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"Hm, what all should I need?" You asked as you opened your bag.

"Let me see if I can remember what we usually bring..." He placed his hand on his chin and gave your floor a thoughtful stare. "Bathing suit and a towel, that's a given. Money for stands, a water bottle or two, some sunscreen, maybe some snacks..."

"You take all of that?"

"Ah, no, that's just what I think you should take. I only really take the first three."

You scrunched your nose at Rui playfully. It wasn't much time until he noticed Lucky sleeping on the pillow next to where he sat on your bed, and started petting her gently.

You grabbed the few things he had told you and shoved them into your bag. It was pretty much full by the time you'd finished. You zipped it up and threw it over your shoulders, then gave Rui a smile.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall," he purred, grabbing his own bag. You grabbed your phone and opened up your music app, flipping to one of the songs you had pinned to the top. Rui came to sit back where he had been, now next to you. You gave him a quick nod before playing the song.

In a short moment, your eyes were opened to the familiar bright lights and colorful scenery of your new friends' Sekai. Once again, you couldn't help but smile.

"Y/n! Rui! Over here!" You heard Emu's voice, and turned to see her and Nene standing across the entrance, Emu waving vigorously.

You ran over, giving Emu a quick hug and greeting Nene. Rui followed close behind. You took a quick look around, noticing that Tsukasa wasn't anywhere within eyesight.

"Is Tsukasa not here yet?"

"He's always late," Nene groaned. "Doesn't he realize he's taking time out of the fun?"

"5 minutes isn't too bad, Nene," Rui reassured his childhood friend. "He'll be here soon."

And that he was. As if on cue, Tsukasa showed up and joined the group, laughing boisterously.

"Hello my dearest troupe mates! Did you miss me?"

"Of course we did!"

"I might've," you spoke fondly. Honestly, he hadn't crossed your mind more than once or twice since you'd last saw him, but that didn't matter.

Tsukasa turned to you, and you swore a pink dusted his cheeks for a millisecond. "Ah, Y/n! I quite missed you myself!" His hand lifted up above you and patted your head.

"Well, I see no reason to keep delaying the fun. Let's go!"

Tsukasa led the way into the park, Nene mumbling about how he was one to talk about 'delaying the fun.' You watched as the group passed the familiar detour to the theater and entered the rest of the park. Huge rides towered over you, exciting you in this new part of the Sekai.

Rui watched you eye up one of the big roller coasters. "Say, why don't we go on that one first?"

While Nene shied away, the others agreed. Just as you were about to comfort Nene and offer to skip out with her, Emu walked over, radiating her usual warm demeanor. She offered to take Nene to another ride so she wouldn't be scared, to which Nene happy agreed. Thus, they said their goodbyes and left you between your new blonde and lilac-haired friends, joining the relatively short line to the ride.

"Y/n, you should sit with me!" Tsukasa insisted, though he mentally paused after the fact. Maybe Rui wouldn't take so kindly to him hogging you. However, this doubt melted away at his friend's smile and lack of any such outward jealousy.

"Oh, uh, sure!"

"I'll sit behind you two."

This something of a plan came into action just moments later, when you boarded the coaster, sitting next to Tsukasa. As you buckled your seatbelts, he began reassuring you that he was there for you if you scared, despite your sureness that you'd been fine. A few short minutes after, the cart started moving, and already Tsukasa looked like he was going to cry.

When the ride reached the very peak of the first and highest hill, you felt the start of butterflies waking up inside you. After just a second there, the cart zoomed down the hill, Tsukasa screaming all the way, and Rui's laugh somewhat audible behind you and your own happy squeals.

When the ride's many twists, turns, ups, and downs were over, your legs were weak getting off. Tsukasa looked like he was about to face plant as well as he stumbled over to the exit. Meanwhile, Rui gave you a hand getting out of your seat and steadying yourself.

"Can you walk alright?" He asked lightheartedly, helping you to the exit.

"Yeah, I think I'm alright now." You let go of his hand, checking that your balance was decent enough, and followed Tsukasa out. When you got back to where Nene and Emu had left, finding they were still gone, Tsukasa pulled out his phone.

"Ah, Emu and Nene are going to be a while. The ride they want to go on has a long line."

"Well, why don't we go on a few more rides?"

"Just what I was thinking." Rui agreed.

"Where next, Y/n-san?" Tsukasa asked dramatically. You uncertainly followed the road, looking around the unfamiliar area for another ride that looked enjoyable. You found another fun-looking ride with a short line and all but drug the other two along to ride it. Instead of another rollercoaster, this one was more of a spinning ride, and it lasted longer.

"Hm, this one's interesting," Rui commented upon seeing the ride in motion. You nodded, imagining what it's like from inside. Meanwhile, Tsukasa was trying his hardest, once again, not to show any fear.

When the ride boarded and you all buckled up into your seats again, Rui was the one reassuring Tsukasa this time. He looked even worse before this ride.

"Tsukasa, you look dreadful!"

"Haha, I'm fine, Rui, perfectly fine."

He, in fact, was not fine. That was evident by the screaming as soon as the ride whirred up.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now