Happy Birthda- wait what

245 7 22

Just a warning this is so spicy it's scary


"Happy birthday to youuuuu!~" your parents finished singing over the phone, leaving you smiling.

"Thanks, guys."

"And this year, you're 17 again! No older!" Your dad cheered, making you roll your eyes.

"So, kiddo, you're the big one-eight, now! Did you do anything to celebrate today?" Your mom asked excitedly.

"No, not really. I actually slept in this morning, but I woke up to, like, a thousand birthday texts."

"Aweee, how sweet! And how many of them were from your hubby-wubby?" She cooed teasingly.

But that was just the thing. None. He hadn't reached out to you once today.

"Oh, only... 25 of them, hehe!" You chuckled.

"Awe, he's such a sweet boy. I bet he's there with you right now, yeah?"

"No, no, he's getting ready, though. I'm sure he'll-"

Suddenly, a knock sounded at your door. You turned to it, but it didn't quite sound like the way your boyfriend usually knocked.

"Oh, is that him?"

"I... don't know..."

"Well, What're you waiting for? Go see!"

"Alright, alright!"

You got off the couch and walked to your door, cracking it open and looking at who was behind it. It was, in fact, your boyfriend, who smiled warmly at you.

"Took you long enough," you scoffed.

"Is it him, is it him?!" Your mom asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes it is."

"Heya Ruiiii!"

"Bye, Heather!" He spoke happily, before quickly tapping the red button at the bottom of your screen, ending the call. "So, your parents aren't home?"

"Wha- Rui! Y'know she's just gonna call back and want an explanation!"

At that, he snatched your phone—which happened to be unlocked—out of your hand and held it high out of your reach as he put it on do not disturb mode.

"There! No need to worry."

"Rui, she'll be pissed."

"Nahhh." At that, he tossed your phone over onto the couch. You watched as it flew, but felt a hand on your face turn your head towards your boyfriend's, and your lips were attacked by his.

He carefully pushed you a step back, closing the door behind him. As he pulled his lips away from yours, he smiled and held out a bouquet of flowers. Your favorite flowers, to be exact.

"Oh, look at them! And they smell nice too!" You took the flowers from him and held them to your chest breathing in the scent.

"Happy Birthday, Y/n Darling."

"Thank you. And I promise, I never once thought you forgot, so your dumb waiting trick didn't work!"

"Oh, I actually did forget."


"For, like... the first three minutes after I woke up? Thought it was just a normal day. And then I looked at my calendar!"

"Heh, you goober."

"Anyway," he leaned in close, giving you a look that almost gave you goosebumps, "you're 18 now too, right?"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now