🥳Happy Birthday!🥳

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[It's my birthday so I'm being self-indulgent 😈]

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[It's my birthday so I'm being self-indulgent 😈]

Well, you weren't quite sure how you got here. Here being laid down in your bed, red-faced and panting while Rui lay comfortably asleep on top of you. An odd predicament.

It probably started that night. No, no, not the night of your birthday, but the one before. Both parents home, and for some reason, your boyfriend too. Not that you minded, but it was odd how much time he was spending with your parents instead of you. You wouldn't dare admit you were jealous; that feeling in your stomach had to be something else. But it didn't help how aloof they were being.

It was a little known fact - maybe you yourself didn't even know it - that you could hardly stand being left out. It was clear they were trying to avoid having you see what they were up to. That's what had you so cautious as you peered at the three of them from around the corner of the stairs. Rui had managed to drag you back up to your room twice now. As long as he didn't know you were there, he wouldn't be able to do it a third time.

Speaking of your beloved, you watched as he got up from the floor and made his way to the kitchen. You hid behind the corner you were spying behind quickly, hoping he hadn't spotted you.

They were all quiet, so much so you hadn't gotten any idea what they were doing yet. Even so, there was no way you could just go back upstairs, so you waited, hoped and prayed that you'd get some kind of clue eventually. With enough overthought, that'd surely be enough to come up with all the different ideas of what it could be that they were planning so meticulously.

You listened carefully for the sound of Rui returning to the livingroom. When the sound of his footsteps came and went, you shifted back around the corner. You weren't met with the same sight this time, however. Instead, there were those amber eyes you loved so much staring back at you. You jolted away in surprise, nearly hitting the wall behind you.

"Well, seems your mom was right," he spoke, voice as smooth as honey. The kind that was manipulative. The kind that intended to draw you back upstairs again.

He extended his free hand to you, helping you up. His other held something you loved, though not as much in this particular scenario: chocolate.

"Come now, Darling, you know you're not supposed to be down here," he purred, grabbing your hand. He walked up the stairs ahead of you, smiling all the way. You hesitantly followed, but stopped outside the door to your room.

"I don't wanna be up here."

"Then would you rather be outside?" He tilted his head. It frustrated you.

"No. I wanna be with you guys."

"If you could be, you would, Love." He placed a soft kiss to the top of your head, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into your room. He shut the door behind you, then continued beckoning you to your bed.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now