The Same Topic, Over Again

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"Y/n, over here!" You heard Emu's voice off to your side, running over to her across the mall path. You greeted her and Nene happily.

"Hey you two! How's it going?"


"Pretty good."

"It's been such a nice week! You'd think it'd be colder for the second month of fall."

"Yeah, it's lovely. Maybe Winter finally decided to take a vacation," you laughed.

"I hope not. I promised Nene I'd help her build a snowman!" Nene simply nodded where she stood at Emu's side.

"You two are adorable," you shook your head admiringly. Nene turned her head bashfully as Emu giggled.

"Well, why don't we get going? We have some splurging to do!"

You decided on what store you all wanted to see first and made your way to it, looking in the windows of other stores you passed.

"Did you have fun yesterday, Y/n?" Emu asked, making conversation. You nodded happily.

"Absolutely! Fun's an understatement."

"Aha, that's great! The park's just so magical. I love being there! How about you, Nene?"

Nene also nodded with a small smile. "It was pretty exciting. I liked it."

"Did you find any rides you really like?" She turned back to you. The three of you had now made it to the store, deciding to take a lap around the outside to browse.

"Mhm! I really liked that first rollercoaster I went on. Oh, and that spinny ride I went on a little after. I don't think Tsukasa enjoyed many of them, though."

"He can be a scaredy cat sometimes," Nene commented. "He was pretty freaked out in the wave pool."

"That's unfortunate. Wave pool's are so fun! Maybe he was just scared because Rui was there," you chuckled, remembering the incidents Tsukasa had mentioned.

"Oh, he told you about all that?"

"Vaguely. Sounds like enough to warrant some fear."

"Rui's really not so bad. It can seem that way sometimes with some of the things he does, but he's really great," Nene explained fondly.

"Yeah! And he's really sweet sometimes. He's great at helping me not trip up during practice. He just seems to always know how to help!"

"Yeah. And he's been really good at helping me with my spins."

You recalled having seen something while practicing Becoming Potatoes with them once. While everyone else had been doing two spins, Nene had only done one.

"Oh right. Do you just get dizzy during those, or do you lose your balance?"

"I guess it's sort of both, really. I get into the spin and my legs feel so clumsy and awkward. And then I do get a bit dizzy and have to stop."

"Ah, my friend Yuuki was just like that for a while. Sometimes it's about how hydrated or hungry you are. It might help if you bring a snack with you to practice. I know Yuuki started feeling better when Hina started bringing supper for us."

You caught yourself in a ramble and turned to the other two. They both looked a bit confused by the names.

"Ah, Yuuki and Hina were members of my old Sekai," you explained. "Oh, I should show you some of our shows sometime! I can point out who's who and tell you all our juicy secrets!"

The other girls laughed quietly. "Sure! We can all do that when we go to Nene's house later!"

"Ahaha, yay!" You bounced happily. Emu started bouncing too, and Nene stared at the two of you, sighing fondly.

The rest of your little shopping trip with the girls ended up being something of a bust. Really all the three of you were able to find were a couple trinkets you may or may not use at some point. Nene also found a nice sweater she liked, but other than that, total loss. Disappointed, you all got picked up by Nene's mom and were taken to her house.

On the way there, you watched your house pass by, and waited for Rui's to as well. You were surprised however, whenever the car pulled into the driveway next to it.

"Nene, you're Rui's neighbor?"


"You mean you've been to Rui's house?" Emu perked up.

"Well, yeah. How else would I have gotten to see your practice that first time?"

"Wow, you're basically at second base." Nene commented, and you tensed at that.


Once inside, you followed Emu and Nene up to Nene's room. Nene lounged in her bed, flicking on the TV while Emu flopped down onto one side of a beanbag couch, beckoning you over to sit on the other side.

"So, Y/n, you got anything you wanna talk about?" Emu tilted her head at you as you watched Nene flip to Netflix.

"Hm, not really. What do you guys normally do while you're here?"

"Gossip," they both replied.

"Mainly about Rui and Tsukasa. All good things, of course."

You smiled playfully, not unlike your mom usually did. "Oh really? Can I get in on some of that?"

"Only if you can tell us your favorite anime," Nene cut in. You frowned.

"You can't just ask that. I'll watch anything with good plot, minimal controversy, and a non-toxic fandom."

"Sounds like perfect taste to me. You're in." Nene flipped to one of her continue watching animes before setting her remote aside and crawling to the edge of her bed closest to you and Emu.

"So, where should we start?"

"Hmmmm," you placed a hand on your chin, thinking about your answer. "Rui mentioned a song a while back. King, I believe it was called?"

The other girl's faces darkened as they smiled, chuckling.

"That's as good a place as any. Maybe better, actually."

Hours went by as you all talked about whatever topics you could come up with. A good half of them were Rui or Tsukasa, occasionally both. It was a reoccuring topic, and you started to understand why most of their gossip included them. While talking about Rui, you caught Emu staring at you during a sentence.

"Is something wrong?" you asked uneasily, pausing your previous sentence.

"No, it's just... you really have a lot to say about him. You're mostly leading the conversation. I'm surprised you know so much about him."

"Oh, sorry, I guess I do have a lot to say, my bad. Most of the stuff I know about him is from observation, though."

"How much do you 'observe' him?" Nene deadpanned. 

You and Emu laughed at this before returning to the conversation. "So, what do you think about him?"

"What do you mean by that? Like... as a person?"

"Sure! Anything you have to say."

"Well, I think he's amazing!" you smiled. "He's a great director, a quick learner... he's smart and talented at all that he does. He's sweet and relateable, and the type of person to know you and what you need more than you do. And for how terrible his sleep schedule and diet are, he's surprisingly energetic and... well, alive. Oh, and let's not forget how pretty his voice and dancing ar-"

Once again, you paused, taking in the stares of the two girls. you sighed.

"Sorry, I'm rambling again."

"You totally like him, Y/n."

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