It's Nothing Yet

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"Shotaimu ruura ruura ruura"

"Taiku yuu haiya haiya haiya"

"Yes, yes! Very good you all!" You cheered happily, watching their improved dancing. "Now, Rui, that new move you wanted to do for your part!"

You'd admit, you were a bit surprised when that new move ended up being a thrust, but much like his gloves, it was a design choice.

"Did that look right?" He asked bashfully, scratching his neck. You nodded with a small giggle.

"I think they'll love it."

"Y/n, Rui, do you think there's a way I can get around the stage a little more? It can get a little cramped in the back corner," Rin asked, pointing out her spot. You thought to yourself for a moment, until you felt Rui's expectant eyes on you.

"Uh, yeah! We could try reworking that part before the main chorus with the lineup. You could walk in front with Rui."

"That would be interesting," Rui commented. "But then what would we do about her part?"

"Hm, well, I'd have to see it to know what to do with it, but I'm sure there's a way we can get you all into the right place smoothly."

"I'm excited to see what that'll be!" Rin bounced in place happily.

"Then, what of the tripping? Do you think that's just because it's new, or is there a problem there?"

"Ah, that one will be a bit different to find out, haha," you laughed nervously.

"And just what do you mean by that?"

Meanwhile, over on the left side of the stage...

"This is so exciting!" Emu squealed, quietly enough that she couldn't interrupt whatever you, Rui and Rin were talking about. "We're getting advice from a past Sekai leader! Isn't that so cool!"

"Of course it's cool! This is my all-time favorite group we're talking about!" Tsukasa whisper shouted. He seemed about as bouncy as Emu, as if he could go frolicking down the isles of seating.

"That would explain why you passed out the other day," Emu chuckled.

"D-don't mention that! For all that it matters, it never happened!"

"What, are you scared I'm gonna tell Y/n about it?"

"Wha-? N-no! Of course not! You should know by now that nothing scares me!"

"Then I guess I can send you into that old maintenance room by the ferris wheel next time someone needs to get it running again. I'm sure there's some lovely spider friends to be made in the-!"

"Eeeeeheee~" he whined, cringing. Emu merely chuckled at his reaction.

"Just admit it Tsukasa! You're scared of what she'll think of you!"

"Okay, fine. But why wouldn't I be? This is my idol of 3 whole years we're talking about!" Tsukasa paused for a second. "Ah, finally someone who's knowledge of the group could actually rival mine!"

"What, are you gonna challenge her to trivia on her own Sekai?" Nene chimed in, overhearing the conversation.

"Ehe, no." Truth be told, he really did have something like that planned. Not only could he impress you with all the knowledge of your croup that he'd accumulated during his hyperfixation, but he could learn more from you yourself.

"So, do you have a crush on her or something?" Nene asked nonchalantly as she walked to the edge of the stage to grab her drink, grabbing Emu's and bringing it over as well.


"Well, do you?"

"Awe, you two would make the greatest couple! World's future star and world's past sta-!" Emu was quickly interrupted again by Tsukasa, who hastily tried to shut her up before anyone else heard.

"Why would you guys think that?!"

"Well, all this nervousness isn't just cause she's your idol. If that were the case, you would've gotten her autograph by now and calmed down a decent amount. So I'm pretty sure you like her too."

"Ooooh~!" Emu cooed, making Tsukasa's boiling face even redder.

"N-no, no! I-it's not like that! I don't even know why I'd like her!"

"Cause she's pretty?"

"Mhm, she really is!" Emu agreed. "C'mon Tsuakasa! I know you're not gonna stand there and tell me she isn't pretty!"

"N-no, she is..."

"So that's why you like her. She's your idol, and she's pretty."

"No! That's still not...! I don't feel that way about her!"

"Then is there another reason you like her? The more you deny it, the more it's obvious, y'know."

"Maybe cause she's good at singing?"

"Rui did mention to me about how pretty her voice is. She sang to him at the park a week or two ago."


Tsukasa immediately regretted his volume when he noticed he had interrupted you and Rui's planning. You stood staring at him in concern, which only made his finally dimming face redder. In a sudden realization, he excused himself to the bathroom and left in a hurry, meanwhile, you chuckled at him.

"Does he usually do that?"

"Scream? Yes. Specifically the word 'what'? Also yes, oddly enough."

You and Rui shared a quick laugh, and you gave the girls he had been talking with a quick glance, seeing them smiling and waving at you. But something about it didn't seem entirely innocent. It was that sort of 'I know a secret' wave you used to get when your friends had heard a rumor, years ago. More and more nostalgia.

"Anyway, as you were saying, Y/n?"


The sink ran loudly in the quiet bathroom. Tsukasa cupped his hands under the stream, gathering some of the water and splashing it onto his still warm face to cool it down. He stared himself down in the mirror, recalling the fact he had just realized before he left.

Nene was right.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now