The Plan

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Silly little me writing 10 chapters of my silly little sequel knowing if I dont write on this silly little story within the next week silly little yall will have to starve 😋


You grabbed one of the many snacks you had in your kitchen cabinets and took it to the couch, walking past Rui on your way.



"Come baaaack."



He stood slumped over and sulking in the middle of the kitchen, behind where you now sat on the couch. He sighed despairingly, then did again louder when you showed no reaction.


"Okay!" He ran over, smiling giddily and jumping into your lap. With how much bigger he was than you, he hardly fit, but he seemed to be comfy.

"How is me saying your name an invitation?"

"It wasn't?"


"Oh." He hesitantly climbed off and sat at the other end of the couch. He flopped back into the cushions, sighing once more.

"Well if you're gonna whine about it, just get over here!" You snapped. He giggled, crawling across the couch and snuggling into you. "You're awful."

"I have you wrapped around my finger, Y/n," he cooed. You tugged at his hair, shutting him up the way you always did. He giggled some more against your chest, squeezing your sides.

"Yeah," your hand found its way to his neck, running a finger down his blueing bruises. "Sure you do."

You could feel him exhale shakily into your shirt. You smiled at your victory, continuing to press gently into his neck. He slowly started to turn his head so you could no longer reach the bruises.



"You're adorable."

He froze. You could feel his muscles just barely tense, and his breath hitched softly. You played with his hair, revelling in his silence.


"Mhm. And pretty. The prettiest."


"Yes you are. Gorgeous. And your voice is so-"

In the blink of an eye, he was kissing you. It felt like the millionth time, with how often you kissed each other now. He kissed you desperately, as if he'd die if he didn't. He seemed to realize how rough he was being and pulled away. He took a quick breath, then returned to kissing you, noticeably gentler.


"Stop it." He rested his forehead on yours with a huff, eyes closed almost painfully. "No more."

"No more what?" You teased.

"Saying my name like... that. And talking about me like I'm perfect."

"But you are, Rui."

Another huff, much shakier. If that's true, then why is this just us 'fooling around'?

"I mean it, y'know. I've never gotten along so well with anyone before. Not Yuuki, Kazuni... even Gumi. And especially not Isago..."

That was his first time hearing that name. He deduced he'd probably get some background later. His mind was too preoccupied in the moment with your words.

"Y/n... are you free tomorrow? I'm sure I know the answer already, but..."

You were about to say yes, but remembered. Ah, Tsukasa. You had yet to tell him about that.

You sighed. "No. Tsukasa wanted me to-"

"Screw Tsukasa," he spoke darkly, nearly a growl. "Please? There's somewhere I really want to take you."

You bit your lip. Yes, it sounded important, almost like a one-time choice in some game. But you could imagine how Tsukasa would feel, thinking he did something wrong, or that you disliked him. That was the curse of an idol, you thought. Guilt and expectation.

"Rui, I-"

"I said stop saying it like that." It didn't sound like a demand. It was a plead.

"What should I call you, then? Kamishiro?"

Call me yours. Forever and always.

"Please, Y/n. There's..."

'there's something I want to tell you' would only make you anxious.

"...something I want you to see." He thought of the drones he had waiting in his dressing room, and the big banner he had wanted to hang on them. With all the tension now, and how his stomach was upset with excitement and melancholy all at once, he couldn't tell if they were a good idea anymore.

"It can't wait until Wednesday?" You whispered sheepishly. It was clear you wanted to say yes. Why was Tsukasa that important to you?

"It... can."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." His eyes opened to fully look into yours, giving you a soothing smile. "I don't mind."

"You don't mind me spending time with Tsukasa instead of you?"

He couldn't help but feel like you were trying to dig your own grave here, making him feel this way. Did you have any idea how much he didn't want you to? Phrasing it that way made him want it less. It made him want to lay on top of you and never get off, like a paperweight, to make sure Tsukasa couldn't see you. To steal you away, the way you somehow always let him, as if you were making yourself bait.

"You're not allowed to have fun while you're there, though."

"Fine, fine. I solemnly swear I won't enjoy my time with anyone other than you," you rolled your eyes. He couldn't help but laugh, pressing his face back down to your chest, soothing himself. Lord knew he needed it. All his pain melted away when your hand found his hair again, and he let himself relax until he fell softly asleep.

You were his Y/n now, in a blurry way. He'd make it crystal clear on Wednesday.



Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now