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Your question was answered when he shifted up and shoved his head into your neck, placing gentle kisses on each of your hickies and sending dull pain under your skin. It sent a shudder through you and your face heated to the temperature of the sun.

"Ngh, Rui-! Rui, stoppit!" You gasped, pushing at his shoulder in a panic. You could barely put any pressure into your hand, however, as the top half of his body shot up. His hands cupped your cheeks as he looked at you with the most concern you'd ever seen on his face.

"Are you alright? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry," he spoke quickly, not letting you get an answer in. He shoved his face into your chest and held you tightly in regret.

"It's... it's okay, just scared me," you sighed, running your hand down his back reassuringly.

"'M sorry," he said again, hold just barely tightening. His head lifted up, looking at you sadly. You gave him a smile, but it didn't seem to do much. He stuffed his face back down into you with a huff of shame.

You raised your hand up from his back to play with his hair, but stopped when you saw how it shook. You could feel that warm feeling in your stomach, the same as the morning when Rui had made the marks. The marks themselves tingled with warmth, and a part of you longed to relive that moment.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, lifting his head back up. You huffed. Now was a better chance than ever.

"No," you spoke, pulling his head up to the unharmed side of your neck, "not until you finish what you've started."

He leaned up and looked at you with wide eyes, searching your expression. You avoided his eyes, turning away, but a jittering hand on your chin turned you back.

"Y/n, are you serious?" You could hear the slightest shake in his voice, and his breathing was now deeper, slower. It made the warmth in your stomach increase to see him so worked up, and you pulled away from his hand and shoved his head back down into your shoulder.

"Yeah, now hurry up before I change my mind."

You could feel him smile against your neck, then start kissing gently. It made you shudder the same way as a few moments ago, a quiet hum emitting from your throat.

You tensed when you felt his mouth open, his hot breath ghosting over your skin. But he hesitated, and soon brought his head back up with a troubled look.

"What's wrong?"

"I just... don't think it's a good idea to do this when the other side of your neck is still healing. Plus, Nene would probably freak out," he chuckled, giving your neck a thoughtful look.

"She'd... Why?" Your eyes widened. Rui shook his head, seeing your fearful expression.

"Ah, not because her and I have anything. She's just not as oblivious as Tsukasa, and I may have admitted the marks were me."

"Oh... aha..." you chuckled.

"So, um... sorry to disappoint," Rui smiled bashfully. You told him it was fine, looking over the pink dusting on his cheeks. You then felt your eyes drift down his neck. His perfectly unharmed neck...

With a quick glance up at his eyes, you leaned into him, placing slow kisses down his neck. You could hear the surprised sound of his breath hitching, then a few happy hums and chuckles.

"Haha... Y/n, that kinda tickles...!"

You continued, loosening his tie and slipping your hand into his collar to follow the skin of his shoulder. Meanwhile, you licked a small strip up to his ear. You looked at it in consideration for a second before you started nibbling at the top. His chuckles faded into more hums, growing shakier by the second.

Once you'd felt his ear had had enough attention, you returned down to his neck, more of which had been exposed by your hand. Recalling how he'd gone about all this, you kissed gently up and down the expanse of his skin, listening to where his hums grew louder and shakier. Once you were sure you'd found the spot, you parted your lips, before you were stopped.

"Y/n-! Y/n, wait," he forced out, making you pull away and look at him. His eyes were wide and sparkling, his cheeks a bright red and his mouth shaped into a smile so big you were sure it couldn't be fought. That smile only grew in embarrassment as he turned away from you. "I just need to lay down. My arms feel like they're gonna give out," he chuckled bashfully, making you giggle. You looked at where his arms held him up, seeing how they quivered at such a task. You realized he hadn't been far from planking this whole time. Must've been a workout.

"Oh, sorry, sorry!" You laughed, helping him off of you. He flopped over onto his back with a long exhale. As he relaxed (or tried to), you climbed on top of him, watching his face turn to one of surprise. You gave him a quick smile and peck on the cheek and shoved your face back into his neck, picking up where you left off.

His shaky arms wrapped around you, feeling your warm breath and lips against his skin. The skin there started to burn the way it usually did when you touched him, the same way his face did. He couldn't help the blissful hums that left his throat.

When he felt you start nibbling at his skin, it really started to take an effect on him. He winced, voice shaking and not getting any more stable with how hard he tried to suppress his sounds. The warmth of you on top of him, the feeling of your lips on his shoulder, the heat filling his body, everything was making him dizzy.

A particularly hard bite to his shoulder made him claw at your back. He could hear his own heartbeat loud and fast in his ears. His eyelids were growing heavy over his blissfully blurry eyes.

The room kept spinning around him, until it disappeared to black.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now