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You sat Rui's plate in front of him, then grabbed yours and sat next to him. You'd made eggs, since they were easy and enough to hold you both over until morning. Rui seemed to like them, if how fast he was eating them was anything to go by.

He still looked dreadful. His hair was a mess, his eyes tired, his overall posture slumped... it was hard to look at, nearly heart-wrenching. Did you do something wrong to cause all this?

You found yourself reaching for his forehead, slipping your head under his bangs to feel his skin. Still fairly warm, but a definite improvement.

"Feel any better? You seem to be cooling down."

He nodded quietly, giving you a small smile and continuing to eat. Just about the least convincing nod you'd ever gotten from him. You leaned over a little, getting a better view of his face.


He paused, looking at you in confusion. "For what?"

"Making you pass out. Guess it was a little much, hm?" You took another bite of your eggs, looking at them with guilt.

"Don't give yourself so much credit. I was really worked up. And the room was warm."

You sighed, and you continued eating for a moment, until Rui slid his chair out and got up. You watched curiously, until he came to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you. You exhaled into his shoulder relaxing into him. He shifted behind you, arms still wrapped around you and head leaned against yours.

"Finish your food, then we can go to bed."

A small smile formed onto your face, and you ate your last few bites. Rui let go of you as you grabbed his and your plates and took them to the sink. You came back to him, standing at the bottom of the stairs. He slid his hand into yours and walked up the stairs with you.

Lucky wasn't there when you opened the door. So late, she was usually asleep on one of the corners of your bed. That's where you found her now. Specifically, a foot away from the overturned goldfish bag you forgot to put away. You groaned at the pile of crackers and crumbs littering the edge of your bed. The culprit herself was clearly awake, but hoping you wouldn't know.

"Hey, little bitch," you spoke as you slid your hand under Lucky's chin, lifting it off her paws. Her eyes were wide. You pointed to the mess she'd made, tilting her head towards it. "What's that?"

When you released her, she looked away shamefully. At least she knew she did something wrong. You didn't have to be mad at her anymore. You gave her a few pets, mumbling how it's alright and not to do it again. When you turned back to the mess, however, it was already half gone, and Rui continued scooping handfuls back into the bag.


He looked confused, stopping his cleaning, and you scooted closer to take the goldfish from his hands.

You tiredly cleaned the rest of the mess together in silence. Once you were down to the crumbs and salt and brushed them onto your floor, you felt Rui's arms around you again. They wrapped around your waist, holding you so gently it was barely a hold at all. He leaned on you, already half asleep, and you gave an adoring chuckle.

"C'mon, lay down sleepyhead."

He smiled, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck for a moment, then obliging your request and laying down. He held his arms open for you, and you crawled into his warmth and curled up with him.

Within moments, both of you were sound asleep and happy as can be.


As he found happened quite often, Rui woke up alone that next morning. Well, aside from Lucky, but he was more focused on your house's other current resident. Your cat, who was half laying on his shoulder, stared at the door, waiting for you to come back.

Rui felt rested. Well-rested. That was an odd occurence. Nonetheless, he threw a smile on his face and got up, giving Lucky some attention before he made his way to the door. As soon as he got up, however, the door opened. In you walked with a tray of steaming bacon and pancakes, mumbling to yourself to be careful. You watched the tray carefully, making sure nothing would slide off. You looked up from it once you'd closed the door behind you.

"Well, at least I finished before you could come downstairs," you laughed. You brought the tray over to him, presenting it with a smile.

"Ah, I don't usually eat so much for breakfast..."

"Well, wake your appetite up!" You poked his cheek after handing him his food. You then made for the door, and Rui tilted his head in disappointment.

"Where are you going?"

"I left my food downstairs. I was gonna eat down there."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" He cut a piece of one of his pancakes and picked it up with his fork. As you tried to ask what he meant, he shoved the fork into your mouth. At least it was delicious, but that wasn't important now.

After chewing it for a bit, you crossed your arms. "I'm not eating your breakfast for you, Rui."

"Then at least share it with me."

"And what I left downstairs?"

"Leftovers! You can eat them for supper tonight, or breakfast tomorrow. So you don't have to cook!"

You sighed, but took the tray of food from his hands and sat with it on your bed. He followed, then grabbed the fork from the pancakes and cut off another bite. He held it up to you again.

"I can feed myself, y'know." You reached up to grab the fork, but Rui stopped you, shaking his head. With a sigh, you took the bite off the fork and looked away bashfully. "Stop it, it's embarrassing..."

Rui chuckled. "But you're adorable!"

With a strained expression, you got up and walked to the door. Rui jumped up quickly. "No, wait, I'm sorry! No more teasing!" He laughed, grabbing your hand gently. You turned back to him and hesitantly walked back to your seat. He finally took a bite of his own before cutting another one and handing you the fork.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now