Double Reunification

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hey btw this has seggsual innuendoes huehuehue (funny how there was never a warning for Y/n's mom but there is for these two 💀)


"God, you're acting like such a killjoy, Y/n!" Kazuni groaned, stretched out across your bed. Hina sat at the end of it while you laid on your beanbag chair.

"Sorry. I was hoping having you guys over would lighten my mood a little, but I guess not..."

That was a lie. Somehow, having Kazuni and Hina over was a 50/50. Either you'd have a great time, or you'd wish for your demise. Never in between. Never a mixture.

"Y'know, whatever's wrong, you can tell us. If not Kaz, then definitely me," Hina chuckled. Kazuni huffed as if she didn't believe there was a reason she was terrible at reassurance.

"It's nothing. Venting won't really help, I already told my dad the whole story."

"Then something must seriously be wrong. You always flash him a smile," Hina winced. In a way, it made her seem more like her old self.

"Well, the short story is a friend of mine, well maybe a little more than that... he confessed to me. I'd just been leading him on the whole time because I wanted the attention Isago used to give me."

"So, when you say 'more than that' are you talking like what me and Hins have or something else?" Kazuni leaned over your bed, smirking at you.

"Aha, well..." you chuckled, face reddening. Kazuni laughed smugly behind her hand.

"So, how much of you have they seen?"

"It's not like that!" You shoved her face away in embarrassment.

"So you rejected him because you felt like you were using him for attention?" Hina tilted her head.


"And you're sure you don't like him back?"

"I dunno, I freaked out because a relationship is the last thing I want, especially after using him."

"What makes you think you used him?"

You pointed to your pile of gifts from him. "I think the most I ever gave him was some soda candy for Christmas."

"Is that it? You don't have to give presents to tell someone you return their feelings."

"Well, then there's all the stuff we did as 'friends'."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that," Kazuni laughed.

"Not everyone's like us, Kaz. Maybe there was a problem."

"Yeah, and maybe she had a good thing going for her. Doesn't sound like Y/n considered much."

"And maybe that's because it's not what she wanted?"

"C'mon," Kazuni groaned, "have you seen people our age? It's all anyone wants. And I get more of it that they could ever hope for!"

"Oh, please, you're hardly a ball master."

"If you had a pair, I don't think you'd say that with so much confidence," she huffed, crossing her arms.

Hina sighed in exasperation. "I'm just saying, maybe you shouldn't rant like this in front of someone with actual experience."

"Oh, right!" Kazuni turned to you quickly, "How was that, by the way? I don't think I ever asked."

"Shitty," you sighed. "Half way through, it was borderline assault."

"What?" Hina looked at you with concern. Kazuni's smirk was wiped clean off her face. "You didn't report him for that?"

"I consented at first, so no."

"Hm, that sucks, man," Kazuni responded indifferently, but you knew that was just how she sounded when something bummed her out.

"Let's just get back to the topic at hand here. What should I do about Rui?"

"Rui?!" Kaz perked up. "What does he have to do with this. Oh, is he coming over?!"

"Wait, is Rui this friend that confessed?"

Kazuni gasped, then looked at you furiously. "Y/n, if you rejected THE Rui Kamishiro's confession I can personally assure you you'll never see the Sun again."

You laughed nervously. "Well... I didn't exactly reject him, persay..."


"What Kaz means to say is why the fuck would you do that."

"I'm not going to feel any better if I date him because Kazuni wants me to!"

"You need to take us to Phoenix Wonderland right now, as an apology for REJECTING MY CELEBRITY CRUSH," Kazuni pointed at you menacingly.

"I don't understand why I should apologize to you about that. Plus no one's going to be there."

"Then tell them to come!"

You groaned, not wanting to hear any more of her whining. You grabbed your phone and found a group chat you had that Emu had named ✨WONDASTARS✨ You texted asking if anyone wanted to come meet your friends and show them around, Tsukasa immediately responding to ask if it was Yuuki. As you tried to tell him it wasn't, his caller ID appeared on your screen.

"Aha, you aren't bluffing! That's Tsukasa Tenma!" Kazuni called excitedly, mimicking his voice.

"Y/n-san, who're your friends?! I wanna meet them!"

As you greeted Tsukasa, Kazuni winked at Hina, their way of causing mischief. You held your phone out to them and they remained quiet, not even reaching to take it from you.

"Go on guys, say hi!"

Still silence.

"Uh, Y/n-san?"

"It's Kazuni and Hina, they're just being dicks."

"Hi, Tsukasa!" Hina broke, waving to the phone as if he could see her.

"Hi Hina-san!!"

"Hey Tenma," Kazuni called, "are you single?"


"Stoppit, I thought you liked Rui!" You swatted at her as she laughed.

"Aha, h-hey Kazuni-san!"

"Ah, so formal," she gushed dramatically.

"Are you both really coming to Phoenix Wonderland?!"

"Why would we need to when we have you right here?" Kazuni purred, you pulling your phone away almost protectively.

"Because I was going to meet you there!"

"Bet! Hand me that!" Kazuni grabbed at your phone quickly. You barely pulled it away fast enough, shooing her away.

"I'll see you both there! Oh, and I'll get the others to come too if I can!"

Kazuni squealed, kicking your nicely made sheets into a jumbled mess in the process. "Okay, I'm gonna go for Rui. Hina, who do you want? I can try and set you up!"

"I think Nene's pretty cute..."

"No, what?! You're not dating any of my friends! Plus, I dunno if Nene even likes dating."

"Well, I might as well try my luck, right? I mean, now that I've been assured that Rui's single..."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now