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When Tuesday rolled around, Rui never told you where he planned on going. He simply told you to meet him in front of the school, which you did.

"Y/n! Over here!" He called from a few feet away. He stood next to a bike, but it looked a little... off.

You ran over, interested to see what he had in store for the afternoon.

"What's this?"

"It's a two-seated bike! I heard there was a parade in the next town over, but I can't exactly drive yet," he laughed nervously. He then motioned to the bike, "so, I built this last night!"

"You... built it?" You tilted your head, examining the odd bike. It looked like it started as any normal bike, and Rui just added another seat behind the main one, plus a back to it. You assumed that was a safety thing.

Rui nodded happily. "Yep! And I tested it out with my friend, just to make sure it wouldn't catch on fire or anything."

You gave him a confused glance at the statement, to which he simply shrugged as if to say 'hey, anything could happen.'

"Alright. How far are we going?"

"Hm, about 3 miles ish? Should only take about 15 minutes."

"I hope you don't plan on biking the whole way there yourself!" You spoke with concern. "I'd feel awful having you do all the work."

"It's not that bad, really," he dismissed modestly.

"Hm... well, how about this. I'll bike up all the hills, and you can bike down them!" You tried to compromise, knowing it would be a lot more work than you were letting on.

"It's mostly downhill and flat spots, Y/n."


"Granted, there is one decent hill, but I wouldn't dare have you bike over it! Trust me, I'll get us there safe."

You crossed your arms, a bit flustered that he'd offer to do all that for you. Regardless, you nodded.

"Sure, alright."

"Shall we get going, then?" He clasped his hands together happily. You agreed and he walked around the side, dramatically motioning towards your seat. "Your chariot awaits!"

You laughed humbly and albeit red-faced as you climbed up into the seat. It was pretty comfy for just a cushion and a plastic backrest.

"Does it feel alright? I can adjust it a bit if you need."

"No, no, it's fine. Pretty nice, actually."

A bit a pride flashed through Rui's eyes before he climbed onto the seat in front of you, checked up on you one last time, and took off.

The road was almost entirely flat, up until you got to the edge of your town, where you were met with a long, steady downhill, slowly picking up speed as you rode down it. The wind picked up and blew through your hair, filling you with joy. In the moment, you raised your arms and cheered happily into the breeze, and Rui swore his heart skipped a beat.

When you reached the bottom, where it was flat again, you were sure your hair was a mess, but you didn't care. You took in the sweet smell of late summer and cruised down the road, waiting for the next decline.

"Can I just say something, Rui?" You sighed.

He seemed to hesitate for a second before responding. "Yeah, go ahead."

Another slope crept up and you smiled as it neared. "I don't think I've been able to let go of everything as much as I have now. I haven't felt this free since SN's 3rd anniversary-!" You squealed the end of your sentence as the bike rounded over the edge of the hill and started shooting down, blowing your hair out behind you as you laughed happily.

Rui smiled sadly to himself, thinking for a moment that you might have said something else. "Can I be honest too?"

"Yeah! Of course you can!" You continued to live in the breeze that blew past your ears and made you feel like you were flying. The fast moving air did make it a bit hard to hear though, and you missed the next words that came from Rui's mouth.

"I think I love you."


You reached the bottom of the hill, the wind slowing down to silence as the bike cruised on towards your destination.

"Sorry, the wind was pretty loud. What did you say?"

"I just said... um... I think you should come see Wondershow sometime."

"I'd love to!" You agreed happily. "When?"

"We have practice afterschool tomorrow. Would you wanna come see that?"

"Of course!"

(Yeah sorry this ones slightly shorter, next ones gonna be short too lmao)

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now