Things Best Left Untold

701 19 45

You paused at Rui's words. Your mind raced so fast with so many different thoughts it was nearly reduced to the sound of radio static.


"Mhm. Ah, apologies if that was disturbing of me to say."

You sat up, despite your body's protests. "I can't say I'm not a little perturbed, but I'm much more curious. What... what happened in those dreams?"

"Just the usual stuff, mostly. Walking you to class in the morning and helping you with choreo at practice. Of course, these dreams normally have some weird twist, like everyone trading bodies, or an asteroid careening towards Earth."

"Hm. Mine are much the same, actually. That's just dreams, I guess. Do you remember that asteroid one? It sounds interesting."

"Surprisingly vividly. I could tell you quite a bit about it. What do you want to know?"

You thought to yourself, imagining yourself living out a scenario like that. "How did you find out about the asteroid?"

"We saw it in the sky. Didn't know what it was at first, but then the math teacher told us."

"Uh-huh. Did she say how long you had left?"

"No, but I'd estimate there was maybe 2 or 3 hours? The dream ended just before the asteroid hit, and that's how long it felt. Well, time kinda flew, but that's just a dream, y'know?"

"Yeah. Did you have that whole 'gotta face my fears before death' mindset?"

"Yes actually." Something about the way Rui said that seemed nervous, like he knew he wasn't going to like the following question.

"What fears did you face?"

"Rejection. I think that was the biggest. I'm not sure how to phrase the second one..." he trailed off, growing quiet. You were confused, but growing more interested with each vague fact.

"What happened with the rejection one?"

There was a pause, before Rui answered uncertainly. "I confessed my love to... someone."

"Oh. Did it go well?"

"Overwhelmingly well. It's what led into the next fear."

"How so?"

There was more silence at that. A longer pause. Eventually you got your answer.

"I seem to have forgotten. I thought I remembered all of it... Guess I was wrong."

"Ah, darn. I wanted to hear about this other fear of yours. Anyway, did that dream actually help you with those fears?"

"The first one? An unbelievable amount. The second just got worse."


"So, what of your dream you just had?"

"...I forget it too."

"But you basically just woke up, Y/n!"

"Actually remembering dreams is supposed to be a rarity. I just remember that this was weird," you crossed your arms, huffing.

That was a lie. You could still feel the hand on your side and face, and the warm lips on your neck. It made you restless.

"Darn. Well, is this your first dream about me?" Rui asked playfully, and you shook your head with an eye roll.

"You could say that it is, yes."

"I see."

"Got any other questions for the good of the order?" You yawned, rubbing at your tired eyes. Rui gave a thoughtful look, then shook his head.

"No. You can go back to sleep now. You really should, it's 4 in the morning and there's still school tomorrow."

"Oh, shoot!" You hurriedly crawled back under your blankets, pulling Rui's orca close. "Goodnight!"

"Haha, I think you mean good morning."


"Y/nnnnnn," you heard a coo fade into existence as you slowly became aware of the world and the finger poking at your cheek. "Are you awake? I let you sleep in a bit, but we really should get going."

"What time is it?" You breathed, sitting up with a minor struggle from tiredness. Rui crouched on the floor next to the air mattress, already in his uniform.

"7. We should have enough time to stop by your house before we walk to school."


"Mhm? You're not telling me you're still going to take the bus to school when you're just 4 blocks away, are you Y/n?"

"Well, it was originally so I could get an idea of where I was going and eventually walk there, but it's just laziness at this point."

"My, my, what'll I do with you?" Rui sighed warmly, looking at his phone clock. 6:33. It hurt to lie to you, but he needed answers.

"I have a question though, before we go anywhere."

"Which is?" You slid the blankets on top of you over, freeing yourself, whilst Rui tilted his head with his signature cat smile.

"I still want to know what it was about. That dream you had."

Ah, you'd forgotten that. A heat returned to your face at the memory. You also remembered the excuse you'd used last night, though vague from tiredness.

"I told you I forgot, though."

"Now, I know that's not true, don't play coy with me," he hummed, keeping up a friendly demeanor over how pressing he was being.

"Don't tease me, Dear."

"No, really, I-I forgot."

Rui nearly hummed out a chuckle
and leaned towards you, placing one hand at the edge of the mattress to hold himself up and running the other up your thigh. His narrowed eyes stared down at you.

"You may find this a bit drastic for just a little curiosity, so do tell me if I'm over-stepping."

Your heart raced as he climbed on top of you, hand on your thigh trailing up your side from over your clothes, reminiscent of your own movements in your dream the night before. All the while, he kept his same warm smile and almost predatory eyes on you, taking in how your face heated significantly.


"Ah, see? That's almost exactly what I heard you say in your sleep last night! Did things in your dream perhaps go a little similarly to this?" He purred and it sent a sharp heat to your stomach. Was this really happening? Were you in another dream?

Rui's hand stopped once it'd trailed up your arm to your hand, effectively pinning it down above your head. He looked just like a proud dog in your eyes, staring down at you the way he was. Actually, maybe it was more in fox territory...?

"You can tell me, Y/n. In fact, I insist you do. I don't think I could just give this up."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now