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[Haha losers, me and my premium subscription know what happens in the next ten chapters 😎💯]

The next day or two passed by fairly ordinarily. Your mom came home, took you out that same night, even inviting Yuuki so you could see her again. All the while, something stuck in the back of your mind.

That thought was Wondershow, and how you didn't know what to do about somehow becoming one of them.

"Mm, this food is delicious!" Yuuki's voice bubbled, pulling your mind from the depths of these thoughts, where you'd been aimlessly poking your food. "How's yours, Y/n?"

"Ah, it's great."

"Dear, you've barely even eaten any," your mom spoke with concern, watching as you took another bite in disinterest.

"Well, you know how her appetite's always changing," your best friend laughed. Once your mom was focused back on her food, however, Yuuki's eyes landed on you, seeing right through you. You knew you'd be confronted once your mom was out of the picture.

And so, when supper was over, and Yuuki was brought to your house for the night, she was staring you down the moment your door was closed.

"So, what's up?" She asked, not nearly as lighthearted as it would've normally been.

You sighed, walking over and flopping down on your bed. Yuuki sat down next to you, running a warm hand down your back.

"C'mon, you know you can tell me anything. Just rant on to your heart's content."

"I... I met some new uh... acquaintances at my new school and..."


"They have a Sekai..."

"Ah, that's fun!"

"And they want me to perform with them."

"Well, I think you should." Her warm voice showed how much she truly meant it. It wasn't what you expected.

"You do?"

"Well, yeah! I mean, I've been featured with other Sekais' shows. It's not like I joined them or anything."

"Yeah. Right."

But the problem was, you basically had. By somehow becoming a part of the Sekai, preforming would pretty much make you one of them.

"Hey, have you been singing lately?"

"Not... not publicly, no. Why?"

Yuuki's face went sad, still smiling as if to reassure you. "Not since the group stopped?"


"That's... hm."

"That's what?" You sat up, looking at her as she played with her hands.

"I don't mean to be rude here, but it kinda seems... like a waste... y'know?"

"I mean, yeah, I get that."

"Um... I had an idea recently. I wanted to go over it with you."


"What if we started collabing? Like, as singers and friends, not group mates. Would you do that?"

"Yeah! Of course I would, Yuuki. I'd give everything to sing with you again!" It took a lot not to just tackle her in that moment, and with his she braced herself at your words, it was almost as if she expected it. You could see how she looked almost disappointed when it never came. You'd changed.

"So, do you have a song already that we can separate the parts of?"

"No. I wanted to start from scratch again. I've been meaning to write a new song but... I think I've already sang about everything I care to."

"Ah, I get it. But then... what are we gonna write about?"

"Well, that's where you come in, Y/n." She turned to you, looking into your eyes with warmth. "Surely you're feeling a lit of things I'm not. Aside from missing everything..."

"Because I've been through more?" You sighed. Yuuki nodded.

"We could always go for a song that lists things. I made one pretty recently. Like, we go back and forth just associating different feelings? Almost like a puzzle!"

"Yeah, I guess that'd be nice..." In truth, you were growing tired of the sad songs. The crying at the memories and inability to just simply look at the stars. You wanted to get over it, but it wasn't nearly that simple.

Feeling all this, you thought back to Wondershow. How colorful and fun the place was, it just warmed your heart in that aching spot. You hoped they never sang a sad song once there.

"Don't you like that idea?" Yuuki couldn't tell if it was that you didn't want to sing for more reasons than she thought, or if you genuinely liked it and were just reminiscing.

"I... it doesn't sound bad, I guess. I just..." you sighed, your brain not being able to put the words together correctly.

Yuuki tilted her head curiously, patiently waiting for you to get the words you needed.

"I just don't wanna sing another sad song. I've been listening to them so much lately, and feeling that way, and... I just wanna feel happy for a moment."

"Y/n, are you still letting your friends' Sekai stress you out?"

"I manifested into it, Yuuki." You had hoped you could avoid that fact. You hadn't want to admit it to yourself, but now that it had been said to your best friend, you couldn't help but feel it sink in, as well as Yuuki's expression. She looked like she was trying her hardest not to cry.

"Oh. I see." The breakage in her voice was apparent as she spoke, before she stood up (you swore you could see her trembling), and excused herself to the bathroom.

So then, it was just you, left sitting at the edge of your bed and feeling reality. It was suffocating. The mixed happiness of how much you enjoyed being at Wondershow, along with the guilt that you'd basically broken your promise to Yuuki, and now she was crying in your bathroom. You couldn't handle it.

You stood from your bed and made your way downstairs to the freezer, grabbing two spoons and a tub of ice cream.

"Hey, honey. You and Yuuki alright?" Your mom asked from the couch as you were about to go back upstairs.

"Yep, all good. Love you, goodnight."

You didn't bother waiting for her reply, going back upstairs and into your room, closing the door behind you. By now, Yuuki was back, showing barely any signs of having cried. She was so good at hiding it. Hina was just about the only one to rival her on that.

"You brought ice cream?"

"Distraction brain freeze. Please."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now