Could You Call it Progress?

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"What do you think you're doing?" Rui asked, looking down at you. You smiled as you rolled out your sleeping bag on the floor.

"Getting my bed ready. Why?"

"Nuh-uh, you sleep up there," Rui shook his head, pointing at the couch. You too shook your head.

"Nope. That's your bed."

"And what of giving the comfiest spot to the guest?"

"I'd say this rivals a couch. At least it's better than your desk."

You heard Rui huff, before you felt two hands on your waist, hoisting you up onto the couch. You sat there, surprised, as Rui smiled.

"You sleep there."

You pouted. "Fine. I'll sleep here. Then you use my sleeping bag and sleep on the floor."

Rui shook his head. "Mm-mm. Desk."



"No. No desk." You got up off the couch and walked over to his desk, grabbing his chair and dragging it across the room.

"Y/n, what are you doing?"

He watched as you opened the garage door and sat the chair outside, closing it behind you.

"Ah," he gave a concerned look. "What if it rains?"

You sighed, opening the door and pulling the chair back inside. You then pulled it over the the couch, carefully lifting it up, tilting it, and laying it down. You crawled into the small space next to it, wrapping your arms around the chair and basically cuddling it.


"Y/n, if I sleep on the floor anywhere near that, you'll drop it on me."

With one last, exasperated sigh, you got up, leaving the chair behind, and put your hands on your hips. "Then we both sleep on the floor."

"You're giving up the couch to my desk chair?"

You nodded. Rui tilted his head uneasily, before he smiled.

"Then you get the sleeping bag."

You deflated at that, still being given the comfier spot. "Fine. I'll sleep in the sleeping bag, and you have the couch."

Rui looked just as exasperated as you did at that. "Y/n, we've just gone back to where we started."

"It's the best idea. As long as you sleep anywhere but at your desk." You crossed your arms. Rui gave his room a thoughtful look.

"Hm, tell you what, I think we have an air mattress. I could set that up."

"Ok, then you sleep on that and I sleep on the couch." You laughed at the expression on Rui's face after you said that, before shaking your head. "Ok, ok, I'll sleep on the air mattress. But you are legally required to sleep on the couch, then."

"Fine, fine. If I must."

Since the sleeping arrangements were finally sorted out, Rui left to go get the air mattress while you snuck a few more cashews out of Tsukasa's nut jar. When he returned, he sat the mattress on the floor and gave it a thoughtful look.

"I found the mattress itself, but I couldn't find the pump for it," he stated, explaining the conundrum. You shrugged and got up, helping him unfold the deflated mattress.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. We're singers, after all. We can probably just blow it up ourselves." You found the opening in one of the corners and blew into it a little.

"That's gonna take a lot. At least it's a twin and not a queen."

"Well c'mon and help me," you chirped, before giving the mattress a few more blows.

"Help you?" Rui asked as he crouched at your side. You let off the opening and held it closed with your thumb.

"We just take turns. Like once I'm out of breath, you blow."

"Hm, alright. Are you sure you want to start?"

"I might as well. It's my bed for the night, after all."

You gave the mattress a few strong puffs, making something of a dent in its emptiness. Once you started to feel the start of light headedness, you covered the opening and pushed towards Rui. He took it, replacing your thumb with his.

It felt wrong to think of things the way he was, but the thought still seeped in. The feeling that this was similar to some cheesey anime trope. This was what they called an 'indirect kiss,' wasn't it? The thought of it being a direct one was enough alone to make  him dizzy, but he purged those things from his mind and took his turn filling the mattress.

You went back and forth for a while, occasional joking in between losing and gaining breath and pumping up your bed to a point where you could actually sleep on it. Once that was done, Rui sighed from all the lung work and got up, excusing himself before he left the room. You took those few moments to lay on the mattress. It was comfortable enough, you found.

Rui soon came back, a smile on his face and pillows and blankets in his arms. Enough, in fact, that you were surprised he could make it through the doorway. You sat up, curiously watching him bring the load over, until your eyes widened and a half of a protest left you as he dropped everything on top of you. You struggled to find a way out, hearing Rui's quiet chuckles come from somewhere through the layers of fabric.

You eventually found your way out, hair a mess with static and neatly folded blankets now strewn across the mattress and surrounding floor.

"My, Y/n, you're just the cutest, aren't you?"

There was an almost painfully strong fluttering in your chest at that. Your mind raced and you struggled to think of how to react.


"Mm, I'm just saying, I find your reactions rather cute. And your demeanor. And obliviousness, and... ah, I'm rambling."

With how casual he was saying these things, you wondered if you were really the oblivious one. Nonetheless, you forced yourself to ignore the way it made you feel.

"You know you already have my favor, Rui. No need to keep flattering me."

"Then I'll be buried in your pyramid when you die?" He tilted his head, playfully referencing history. You let out a soft giggle.

"Yes, I suppose."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now