The Truth Revealed

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Rui fic writing speedrun neoooooow


"I wish we had the time to fully record the music for this," you sighed, looking over the printed out sheet music. "But, it looks like just piano will have to do."

"What do you mean, Y/n? We have all the time in the world!" Emu consoled you, but you shook your head.

"No, we don't. That could risk him getting over me, if he hasn't already. Or finding someone better, or..." That thought made you pause. Finding someone better. Shit. If you were to start dating, that would be all but inevitable.

"Maybe... maybe this isn't a good idea..."

"What?! How could you say that, Y/n?!"

"Yeah, why back out all of a sudden?" Nene frowned.

"Well, he could easily find better. I don't deserve him. And I'd rather have him be happy than trap him because I'm selfish." You exhaled in disappointment and flopped down on the piano chair, tossing the sheet music onto it without a care.

"Y/n, listen to me." Nene grabbed you by the shoulders, and the look on her face was near deranged, the most fearsome you've ever seen her.

"Emu, cover your ears." Emu frowned, but did as she asked and turned away. "I can promise you Rui is out there, broken as shit right now because he thought you were his goddamn soulmate, and if you think for even a second that he could love anyone as much as he loved you, think again, dammit!"

Your eyes widened in shock, just trying to register how Nene was acting, let alone what she was saying.

"I'll tell you right now, if you don't tell him how you feel, I'll do it for you. I don't care if it embarrasses the shit out of you, because at least the person that you think you love right now will actually be happy again."

It took a moment of you staring at Nene before you actually comprehended her words.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this light heartedly, but are you stupid? Did you think his smiles were genuine? Did you think he was finally over it? Did you think maybe he was finally able to sleep soundly again? Y/n, listen, he messed up his sleep schedule again because going to bed at a decent time reminds him of you. Can you honestly tell me he'd do that for anyone else?"


"Do you think it would've taken this long to recover from having you reject him if you were anyone else?"

"... no, I don't."

"And you wanna know why he still loves you, like he said at the party?"


"Because he loved you more than anything he's ever known! He loved you so much he didn't know what to do with himself! He still wouldn't be over you if he loved you half as much, because his heart is so full of you he'd have to rip it out."

You sat there, rethinking everything as your face grew red.

"I can guarantee you, he's nowhere near over you. And if you don't want him to do something terrible because he think's it'll fix him, you need to be on this stage and singing to him before he loses his damn mind! Got it?"

"Got it..."

"Good." Nene sighed, softening back into her normal self. "I'm sorry about my outburst, but these things needed to be said. I don't mean any harm, y'know."

"Yeah. Just one question."


"How did you know all that?"

"All what? How he's feeling? Oh- you mean when he said he still loved you?"

"Mhm," you nodded.

"He tells me everything, y'know. I'm his personal therapist. I swear, if you scroll through our chat history, you'll know the exact date and time of everytime he's had a breakdown for the past... I dunno... 2 years?"

"Oh, wow... W-wait, did he tell you about everything him and I did?!"

"Well, it didn't sound too terrible. That dream you had that one time was pretty weird, though."

You whined and hid your face in your hands as Nene chuckled and tapped Emu on the shoulder. The pink-haired girl then turned to you.

"Did Nene yell at you?!"

"N-no, she just swore a bit."

"How much?" Emu turned to Nene with a stern face.

"You didn't hear any of it, so it doesn't count."

Emu huffed and turned away. "Fine. Just as long as it's out of your system! There's gonna be kids at the show tomorrow!"

"Yes, and speaking of shows," Nene turned to you. "It's time to get this one on the road. Let's get to work."

Emu immediately perked up. "Yay, another song with Y/n-san! C'mon, let's get started already!"



"Yeah, big bro?" Saki run the top of the stairs, swinging around to see her brother.

"Y/n-san's coming over again tonight. What should I do with her?"

"You mean what should we do," Saki smiled smugly, but her brother shook his head.

"No, as your big brother, I demand you go to bed early tonight!"

"Whaaat? You can't do that!"

"I just did. Now, help me find something to do with her."

"Well, what fun is she gonna have with just you?" Saki crossed her arms. Then, she realized something. "Ah, 'Kasa were you thinking of-?!"

"W-what? No!!" Tsukasa's face broke out in a bright red at just the idea. "Where'd you get that idea from?!"

"Well, it would certainly soothe your nerves about tomorrow and help you sleep well," she huffed. "And that poses a need to get your sister out of the picture, too."

"F-fine, you can stay up with us..."

"Yay! I'll be sure she has fun, then!"

"But just so she doesn't get the same idea you did! My younger sister shouldn't be thinking like that in the first place."

Saki condescendingly winked at her brother and whispered, "You're not my dad~" before she ran off to her room. That left Tsukasa at the bottom of the stairs, rethinking life.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now