Missed You

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You and the yippee man get reunited :D

Requested by IAmWeeb10


"Oh, Y/n, there's this cool Sekai I wanted you to see!" Kazuni enthused through the speaker of your phone. "I took my pal Misaki to see them last year. They've got some cute songs, and they must be pretty young. Only half the seats were full."

"Those Wonderlands x Showtime guys, you mean?" Hina chimed in. Kazuni hummed in response.

"Wonderlands x Showtime?"

"Yeah! I think you'd love them. They got all these bright colors and plushies everywhere..."

"Wouldn't that be more Yuuki's thing?"

"Nah, she acts all cutesy, but she's totally into emo shit."

You sighed in frustration, seeing as Yuuki at least had the decency to see you in person anymore. For some reason, it always annoyed you when Kazuni talked down about her.

"Anyway, tickets are selling now. I can buy you one to come with us."

"Don't you dare spend your money on me."

"Fine, fine, then shall I text you the link, your highness?"

"I don't know if I'll go."

"Oop, too late, already hit send."

Sure enough, your phone buzzed. "I'll take a look."

"Good. And in case you're wondering, I'm not bringing any of our Sekai. Just Hina."

"Yeah. I'll think about it..."

"Okay, well, in that case, we should get some sleep, Hina."

You heard the faint sound of a yawn, then Hina's voice agreeing.

"We'll talk to you later, Y/n!"

"Yeah. See you."

You felt ashamed at how relieved you were to be done talking to them now, but it couldn't be helped. There was a reason things didn't work out between you and your old friends. This was another reminder.

"Hey, Kaz, you almost done with the choreo for the new song?"

Kazuni looked up from her phone, where she sat on one of the couches backstage. She waved you off in disinterest.

"Yeah, just grabbing some inspo."

"Hey!" Yuuki's voice called as she entered the room. "What's with me getting three lines in the new song?!"

"Some of the fans don't like your voice."

"I haven't heard anything like that."

"Good. I doubt you could handle it anyway."

Yuuki huffed in offense, staring at Kazuni who didn't even return her gaze, then stormed back out to the stage.

"Wasn't that a bit harsh?"

"Exactly my point. If she can't handle me, how's she supposed to handle them?"

You sighed, finding you didn't want the conversation to continue. "Just... try to have the rest of the choreo done for next practice, please?"

"I'll do that."

You suddenly found yourself waking up, room dark, phone nearly dead next to you, and still in your school clothes. What a dream. What a memory.

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