So It Is So

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"A song?"

"Yeah. Just sing to him. It should work."

"B-but how?! What, am I supposed to just call him up and just start singing? Gah, that'd be so stupid..."

"We have a stage, dummy. Play some piano and sing a little."

"Don't act like it's so simple!"

Then you heard the phone transfer to someone else's hands. "Y/n? You're gonna sing to him?"

"Emu! Yes, I... I think I might."

"Put it on speaker," Nene spoke distantly, then you could hear her again. "What has you so scared?"

"Because what if he doesn't feel the same after what I did!" You whined.

"I can't make any promises, but I'm almost certain you don't have to worry about that."

"Okay, then what am I supposed to about the fact that confessions are so embarrassing, especially when you make a big deal about them?"

"Just don't make a big deal?"

"But...!" You huffed, trying to calm down a little. "Remember I said I wanted to make up for everything with this confession?"

"But you're just over complicating things when you think like that. You can always just use your words. If I know Rui, that's how he understands things. You know how he rambles sometimes..."

"No, I'm terrible with words..."

"Stop being so stubborn or you can kiss our help goodbye!" She barked. You shied away from your phone. You kind of were being stubborn.


"Y'know, Y/n, you could always just take him out to dinner or something. Nene's right, it doesn't have to be all dramatic."

"But how would that make up for anything?"

"Y/n, I swear to God, if I were there right now..." Nene growled.

"Fine, fine, I'll think about it!" You took a deep breath, then rested your head on your hand. "I dunno yet, but if I do go along with the song idea... well... could you guys come up with a few for me?"

"You're not going to write one?" Emu asked.

"I haven't written any songs in years. Plus, we have a show in a week."

"Ah, that's fair."

"Then it's settled. Bye, Y/n."

"Bye Nene. Bye Emu."

Then the phone hung up. Your face was on fire thinking about actually singing to Rui. How humiliating... but it made sense. Rui was kind of word oriented.

Wanting to take your mind off of it before you melted, you curled up under your covers to try and sleep. You still hadn't grown used to the loneliness, recently sleeping cuddled up to a pillow in your arms. At times, it did make a good substitute. Not always, though.

You thought about a perfect song to confess to Rui with as you fell asleep. The next day, you'd never been so excited and nervous before, having mixed feelings about confronting your newfound crush again. You found yourself taking extra care this morning, combing your hair more carefully than usual and even spraying a hint of the perfume your wore when you went out to dinner with him and your mother. Goodness, that had basically been a date. You were definitely an idiot.

It was as soon as you reached the bottom of the stairs and were making for the kitchen when a familiar knock sounded at your door. You perked up happily, then shied away. He was here again! Why?!

You rushed to the door, hand just barely trembling as you opened it. And behind it, there he was. He smiled, and you felt your heart melt.

"I didn't know if you wanted to go back to this, but I showed up anyway."

"Come in, make yourself at home," you felt yourself murmuring. He looked at you in confusion.

"I can't do that, we have to get to the school. C'mon, Y/n, wake up!" He tapped lightly on your head.

"Oh, r-right! Lemme just grab my breakfast!" You ran off to the kitchen, meanwhile Rui sniffed the air.

"You smell nice."

"D-do I now?" Barely two minutes with this man and you already wanted to explode. You got your breakfast (a blueberry muffin), checked that you still looked nice, and ran back over with your bag. "Ready. Let's go."

As you walked with him to school, you broke off a piece of your breakfast and offered it to him. "Rui want a muffin?" He looked at it, clearly tempted, then shook his head.

"No, I already had some toast. Thanks."

"You're sure? C'mon, it's really good!"

He then caved, reaching for the bite you'd taken off. He ate it thoughtfully, then smiled. "Ah, that is pretty good. Did you make it yourself?"

"Mhm! I could... make a few for you... if you want."

Once again he seemed tempted, but shook his head. He made some excuse about not eating them before they went bad, but that was a lie. He was still just getting you off his mind, and having snacks you'd made him wouldn't help that.

"Awe, really? But you could have them for breakfast, like me."

"Mm, I like my toast, though. Thanks."

There was that word again. 'Thanks.' The one he never used back before his confession, because he had another, more meaningful way of saying it every time he needed to. You knew you'd screwed up, but the world didn't have to constantly rub it in your face with all this distance.

"I'm excited for the show," you changed the subject.

"Mm, me too. I'm nothing but proud of where we are. And the fans are excited to see you. I don't think we would've sold out otherwise."

"Awe, c'mon, give yourself some credit! You're a damn good director. You could've still sold out without me."

You then arrived at the school, Tsukasa kissing your hand and leading you to class as Nene and Rui followed. Somewhere in your mind, you wished the blonde was switched with the man behind you, heart fluttering at the thought.

"Y/n, are you blushing?" Tsukasa asked, much much too loud. You jumped, hastily making an excuse. Rui felt his heart sink at the sight. He hadn't been entirely serious in his thoughts of you liking Tsukasa instead of him. He didn't seem like your type. Rui knew he would never want to love someone that reminded him of his old self. But maybe you felt differently.


Goodness this took absolutely forever to write I'm so sorry 💀 trust me yall aren't the only ones who want to see this go back to fluffy Rui x Y/n smooching every two days AND IT WILL 😡😡

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now