Another Angle

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[This is Rui's view]

"So, what's this thing for?" Nene asked, aimlessly rolling the pedal of the bike that sat upside down in front of her.

"Well, you remember that friend from my math class?" Rui started as he carried a box of tools over to the bike.

"I thought she was just a girl?"

"Oh, no, Rui did you get friendzoned?!" Emu gasped from where she sat next to a box of random plastic. Rui simply shook his head with a chuckle.

"No, no, she just asked me this morning if she could consider me a friend. But anyway, I'm planning on taking her to the parade tonight."

"And you're taking a bike there?" But Nene's question was drowned out by Emu and Tsukasa.

"Like... a date?!" Tsuakasa nearly screamed.

"Oh, what's her name?!" Emu squealed.

"No, not exactly a date. And her name's Y/n."

"Ah, that's the same name as my favorite Sekai leader!" Tsukasa beamed.

"What's her last name?" Emu grabbed a piece of plastic that looked semi-comfortable from the box and looked it over.

"I believe it's... L/... L/n? Yeah, that sounds ri-"

"YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH Y/N L/N?!" Tsukasa fainted there on the spot.

"What's he so worked up about?" Nene sighed. Rui laughed to himself.

"Y/n used to lead a Sekai. I take it he's a fan."

"And she goes to your school? Cool!" Emu clapped. She then went back to inspecting the pieces of plastic for one that looked comfortable.

"You think we would've met her by now. I don't recognize her name. Do you think she's new?" Nene asked.

"Probably. I'll have to ask." Rui fixed the few loose screws and bolts on his extension before flipping the bike back onto its wheels and leaning it on its stand. "That should be good. Emu, did you find anything?"

"Yep, I got three! Just gotta see if they'll work." She brought the three plastic backings over to Rui happily.

"How about this, I'll hold it up, and you lean back into it and tell me if it feels alright."

Emu agreed and Nene watched as Rui took each of the plastic pieces and held them for Emu to lean into.

"Ooh, this one. It's perfect." She sighed, leaning back into it.

"Alright, that one it is." Rui grabbed his screwdriver and began screwing it to the extension he had added. "Update on seats, Nene?"

"There's only one decent one here." She tossed the seat over to him. "It's nice though. Should work."


Meanwhile, as Rui finished the bike and Nene played with dandelions from his yard, Emu grabbed the last of her water bottle and poured it over the still unconscious Tsukasa, waking him up and swat at her to stop while she laughed.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now