That was Mine >:(

763 24 52

*sly smile*

Requested by Toxibun

Mind you, I've never seen this anime, so I apologize if this is different than expected <3


You walked to practice, walking in and greeting your friends.

"Hey guys!"

"Y/n! Hi!" Emu called from the stage.

"Hey, Y/n. What's that?" Tsukasa pointed to the bag you had in your hand.

"I found a bunch of weird flavored candies and bought them. I was hoping to try them out!"

"Ohh, what kinda weird? Like uncommon-weird or...?"

"Like..." you reached into the bag, pulling out one of the candies and reading it. "Earthworm flavored," you cringed.

"Ah, it's like that jelly bean game, but all of them are bad," Rui mused. "Sounds fun."

"Sounds painful..." Tsukasa shuddered.

"Why would we eat any of those?" Nene asked in disgust.

"I dunno, maybe some of them aren't bad." You reached in and framed another one. 'Snail.' "French people eat snails! ...I think."

The others gathered around you, Tsukasa and Nene more hesitant than Emu and Rui. You opened the bag for them, and they all grabbed one.

"Concrete?" Emu tilted her head, then unwrapped it and popped it in her mouth. Her face dimmed.

"Is it gross?"

"It's not really good..."

"Look, Tsukasa, this one says 'Ghost Pepper!'" Rui held it out to his friend, who recoiled.

"Ew, a spicy one? Sound terrib-" he froze when Rui shoved it in his mouth, and if his reddening face was anything to go by, you could tell the spice didn't bother waiting. He spat it out, coughing and begging for something to drink.

Watching this go down, Nene dropped her candy back into the bag. "Yeah, I'll pass."

"What flavor did you have?"


"Interesting..." You reached into the bag, fishing for the one Nene had dropped. When you found it, you unwrapped it and slipped it into your mouth.

"What's it taste like?"

"It just tastes like... clay."

"Clay?" Rui turned his head from his teasing of Tsukasa to you. You nodded.

"Hm, let me try!"

As you were about to search for another one, his hand grabbed your chin and lifted your face to his. His lips met yours, and his tongue licked into your mouth, pulling the candy into his. He pulled away, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Ah, I suppose it does."

"You're disgusting," Nene strained, covering her mouth.

You didn't respond, face growing red. He soon returned to Tsukasa, who had crumbled to the ground, sobbing.

"Alright, 'Kasa, let's get you some milk."


Sorry I know this is pretty short :(

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now