1000 Words of Filler :)

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The next morning was like any other. You got up, got ready, got on the bus... and were pleasantly surprised to find your lilac-hairded friend waiting for you at the front doors.

"Y/n! Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," you spoke aimlessly, looking behind him for the people he had been sitting with before, but they were nowhere to be found. "You're by yourself this morning?"

"Mhm," he hummed. "They already went inside. Would you mind if I escorted you to class?"

"Well, I don't see why not. It's your class too, afteral. We'll have to stop by my locker, though."

"So be it."

So, you entered the school, side by side. Immediately, you noticed the usual stares, but they seemed different his morning. You could hear murmuring, only making out a few bits.

"Should we warn her?"

"Do you think they're friends?"

"I saw them last night..."

You were a bit uneased by it all, subconsciously moving closer to Rui. He seemed to notice.

"Is there a specific reason people are looking at us like that?" You whispered to him. He frowned knowingly.

"I suppose it could be my reputation. They're a bit weirded out by me. Maybe even scared."

Your stomach dropped a little at that. Was he more than he had let on?

"And... why would that be...?"

"Just who I am. My personality, my interests..."

It was then you got a taste of how Rui felt asking about parts of SN that had saddened you. You mentally scolded yourself for ever thinking there was something wrong with him, based on other people.

"Well, I don't see why." He tilted his head at your statement, a bit taken aback. "I can't see a thing wrong with you so far, except maybe the questionable amount of candy you bought and ate last night," you giggled quietly. His face softened into a smile at your kind words.

"I feel the same for you, minus the candy."

"Then what is there in its place?" You asked playfully. "What's my shallow problem?"

Rui simply smiled. "There are none. You're just a girl who's lost something important to you and are mourning it. That's not a problem, it's a human reaction to one, which was out of your control in the first place."

That had been the first time you'd ever thought of it that way. You'd spent so much time beating yourself up over whether or not Super Nova's end had been by your hands, or if there was anything you could've done to prevent it if you had tried harder. Overall, all the thinking pulled you down into a self-loathing sadness that just made you more upset at how often you were down like that. It was a terrible cycle. One you'd only been able to break by the few neutral moments and fewer happy ones.

You started realizing when those happy moments were. You were have a decent time right now, just walking down the hall next to a new friend. That was something you never would've predicted when school was about to begin.

"I suppose... maybe I am," you sighed.

"I hope things haven't been too awfully hard. I mean- they have, I'm sure, but within the last few weeks. I'd hate to see you cry again."

You suddenly remembered. Oh, right, that was something else that had happened last night.

"Ah, right, yeah." You tucked a stray hair behind your ear, face warming with embarrassment. "I'd hate to cry in front of you... again."

You could tell from his almost comforting expression that he wanted to say something along the lines of 'I wouldn't mind if you had to,' but he probably didn't want to make it sound like he'd enjoy it. Thus, he stayed silent.

"Um, anyway," you started awkwardly, making it to your locker. "This one's mine. I'll put my stuff away quick and we can get going." You started putting your combo in and opened it, getting out what you'd need for math and stuffing the rest inside to close it. Then, hugging your things to your chest, you turned back to Rui with a friendly smile.

"We can go now."

He hummed in acknowledgement and continued walking at your side to your class. On the way there, you passed a familiar blonde boy and green-haired girl. Upon seeing you, the blonde's face became almost tomato red and he quickly pulled the girl into the room they were next to, out of view. You chuckled quietly to yourself.

"Weren't those your friends?" You pointed. Rui, who had also seen them, nodded warmly.

"Yes. Though, I'd say they're a bit more than that."

That brought many questions into your head. Was he... was he saying he was dating them? Like... polyamory? Or maybe he was just one of those people that would say that sort of things about best friends, since they were technically a little different from just friends.

Or... maybe they were his group mates? That sounded better. Regardless, you didn't bother asking. You could always see later.

Soon, you got to your class. You entered and set your things at your desk, then played with your now empty hands.

"Um... do you just wanna walk around the school until we need to come back here?"

"Sure. Anywhere you have yet to see?"

You thought as the two of you began walking out and down the hall. You couldn't quite think of any place, but now seemed as good a time as any to prepare for the next semester, no matter how far away it still was.

"No, but do you think you could help me find my classes for next semester? I wanna at least have an idea for when that time comes."

"Sure, who will you have?"

You began listing what you could remember off the top of your head. Meanwhile Rui looked around at the room numbers to get an idea of where to go.

"And there's this one teacher whose name I can't quite pronounce..."

"Is it Bannevich?"

"Is that how you pronounce it?" He nodded.

"Her room's just at the end of the hall. I can show you it before we go downstairs."

"Okay. Oh, by the way... um..."


"Thank you, Rui."

He had a hunch you maybe meant a little more than 'thank you for showing me around', but he didn't ride on it.

"Of course. We are friends, aren't we? I don't mind doing a few favors."

You gave an appreciative smile and continued walking whilst Rui pointed out the classrooms.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now