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"Y/n. Hey."


"I thought you didn't want Rui?" Her voice was low enough to send a chill down your spine.

"Does it matter?" You breathed out. Truthfully, it wasn't in defiance. You were saying it more to yourself than to Kazuni.

Does it matter if you want him or not? Should that determine whether or not you fix your relationship with him?

She chuckled lightly, then held your wrist loosely. "C'mon, you still have to say bye to Emu and your boyfrien-... Tsukasa."

She pulled you back to the others, much softer than she had with Rui. She even hugged you just before you were in eyeshot, the way a friend would when the truly cherished another. But even with how friendly she was acting, how much it reminded you of when you were younger, you knew she was just keeping all the negativity she had almost bestowed on you pent up until she could find a pillow in solitude to scream her frustrations into. You didn't assume either. You had experience.

"Kazuni-san! I'm one of your biggest fans!"

"Oho, are you now?"

"Don't forget me too!"
"And me!"

She was able to act coy with almost all of them. Keyword, almost. One came along, about midway through the meet and greet.

You didn't know what got into her, or the others really, but while someone was talking to Kisane, Kazuni happened to look over. At first it was nothing out of the ordinary. That is, until she didn't look away.

"Kazuni-sannnnn! Who are you looking at?"

"Excuse me." She shoved them off apathetically, not even looking at them as she spoke. She strode over to where Kisane was, tapping on the shoulder of the person that had been talking to her.

"Oh, hi Kazuni. Er, Kazuni-san?"

It was obvious to you then that something wasn't right. The way her eyes widened with her smile and her cheeks grew pink...

"You're a fan of Kisane I presume?"

"Mhm! She's my absolute favorite!"

"That's a shame. I find you quite... interesting. I was hoping maybe you'd inquire a bit about me."

"Ah, well... to be honest, I really wasn't planning on talking to anyone else. S-sorry."

"You weren't? But I'd love to hear about where you get your clothes from. And where you get your hair done. And perhaps even how you have such beautiful eyes?"

There were so many sides of Kazuni that you didn't know what to expect. But this one was clearly oblivious to how Kisane was fuming. At Kazuni's smooth words, the fan's eyes widened, and it was their turn for their face to redden.

"Ah... hm... sure! Just... for a couple minutes, I guess."

"Oh, great! In that case, could I start by taking a closer look at your nails? They look pretty long. It really fits your hands."

That was just her excuse to hold this stranger's hand. She softly led them away from Kisane, who looked furious. At that, she packed up and went home. After Kazuni's new friend had left, feeling drained of all possible positivity, Hina took her devastated friend home. Really, you and Yuuki ended up being the only ones to make it to the end of the meet and greet. That's when you decided, as a group, that maybe there shouldn't be any more until Kazuni could figure out a bit more about her problem. Well, until the 3rd anniversary show.

"We're heading out, now. It was great seeing this place again," Kazuni waved to Tsukasa and Emu. Emu then looked around.

"Did Rui already leave?"

You nodded, and she frowned.

"We'll hopefully see you guys again sometime. See ya."

Tsukasa looked in thought at that sentence, forgetting to bid the three of you farewell as you left. Once you were gone, Emu waved her hand in front of his face.


"Hm? Ah, they left? Ugh, did I even say goodbye?"

"What were you thinking about?"

"Y/n and Rui looked like they weren't having much fun. But just now, when Y/n and Kazuni came back, they seemed completely different. As of they'd traded. Y/n looked happier, and Kazuni didn't."

"You saw that too?"

"Hm. What do you think it was about?"

"I'm not sure. It almost seemed like Y/n wasn't enjoying Kazuni being around, but as soon as Rui left, things were okay between them."

Tsukasa really didn't understand. He wanted to. Maybe if he could have the three of you together a little more, he could try to figure it out. And after all, he did have Kazuni's number now. But that left him with what you'd told him about having Kazuni around. Why did things go so downhill between you and the rest of your Sekai?

"We should go home."

"We should. I told Saki I wouldn't be out that long. Looks like I'll have some explaining to do."

Emu chuckled as her and Tsukasa left the park.

*     *     *

"I don't think Rui liked me much," Kazuni spoke indifferently, though her face held a somber smile as she stared down at herself, sitting on your bed once again.

"It could be how you were acting," Hina suggested. Kazuni shook her head with a frustrated.

"There's no questioning it."

"It's okay. I know you can't control it sometimes."

"Yes, but you've been able to deal with it. Every time I made a fool of myself around you, you laughed it off and helped me over it. With Rui..."

"He's... sensitive," you tried to explain.

"I always do this," Kazuni despaired, covering her face with her hands. Hina moved closer to her, running her hand down her back. "Y/n, have you ever gone through something like this? Hina? I just... I dunno what to do. It's been over four years."

You sighed. You understood her problem with obsession, but you couldn't really empathize.

"No... I don't really do that," Hina sighed.

After a few moments, Kazuni sighed and pulled her hands away. "I'm tired. We should go home, Hina."

"I can call my dad and have him pick us up early. Is that what you want?"

Kazuni nodded, so Hina pulled out her phone and turned away as she held it to her ear.

"Hey, Y/n?"

"Hm?" You came to the edge of the bed so you could talk quieter and not interrupt Hina.

"I know you had your reasons, but... I dunno, it seems like you really do like Rui. I hope, maybe, hearing that will help you see it."

You huffed. It didn't. Not... entirely. The lines were still blurred between everything you'd done under the curtain of friendship, simply because the term 'boyfriend' scared you at the memory of Isago. Regardless, you nodded.

"Maybe. Thank you."

"If you guys do get together, tell me all about it, 'kay?"

"Gee, next best thing to having him, eh?"

"Dad's on his way. Him and Mary were still in the area shopping, so it won't be long. She really likes the stores down here," Hina spoke, lowering her phone.

Oh, right. Hina's stepmom. She was pretty chill.

"Great. Sorry, Y/n. I would've stayed longer if I hadn't humiliated myself, haha," Kazuni chuckled. You assured her it was alright.

About a half hour later, Hina's parents showed up and took the two home. Once again, you were alone. And it still felt numbing. How in the hell was Rui still affecting you?



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