Just Before

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"And without further ado, I'll hand this over to Rui!" Tsukasa quickly ushered himself out of the speaking spot, once finished briefing everyone and giving his pep talk, replaced by your very crush, who pulled a somewhat crumbled sticky note out of his pocket. He skimmed over it as he spoke.

"Alright, we should have plenty of time. First order of business, we should do one last thorough inspection of the costumes, just to make sure there are no tears or stains. Once everyone is finished with that, I'll start test running the special effects, the virtuals will be quizzing everyone on their lines, and we can start vocal warm-ups." He stuffed the note back in his pocket and smiled at everyone. "There's more, but I'll busy everyone with just that to start."

"Let's get to work!" Emu cheered, followed by a unanimous agreement. Everyone ran off to the costume racks to check over their outfits for the show, finding not so much as a seam out of place or a spec of dust on the fabric. From there, everyone ran off to practice vocal exercises as Miku, Kaito, Rin, and Len ran around quiting everyone on various lines. As you were singing some of the lines your struggled most with for practice, Len bounced over to you, attempting to mimick Tsukasa's voice.

"I am a knight of King Rui! I've been tasked to come here and slay you, but alas, I cannot muster the will within me to do such a cruel thing to such a lovely being!"

You replied, almost reactively, "Then you have failed as a knight. But, I will pity you, and allow you to return home in one piece. I suggest you take this offer quickly, otherwise I may be inclined by my kind to change my mind."

Len praised you happily and moved on to Nene. Meanwhile, you continued your practice with Emu.

Minutes later, Rui returned. You sauntered up to him. "Are you warmed up?" You asked, cocking a brow. He smiled and gave a hum, going smoothly from a high note to a low, then walked off having proved he was ready. He address the group again, his stickynote now returning.

"Alright gang, next on the list is getting dressed up and doing our faces. Is everyone ready or do we need more time?"

Everyone gave either a thumbs up or a cheer of readiness, leaving Rui to smile happily and clasp his hands together. "Great, let's get off then!"

You followed the others to your dressing rooms, entering yours with a molten feeling in your chest. As you slipped into your first outfit for the night, brushing your hair, doing your face, and the rest, you couldn't help how your mind wondered over and over to Rui, whether you wanted it to or not.

It was hard, you'd admit. And, really, how bad was it to see his smiling face in your mind? That sweet, proud smile. And you thought of him humming to himself, working his voice, as he tended to testing the lights and effects. You'd noticed a lack of Kaito earlier, and thought of him and Rui practicing together, making sure everything got done. You thought back—way back—to the night with the two-seater bike. How the back seat had fallen off and you watched him fix it. You missed when times were simple like that.

Well, except when you'd cried when he was just trying to show you the stars.

You paused, staring at your red face in the mirror, your makeup half done. You were... absolutely down bad for this man.

You quickly finished up and made your way out to the others who were done, which, at the time, were just Emu and Tsukasa.

"Hey, Y/n-san?" You'd never heard Tsukasa so mellow.


"Is my hair alright?" He turned his head either way for you. You nodded, then noticed a stray. You reached up to tuck it down. At that, Nene emerged, looking adorable as ever.

"Nene, you look stunning!" Emu cheered, making Nene's face grow red.

"Thanks..." She mumbled.

You heard a thump from one of the rooms, almost mistakable for a knock. Then, moments after, Rui emerged from his room, and God did he look ethereal. Your eyes trailed over his face, prettied up more than you could ever resist if he was yours. You wanted to kiss it. Even that didn't feel like enough. Matched with his elegant physique, his smooth, languid movements you never realized were so mesmerizing. He was absolutely divine.

"Y/n-san, is your face red again?" Tsukasa asked, having no sense of subtlety.

"No, I just rubbed it a little hard!" You snapped, immediately turning away, but your eyes begged to keep staring at the director.

"Well, it's nearly time for the show to begin! Shall we all get in place and prepare ourselves?"


And so, with only a few minutes to go, and the sound of a murmuring crowd behind the curtains, you reached your place, and started deepening your breaths to soothe your shaking as the clock tiked down.

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