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"You remember when Kazuni first laid eyes on Hina?"

"Oh, goodness, how could I ever forget? She came to us at practice and basically did nothing but fan out. We got nothing done until she finally asked Hina to join."

"She was absolutely obsessed. You think they still have their little bromance?"

"Oh, definitely. I'm just glad they can keep off each other in public."

"Yeah. Speaking of them, thoughts on their snobby little group mates?"

"God, I hate them!"

"Me, too!"

The two of you spent hours talking about the memories you had made, and other stories. You talked until you caught each other yawning and decided it might be best to go to sleep. After all, Yuuki's parents had to come pretty early to get her before school. You were just glad they were so chill.

"Hey, Y/n?"


"I just wanted to say... I think it's cool you made new friends. I still think you should preform with them."

"You do?"

"Yeah. I mean, you didn't exactly break your promise. As long as you only manifested in and didn't actually join. But, y'know, if you did join, I don't mind. We made that promise when we were young and overwhelmed. I think it may be time to grow out of that too."

"You really think?"

"Yeah. Please, have fun with these people. They sound great, and I don't want to push you to lose them because of our old promise."

"I... I will, but... I'll never have a Sekai like our old one. And I'll never have friends like you and the others again."

"Maybe you won't. I know I won't."

You laughed warmly, wishing you still had those friends. You hoped they were doing well, out wherever they were, probably more over the whole deal than Yuuki or you could ever get. As long as they were happy.

"D'ya think I could come over again soon? I miss you."

"Of course!"

You hugged Yuuki close, glad to see her in person, instead of on a screen.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now," she pulled your blankets up over herself and gave Lucky a few quick ear scratches upon seeing her sitting on your nightstand. You two curled up into the warmth of your sheets and drifted away slowly, bidding Yuuki a quick goodnight.

The next morning, you were up early to walk Yuuki to her parents' car so they could make it home in time for school and work. You then made your way back up to your room to try to get some more sleep in quick before you too had to go to school.

Meanwhile, you thought about the conversation you had had with Yuuki last night, making your final decision before the practice tonight.

You wanted to preform with them.


"Y/n-san!" Tsukasa all but threw himself at you when you got off the bus. You returned the embrace hesitantly until he let go.

"So, shall we go to class?" Rui spoke in his usual warm tone. You agreed, walking between him and Tsukasa to your locker and around the school. Like the day before, Nene dipped out, then Tsukasa, leaving you and Rui to circle back together.

"Hey, so... um..."

"Go, ahead."

"I thought about what you said... about performing with you and the rest of your group..."

"Ah, sorry if I upset you, saying that."

"No, no, I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I actually... I want to."

"You... do?"

"Yes. I'd love to." You flashed him a friendly smile and watched his face melt. "We can talk to the others about it tonight!"

"That we can."

You could see how he glowed happily, and it warmed your heart. You couldn't help but be excited about what would come.

The school day flew by, and before you knew it, you were sitting in your room with your headphones on, tapping the song that would take you to the lively amusement park of Phoenix Wonderland. Once there, you felt the same bright happiness as before, as you followed the path to the stage.

"Y/n, hey!"

You stopped when you heard Rui's voice from somewhere to your right. You looked to see him heading the same way as you. You ran over happily, greeting him.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, are you free tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I should be. Why, did you wanna go do something?"

"Mhm. I think you'll enjoy it too."

"Oh really? Well, we'll just have to see."

The two of you entered the stage area, chatting up a storm, until you reached the others and greeted them.

"Y/n! Great to see you again!" Emu spoke happily upon seeing you.

"It's good to see you too, Emu."

Tsukasa was overjoyed to see you at their practice again, having not entirely expected it. Well, really Rui was the only one that did.

This time, Rin was nowhere to be seen, though the girl with blue pigtails you had seen before was. When Tsukasa noticed your focus on her, he was quick to bring her over to you.

"Y/n, this is Hatsune Miku. Miku, this is Y/n L/n."

"A pleasure to fully meet you!" You could tell from her bubbly light voice that this was definitely the same girl. Her hand extended to you for a handshake, which you accepted.

While you were speaking with the others, Rui pulled Tsukasa aside with an obviously happy demeanor.

"I think I have something that'll make you jump for joy, but I need you to be civil about it, alright?"

"Of course!"

"I brought up the idea of Y/n preforming with us, and she agreed."

Tsukasa's eyes widened to almost twice their normal size, filling with stars. He clasped a hand over his mouth, screaming into it.

"Rui, you're a miracle worker!" He whisper shouted, grabbing his friend's shoulders and roughly shaking them.

"Tsukasa, you're gonna give me whiplash..."

"Tsukasa! Rui!" Miku called as the conversation concluded. "Everyone's ready for practice!"

"Ah, shall we begin then?"

Rui gave you a warm smile, extending a hand out towards the stage where everyone was hiking up the stairs. You didn't hesitate to follow them.

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