Cuddly Cozy

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"...and the king hates the dragon because they killed the queen so now he's sending the knight after them."

"But the king doesn't know the knight's in love with the dragon?"

"No, no one does."

"I see... but why would the knight become a knight if they love the dragon?"

"That's kinda where we're stuck at. Got any ideas?"

The room went silent of all conversation as Rui thought, filled by the clicking of your controllers and the sounds of monsters coming from your TV. Rui hummed quietly, so quiet in fact that you almost mistook it for a sound from the game.

"What if the knight knew they'd be tasked with slaying the dragon, so they used it as a chance to talk to them?"

"Oooh, that's good, that's good! I'll text it to Tsukasa when we finish this level."

So the gaming continued, and you eventually won, though Rui's character was half-dead. You frowned.

"Hey, if you needed heals, you could've come told me."

"I didn't need them. I could've survived a few hits."

"Mm, fine, fine." You tossed your controller off to your side and leaned back into your pillows. You'd been playing the same game for 2 hours now. "Anything else you wanna play?"

"What, are you getting all scared out?"

"I guess," you sighed, running a hand over your eyes. They'd adjusted so much to the screen that everything else was out of focus.  You sat up and stretched. "I'm hungry. You hungr-? -Y!!"

A heavy weight on your chest shoved you back into the comfort of your bed. Rui nuzzled into you and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. A contented sigh left his nose as he deflated, getting comfy on top of you. You huffed.

"Ruiiii, c'mon I said I'm hungry."

"Just 5 minutes."

"Fine," you sighed. You spent those 5 minutes with your hand rested on his head, playing with his hair and scratching at his scalp. He hummed blissfully, almost reminding you of a cat. Speaking of which...

"Holy shit, where's Lucky?"

Rui's head popped up quickly, his hair a mess and his cheeks dusted pink. He looked around, then smiled.

"I ate her."

"Wha... Rui, I'm serious."

A meow sounded at your door. It sounded familiar... had she been meowing this whole time? You shoved Rui off of you and ran to your door. Sure enough, behind it was your cat. As soon as she was in, she had jumped up onto your dresser, then crawled into your arms so you could hold her. Her head bumped harshly against your neck, and you were met with that same blunt pain you always got there.

"Hey, hey, you stop that," you winced, shoving her head away and petting it. She slipped out from under your hand and dove back into your neck, now sniffing at the bruises. You flinched, nearly dropping her, when you felt her start licking them.

"Hey, woah, you cut that out you brat!" You pulled her off your shoulder and held her out in front of you, where she looked at you and simply meowed, body stretched out and dangling in your grasp. You sighed and brought her over to the bed, dropping her on top of Rui. "Here, this is yours."

Rui laughed and ran his hands down Lucky as she butted against his face. She soon layed down on top of him, nuzzling against his chin.

"Anyway, now that you're effectively pinned, I'm gonna go get some food. You want anything?"

"Nope, go right on ahead."

"Alright, I'll be back soon. Don't eat my cat."

"No promises."

You left the room, walking down to your kitchen to look for sustenance. A bag of goldfish stared back at you when you opened one of your cabinets, and it was like salivation at first sight. You snatched it and scurried back upstairs to your den.

"Luckyyyy, guess what I brought!" You shook the bag, seeing Lucky's head perk up. She climbed off Rui and came to sit at the edge of the bed, paws gently kneading your sheets. You opened the bag and fed her one of the orange crackers.

"Darn, I'm no longer 'effectively pinned'" Rui sighed in fake disappointment. You reached into the goldfish bag and grabbed a handful for yourself, stuffing your face. You then grabbed one of the fish and held it over Rui's face.

"Rui want a fishy?"

He hummed, nodding and opening his mouth. You lowered the snack down to his mouth, only for his head to lean up and bite down, nipping your finger as he took the cracker. You flinched with a laugh.

"Hey, c'mon, you bit my finger!"

"Hm, so it's a problem when it's your finger, but not when it's your neck?" He asked teasingly. Your face heated quickly.

"Rui!" You gasped, looking at him angrily.

"My apologies. Still a sore topic, is it?"

You took a mental note to make him pay for that shit-eating grin later.

"Ok, ok, all serious now," he spoke as he sat up, "can I look at them?"


"I just want to see how well they're healing. Also, you're still sure I didn't hurt you too bad?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, really. They're still sore, yeah, but nothing deadly," you explained as you sat down at the edge of the bed. You fed Lucky more crackers as Rui sat up and moved closer to you. He brushed your hair off your shoulder and gently tilted your head so he could see the marks. You could feel butterflies start to awaken in your stomach as he pulled at your collar, exposing more of the bruises.

After a moment of him looking, he let go of your collar and placed a quick kiss to your cheek, then sliding his arms under you and picking you up. He span around to the open side of the bed and dropped you before ragdolling on top of you. His arms wrapped tightly around you and deflated into your warmth.

"Ready for bed, are you?" You asked, running your fingers through his hair once more.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now