Extra Concern

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Meanwhile, as your father was consoling you, Nene had come over to Rui's house. She could really see how he was feeling, messy from not taking care of himself and desk collecting dust in all his lack of motivation. He tried telling her she shouldn't have come over, but it was too late now.

"Please, can you just try to eat something?"

He just looked away, tired and somber. She sighed, grabbing her switch and turning on one of the many games. He watched in mild intrigue as he saw the game. It was a cooking game, and he immediately knew why.

"That's not gonna work."

"It might. C'mon, just watch. What should I cook?"

He leaned back against his couch, watching her flip through all the dishes she'd already mastered.

"Do one of the hard ones."

She obliged, flicking to one she knew often made her friend hungry when she made it. She played through the process, acing it from memory. Admittedly, Rui's appetite did just barely come back at the sight.

"What about this one too?"

She moved on to another that often made Rui hungry when he watched. Then another. Until Rui shakily stood up, bracing his head for a moment.

"Let's go get a snack."

"No, you stay here and rest. I don't need you falling and cracking your skull open."

"Why would I fall?"

To prove herself, Nene gently shoved Rui back towards the couch. He easily fell his full weight back into it, wincing and holding his head.

"You haven't been eating enough to have full balance. Not to mention, you're pretty dizzy. Just stay here and tell me what you want. Water and...?"

"Soda candy," he sighed, leaning back. Nene shook her head.

"No. Food. Whaddya want?"

"...a sandwich."

"How about two?"

"One for you," he smiled.

"I'll be back. Stay alive."

"Is that a challenge?"

"... Yes."

"Hm, okay."

Once Nene had made Rui his food, she returned and sat it in his lap.

"None for you?"

"I ate before I came over."

"Did you really?"


He exhaled quietly and took a bite. It was nothing special, just two regular sandwiches.

"Thank you."

"No need. Wanna watch something?"

"Sure. Didn't you say there was a new season of that anime we used to watch together?"

She nodded as she shoved Rui's hovering hands towards his face, along with the sandwich. She glanced around the room, spotting his TV remote and grabbing it. She turned it on, craning her head around Rui so she could see it on the adjacent wall.

"Want me to turn the couch?"

"You can barely walk right now, Rui. You'd be better off sitting on the floor."

"That wouldn't be terrible. I have an air mattress, just no... pump..."

He paused, remembering what he thought to be the first time he pushed you too far. When you'd stayed over on the air mattress and had that dream about him. He lowered his sandwhich somberly, appetite slowly disappearing again.

"Hey, it's alright. You have a couple pillows, we could set those down if you want a better view."

He returned from his mind, nodding and taking another disinterested bite of his food. Meanwhile, Nene grabbed some of the few pillows Rui had and tossing them down.

"C'mon," she beckoned him, patting on the now cushioned floor. He trembled his way down, strength slightly returning now that he'd had a bit to eat.

"Do you need a hug?" She asked carefully, and Rui found himself surprised.

"You don't like hugs."

"That doesn't answer my question. You need one, don't you?"

"I'll admit...  it'd be nice." He imagined what your hugs were like. When you two cuddled to sleep. Suddenly, you were there, hugging him. You were warm, face pressed to his shoulder and breathing evenly against him. He turned quickly to hug you back, but stopped at the sight of green hair. Right, this was Nene. Dammit, he needed to get over you.

"You shouldn't do this."

"Why not? You need it, don't you?"

"It reminds me of her."

At that, she pulled away. She grabbed one of the extra pillows and placed it in Rui's arms. He held it limply for a moment before slowly pulling it close.

"Sorry. I didn't mean for it to. I just... know it tends to make you feel better. I mean... it still does, right?"

He lowered his chin to the top of the pillow. Even this reminded him of you. Holding you to his chest and feeling like he was protecting you. He couldn't figure out the answer to Nene's question because the only person he could think of hugging was you.

"I'm tired."

"Can you at least try to finish your sandwhich? There's only a third of it left," Nene asked softly. He felt sick looking at it, but obliged nonetheless. It took a lot more effort than he could be proud of.

"I don't think you should go to school tomorrow either. I'll be over again on my way home, though, okay?"

"You'll be here in the morning too, right?"

"I'd have to be if I'm spending the night."

With a painful chuckle, he finished his last bite of food and looked uneasily at the couch.

"I can help you up, if you want."

"No, you can sleep up there," he shook his head and grabbed a blanket laying at the foot of his makeshift bed, throwing if over himself. He laid down on the pillows he and Nene had been using as a seat and curled up. "Guests should have the comfier spot."

"You're sure?"

He nodded quietly, already so relaxed he might as well be asleep. She hesitated, but soon got up and laid down on the couch, bringing a pillow with her. She wrapped herself in the blanket draped over the top of the red cushions.

"Goodnight, Rui."

"Goodnight," he slurred out, not long followed by quiet snoring.

Nene wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. You were confused, and you often hinted about something of a past relationship that she never questioned. But she couldn't help the bitter feeling she was growing for you. What right did you have to act all sad after doing what you had to Rui? He barely ate, slept at odd times, and occasionally looked like he was on the verge of tears at the most random things... she hoped that would be all. Any more downhill from here and he'd be in a grave.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now