. One should indulge themselves every once in a while, right?
~Very much a morning person. He likes getting up early and showering and styling his hair. And he always seems barely able to keep his eyes open around 10 PM.
~Adding on to the previous one, one of Tsukasa's biggest pet peeves is messy hair. That's whether it's on him or someone else. Hair that looks untamed, uncared for, unclean... it all makes him want to gag. He sometimes stares at Rui's own hairdo, wondering how anyone could ever wear it as well as he does.
~I feel like he sometimes wears light makeup around. He doesn't know much about doing his face, and needs Saki to help him with more noticable beautification. Besides that, he knows how to use mascara and lip gloss, so he'll often wear those around.
~AMAZING at painting nails, thanks to Saki and her years of begging him to help her out. He even knows how to do little designs and all the differences between matte and gloss. He likes being complimented on how well he did.

(Instead of headcanons, this is short fics :3)

"Y/n!~" Rui called through your phone. You were quick to cover your speaker.

"What is it?"

"Huh, why are you whispering? I almost thought you were Nene."

"Because I'm in class, Dummy."

"Ah, right, summer courses. Well, I'll keep quiet, then."

"Why did you call?"

"I'm hungry."

"Wha... Rui, I can't do anything about that. I'm supposed to be taking notes."

"Just a second! Can you bring chicken home?"

"You say that like we live together..."

"Someday, Sweetheart. But can you? Please?"

You gave a soft sigh. "What kind?"

"Grilled. Or maybe... breaded? Or both! As long as it's boneless."

"I'll see you at 6, then."

"Okay, bye-bye! Love you!~ Study hard!"

"Sure, mom," you teased, then hung up and returned to studying.

"What... are... you doing?"

"I'm a cat!" He gave you a bright smile.

You furrowed your brows at him, looking at where he sat on the floor. Fake ears and tail... what in the world was he trying to pull? Then it dawned on you.

Yesterday, while your boyfriend had had his head in your lap, you'd caressed every inch of his face and even scratched under his chin. "If a man could purr..." you recall him saying.

"I'm waiting to be pampered, Y/n. To be lovingly massaged and caressed, and to have your full attention!" He got up and walked over to you, grabbing your shoulders and stuffing his face into your neck.

"That's all you want? Attention? No need to dress or act like a cat, I'll tend to you whenever."

"Yes, but I won't get my belly rubbed and my chin scratched 'whenever', so now I'm making sure you get the hint."

"And this hint is that you want me to treat you like a cat?"

"Not in every aspect. Though, in terms of physical affection..."

"Ah, I see..." You pulled his head from your neck and scratched your fingers in circles on his cheeks, as if playing with his whiskers. "Like this, hm? Feels nice?"

He grinned happily and nodded his head. "Feeling your hands anywhere feels nice."

"Can you meow for me? Like a good kitty?"

He then pulled away. "Now you're just teasing me."

"Look at your precious face. How could I ever live without this face, hm?" Rui smiled warmly at you as he ran his thumbs over your cheeks. "Ah, what's that I feel? Is your face getting warmer?"


"My imagination, then? No, no, can't be, it feels all too real. Hm... well, I know how to find out!" He then leaned in and moved one of his hands. He placed a kiss where his hand used to be, then continued stroking your cheeks. You could feel them get much warmer and hoped it didn't show. Unfortunately, it did.

"Now look at that. If they weren't before, they sure are now!"


Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now