Nighty Night, the Sequel!

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[yall get 2 chapters cuz that last one was kinda boring]

The ride home felt very different than the ride there. You'd left the house imagining hands on your thigh and sweet nothings in your ear, but the worst that had happened while you were there was his comment on your eyes. And everything your mom said, but that was normal.

You reached your house, all of you walking in to finish the conversation you had been having in the car. Once everyone was done talking, however, Rui sighed, turning towards the door.

"Well, I should probably get going. Both of you have a good sleep."

"Rui, Dear, why don't you just stay the night?"

"Well, actually I'm-"
"Oh, yeah, you totally should!"

Rui was a bit surprised at how enthusiastic you were about another night with him. After all the overthinking born from what happened that morning, how'd you change so quickly? Little did he know that his restraint during dinner had actually paid off.

"I mean, if you have nothing going on, that is," you chuckled nervously, apologetic for interrupting him. He thought for a moment, but couldn't find it in himself to say no.

"Sure, of course. Just one problem, I don't have a change of clothes."

"Well, your house is just down the street, after all. You could just go grab some. I'll even come with you!" You offered, but your mom scoffed, shaking her head.

"At that point, he might as well stay there. No point in making him walk all the way back here in the cold."

She had a point.

"Then... what'll he wear?"

"As if I even have to say it, Dear. I can already tell what's going through your mind," she chuckled deeply, eyeing you with a smug smile. Your face burnt up with heat, and Rui's looked much the same, him running his palm over his cheeks to try and hide it.

"No, mom, he has to wear something."

"Well, he has his hoodie you stole upstairs. Pants are really the only problem."

"It's fine, really, I can just go grab something from home," Rui spoke bashfully, running his hand down the back of his neck. He looked over your mother's troubled gaze, then to you, and you could see how he changed. Seeing your disappointed eyes, and how you clutched your hands to your chest. It felt like he was leaving you when you needed him most, even for such a small situation.

"Just borrow a pair of Shoji's," your mom finally sighed.

"Are any of his even clean? I know you're constantly wearing them while you're home," you crossed your arms at her, recalling the many times you'd seen her wearing your dad's sweatpants around the house.

"There's gotta be at least one pair. Lord knows he has too many." With that, your mom quickly ran up the stairs and into her room, while you crossed the room to stand before Rui.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Are you? I'd expect you to be... scared."

"Well, I guess I got over it. Are you scared?"

Rui looked off to the side, small smile forming on his lips. "If course I am, but it's not like I could just go home when the chance to spend more time with you presents itself."

You smiled, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your cheek to his chest. You heard his heart speed up and his arms hugged you back.

"You're too much, Rui."

"As long as I'm enough."

"Here we are!" Your mom declared, running down the stairs as she held up a pair of sweatpants. You pulled away from Rui, thankful she hadn't noticed you were hugging. She brought the sweats over to Rui and shoved them into his arms. "Now, you two go sleep well. It's getting late."

The lack of any sort of vulgar comment made you uneasy, but you took it and ran, hugging her goodnight and pulling Rui up to bed. Once you were in your room, you pointed to the door across from you, whilst opening your dresser.

"You can change in there. I'll be changing out here, though, so make sure I'm done before you come out."

"Ok," was all he said as he crossed your room and entered the next. When he flicked on the light, he found he was in a small bathroom. But not just a half-bath, a full one with a shower.

Your room had it's own full bathroom. Wow.

Nonetheless, he changed into the clothes he had in his arms, folding up the pieces of his suit as neatly as he could. He nearly opened the door without a second thought, but stopped as he remembered what you said, and gave it a quick knock.

"You're all good!"

Thank goodness.

He flicked off the light and stepped out. Across the room from him, you twirled around with a bright smile, wearing a similar hoodie and shorts the same color as your dad's sweatpants.

"We match!" You beamed, jumping in place. He gave a warm smile at your demeanor, nodding with a hum. He watched as you then ran over to your bed, jumping onto it and grabbing your TV remote from your nightstand. "D'ya wanna pick up where we left off on that anime we watched last time?"

"Sure," he answered as he climbed onto your bed next to you, watching you flick through everything until you found it. Lucky soon jumped up onto the bed and rubbed against Rui roughly, waiting for him to give her attention. He pet her until she calmed down and laid at his side, watching the anime you'd turned on.

Episodes passed and your eyes grew heavy. Of course, as you'd come to expect, Rui's hadn't.

"You aren't tired, are you?"

"No. I take it you are?"

You nodded sleepily, slipping under the covers of your bed.

"I guess I'll be sleeping on that big beanbag chair of yours, hm?"

You shook your head silently, reaching over and wrapping your arms around Rui's and tugging him down. He made a noise of surprise as he fell into your embrace, your arms tugging him into your chest. He froze once he was there, processing it in his head. For what he could, that is. Being this close to you, smelling the remnants of your perfume, listening to your stable heartbeat... it was making his head foggy.

Regardless, he carefully lifted himself off your blanket and climbed under it, returning your embrace with his hands around your waist. He felt your legs intertwine with his, and suddenly, he was at home. The coziest he'd been in a while. Perhaps he was lonelier than he thought he'd been.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now