Bad Stuff ™

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There's underage stuff (drinking) in here that people Y/n and Rui's age are too young for. I'm not encouraging this behavior, or attempting to glorify it! This is simply something I had an idea for and wanted to write. Please, PLEASE do not do the things Y/n and Rui do in this if you are not of legal age!
(And no, it's not smut, but suggestive dialogue/actions in some parts)


"Hey, Ruru?"


"How do you feel about getting a little... adventurous?" You smiled at him. He paused, staring at you for a moment.

"How... how adventurous are we talking?"

"Well... I had a thought. Give me a minute." You got up from the couch and walked out to the kitchen. Rui watched from over the top of the couch as you disappeared behind the fridge. On the counter next to it was a mini fridge full of booze. You'd had a few sips before with your parents, supervised of course. But you were basically an adult, and you knew how to pace yourself. It wasn't like you were planning to get you and your boyfriend blackout drunk. just, maybe... tipsy...

You reached into the small cooler and looked through the bottles. Eventually, you found one you remember liking. It tasted like grape soda, and the alcohol content was rather low. it seemed perfect. Plus, your parents barely ever drank it, so they probably wouldn't recognize, or even care, if it miraculously disappeared.

You took the bottle and opened the cabinet with the wine glasses; the real ones, not the plastic. You brought two of those with you over to Rui, whose eyes widened excitedly when he saw you walk over.

"Oh, did New Years come early?" He grabbed one of the glasses, but paused when he felt the chill of glass against his fingers. "Oh, this one's real. I'll be careful."

"Well, um... Celebrating New Year's early isn't exactly adventurous..."

"Ah, is that why the cups are actual glass?"

You chuckled. "No, no. Rui, look." You handed him the bottle you'd taken from the wine cooler and pointed to the bottom, where the alcohol content was listed.

He read over it carefully, then his eyes widened. "Wait... you want to drink this?"

You nodded with a hum. "But, if you don't want to, I'm not forcing you to. I don't want to be a bad influence after all," you laughed.

"Won't your parents be upset?"

"They'll be alright. I just want to know if you are."

He stared at the bottle for a moment, reading over the labels. "...does it taste good?"

"Like grape soda. Just a little aftertaste."

He considered for another moment, then nodded. "And you're sure it'll be okay?"

"My parents probably won't mind if they find out. and if they do, I'll take the fall, and I'll say I drank all of it. And your mom probably won't find out as long as you sleep here. And if you have a hangover or something in the morning, I'll help you."

"Well... as wrong as this is... I do feel like being adventurous. Though, I'd only ever do something like this with you, Y/n."

You smiled and took the bottle from him, setting your glasses on the coffee table. "We aren't gonna drink too much, okay? We'll split the bottle and if you get sick, we'll stop, okay?"

"You don't have to worry so much. I don't know how well I can hold it, but I'm not going to throw up from the first sip."

"You're right. And you're absolutely sure?"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now