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Btw boyoyoyoyoys this is technically chapter 78 of the main story (if I counted right)


"Ohoho!" Kazuni laughed boisterously, as if making her own version of Tsukasa's laugh. She then did one of his signature poses. "If it isn't THE Tsukasa Tenma!"

Tsukasa all but passed out, falling onto you. You gave a few harsh pats to the side of his face to wake him and helped him stand back up.

"Kazuni-san knows Tsukasa?" Emu tilted her head, and Rui nodded, recalling how Kazuni mentioned being at one of their shows. Meanwhile, Hina strode over to them with a smile on her face.

"Hey, I'm Hina. And I'm sure you know that's Kazuni. It's great to meet you guys."

"The pleasure's all ours," Rui spoke smoothly. He was getting noticeably better, which was great so close to show time. The group only had another two weeks.

"So... you're Emu, yes?"

"You know us too?!"

"Not much. But from Kazuni's description, I could tell. And I know you from Y/n," she pointed at Rui, giving him a friendly wave, which he returned.

"Hi Rui," Kazuni purred, suddenly appearing behind Hina with her hands on her friend's shoulders.

"Ah, and... Kuzani?"

"Close enough! How are you?" She lightly shoved Hina out of the way. As she spoke to her crush, Hina went to Emu, playing with her hands.

"Nene isn't here?"

Emu shook her head, frowning. "No. I tried to convince her, but she seemed really against it for some reason."

"Ah, I see..."

"Are you a fan of hers?" Emu perked up. Hina nodded.

"Her voice is amazing. I envy it."

"Ohh, do you have a favorite out of the songs she's in?"

"Ah, I wouldn't know. I really only know her from images and sound clips Kaz has shown me. She's definitely my favorite, though."

"She's great, isn't she?"

Meanwhile, Kazuni had only just realized you were still standing next to her as she spoke to Rui. She was suddenly thankful she hadn't gotten into flirting with him yet... that'd be weird.

"Oh, Y/n. What're you still doing here? Go talk to your boyfriend," she shooed you off towards Tsukasa. Said boy tried to act as if he hadn't heard, while you cringed.

"Boyfriend? Seriously, Kaz-"

"Go on, shoo."

With a huff, you obliged, walking to Tsukasa. "What's your face so red about?"

"More of my idols are here! I just wish you'd brought Yuuki too."

"Kazuni and Yuuki don't get along all that well these days," you sighed. Tsukasa gave a concerned look.

"Sorry things didn't work out."

"It's fine, I'm getting over it. Slowly but surely. After all," you chuckled, "I've actually been able to look at the night sky recently without feeling depressed."

"That's great! I had no idea you were even feeling that way. You could've told me, y'know."

"It... didn't feel necessary. It's not a bother now anyway, so it's fine."

"Are there other things that make you feel that way? I can try to avoid them!"

"Well..." you looked over your shoulder at Kazuni and Hina where they spoke with your other friends.

"Ah, goodness, I'm terrible at this!" Tsukasa facepalmed. You pulled his hand away from his forehead carefully, explaining how it was fine, since it wasn't his fault anyway.

"Alright, let's go to the rides!" Kazuni cheered, tugging a clearly uncomfortable Rui by the hand. Tsukasa and Emu were quick to agree, missing what you couldn't take your eyes off of. You approached Rui to see if he was alright, but the reason for his state stepped between you.

"Oh come on, Y/n. You barely gave Tsukasa a chance! Spend a little more time with him? For love?"

"Kaz, can you just-" but, interrupting you as she had before, she shoved you back to Tsukasa harshly, wearing an innocent smile. He caught you quickly, laughing a little.

"Watch your step, Y/n-san! Goodness knows what could've happened if I wasn't here."

"Aha, right." You looked over to check on Rui again. His face was dark, eyes clearly avoiding Kazuni, who was clinging to his arm the same way she had with Hina in the early days of their friendship. She rambled on so quickly you couldn't even understand her, and were still bored. Rui seemed to feel that now.

"So, what rides this time, Y/n-san?"

"I guess whatever Hins and Kaz want... I've already been on all of these rides."

"That's true... Kazuni-san, Hina-san! What do you wanna ride on first?"

"This one!" Kazuni pointed, yanking harshly on Rui's arm once again, making him wince. You ached for him, hoping he'd say something soon. As much as you wanted to check in, Kazuni was meticulously making sure you couldn't reach him.

Everyone agreed, meaning you had to continue watching Kazuni hang off Rui's arm where they sat at the front of the ride, and walking out, and on the next several rides. By the time the park was closing, you looked about as fed-up as Rui started. By now, however, he looked half-dead.

"Ruiiiii," Kazuni mused in her overly sweet voice which had grown to make your ears ring. "Do you think I can have your number? You're really fun!"

You couldn't help but be annoyed at that. She'd drained Rui to the point that he barely responded to anything she said all day. But you knew that's how she was. As long as she had the shell of a human she liked in her arms, she was happy.

"I'm just gonna go home," Rui sighed, rolling his now sore shoulder. Kazuni stuck out her bottom lip in a pout as she watched him leave, then turned to Tsukasa, asking him the same question. Hina also asked Emu for her number. Unlike Rui, Emu had had fun with her new buddy.

With Kazuni now occupied (at least long enough to sneak away) you followed after Rui before he could leave. You caught up to him just as he was nearing the front gates.

"Rui, wait a minute!"

He turned around, smiling in relief at the sight of you. Both of you wanted to bring the other into your arms, but it was questionable territory for the time being.

"I'm really sorry about Kaz. She's more than a handful."

"Yeah... I noticed."

"Are you okay?"

"I will be. Thanks for checking."

"They'll be gone before I go to bed tonight, so you don't have to worry about seeing them at practice or anything."

"That's relieving. Hina I don't mind, but..."

"Y/n!" Kazuni called, her footsteps towards both of you echoing closer.

"Alright I should go." He wrapped an arm around your head and pulled you to his chest for a moment, then turned to leave.

"Y/nnnn! Oh! Rui, Darling, you're still here!"


At that he left, and you giggled to yourself, turning to Kazuni. As soon as your eyes met her, though, you leaned away fearfully at her towering over you.

"Y/n. Hey."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now