A Song

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"Emu! Emu, you gotta help me!"

"Y/n?! What's wrong?!"

"I...!" You rose your hand to one of your roasting cheeks. "I think I like Rui!"

As Emu was about to speak, you heard a distant, familiar voice scoff. "Gimme that. You think you like Rui?" Nene growled over the phone.

"I think I... I love him."

"I hate to break it too you, but you're a little too late. I suggest you do what Rui's been trying to do this whole time and forget about it."

At that, the phone hung up, and you were still frantic. "What?! No, Nene!" You called Emu's phone again, but it went to voicemail.

Great, now you had only yourself to ask what to do.

Or... did you?

"Miku!" You perked up. You quickly went to your music app and soon found yourself back at your favorite amusement park. As you dashed to the WonderStage, your legs slowed to a stop halfway. Why would Miku be at the stage? Then again, how would you find her at all? Deciding the stage wouldn't be a bad place to start, if you were going to scour the whole park, you continued on your path. In your rush there, however, you failed to notice the sound of violin coming from the stage. By the time you did recognize the melody, it had stopped.

"Ah, Y/n? What has you in such a rush?"

"R-Rui!" You froze, face growing warm.

He sat his violin down and came off the stage, walking over to you. You wanted to run, but your legs wouldn't move. You just had to hope you weren't too obvious.

"Are you feeling alright? Your face looks a little red. But that could be from running. Speaking of which, is something wrong?"

"I was just... uh..." your voice shook in a terrible way. You wanted to curl in on yourself. "I-is Miku here?"

"No, I haven't seen her. Is that why you're here?"

"Y-yeah. Anyway, I should go back to looking for her! By-!"

"Want me to tag along?"

"Ha... aha, n-no no, all the running would... tire you out too fast! Ahaha!"

"Hm, and here I thought you knew me better than that. If anyone would get tired out, it's you!"

Your face grew hotter, and you struggled to suppress it. "N-no, really, it's fine! I-I should get going now!"

"Ah, if you insist. But I'll only let you go if you answer a question, deal?"

"Uh, s-sure?"

"Why do you need Miku so bad?"

"Ah, well..."

You didn't have an excuse. What could you even say? What excuse could possibly work for this?

"I... I just need to talk to her!"

"Such a dry answer. Fine, if you'd rather I not know, you can go. Hehe, for now."

"Okay, byee!" You dashed away from the stage at top speed, only relaxing when you were sure he could no longer see you. You sighed, leaning on the nearest wall as you caught your breath.

"Y/n?" Ah, that was convenient.

"Miku? Oh, hah, thank goodness I found you!"

"What's got you all worked up?" She asked in concern, coming to you. You motioned for another moment for you to catch your breath, then sighed.

"Miku, I..." you glanced around quickly to make sure he wasn't sneakily stalking you in some way. You wouldn't put it past him. "I think I love Rui."

"Ah, really?! My, I must be the person to come to for this stuff. Rui himself came to me about two months ago saying the same thing about you!"

"Yeah, but... I screwed everything up between us. I dunno if he even likes me anymore after that."

"What do you mean?"

"He confessed to me not too long ago. I kind of... rejected him."

"Oh dear, I can see what you mean. But why did you reject him?"

"I felt like I was just using him for attention. And, well, I didn't know about how I felt."

"I can understand that. But, Y/n, I think if Rui ever really loved you, it's not too late to go back for him."

"I dunno... it feels too casual just to call him up and tell him I love him or hand him a bouquet of flowers. It just doesn't seem like a good enough apology for hurting him. Plus... I doubt I'd have the courage."

"Hm, in that sense, what were you thinking of doing? Some sort of confession, right?"

"Hm," you nodded. Miku thought to herself, then frowned.

"I'm not sure I can think of anything you could do. Nothing that isn't along the lines of the calling or flowers ideas, that is."

"Hah, darn," you sighed. "I should probably ask around. Thanks, Miku." You stood and left your seat, Miku waving happily. You went to go look for Rin and Len, or maybe Kaito. But after the search had yielded no help, you returned home. You called Emu one last time, and it rang until you almost hung up. Then, it clicked.


"No. It's Nene."

"Oh, Nene. Hey."

"What do you need?"

"Well... for starters... I'm sorry."

"I forgive you. Next?"

"Can you help me make everything up to Rui?"

She was quiet, then she sighed. "Sure."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, yeah, get on with it, whaddya need?"

"I... I dunno how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to confess to him. Wholeheartedly, and not just apologize, but fix what I did."

"Sounds like you're serious. So you need help with a confession?"


"Hm, well, I'll admit that you brought a side of Rui out that I've never seen before. I never took him for the lovey-dovey type." You could hear her cringing. "So... I don't really know what would pin a stake in his heart. If anyone would, it'd be you."

"That's about the best help I've gotten so far, and it still gets me nowhere."

"Calm down, we'll figure it out. I think if you got him some nice-smelling flowers and wrote him a love note or something gross like that, he'd probably enjoy it."

"That's so underwhelming, though!"

"Well, what else are you expecting? Build him a drone, why doncha?"

"Fine, fine, I get it. I'll think of a few things I know he likes and you tell me if you think I'm onto anything with them. Sound good?"


You started listing off things you knew used to make him seemingly love you more. You replayed every time he gave you that gentle smile in your head, and let it fall from your lips.

"...Oh, and he really likes my piano playing.and my choice in music."

"There you go, then."


"A song."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now