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After a few moments, you'd both finished Rui's breakfast. It was enough that you were both satisfied, and you'd had plenty of compliments from Rui about how good it tasted. You got up and stretched, then went to grab your uniform from your dresser.

"I'm gonna go change," you pointed to the bathroom. "You can change out here if you want. I'll be back in a few."

"Okay," he hummed, and you heard him go grab his uniform as you went to your bathroom and closed the door. You quickly changed, then started brushing your hair. While doing so, a knock sounded at the door.

"Y/n, can I come in quick?"

"Uh, sure?"

The door opened and in walked Rui, sweater draped over his arm. He came next to you and looked into the mirror. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and he pulled down on his collar. As you watched you found out why.

"Well," he chuckled, looking at the dark marks on his neck. While yours had been red for a while and were finally starting to fade, his were more of a deep blue, bruised, and didn't look like they'd fade anytime soon. You could see the outline of your own teeth in them.

"At least you kept them below the collar." He lifted his shirt back up to show, then looked at where the top of one of your faded marks peeked out. "I'll remember that next time."

"You sure are hopeful," you managed out through the red of your cheeks. You'd been facing away from him to brush your hair, hoping it wasn't too obvious how flustered you were. A quick glance at the mirror rendered that entire thought useless, however, seeing his playful smirk in the reflection.

"Maybe because I know how much you enjoyed it?" His tone was near seductive as he said this. His hands found your shoulders as he came to stand behind you, and his head rested next to yours, looking at your reflection.

"Can I brush your hair?"


"Because it's so soft." He nuzzled into the side of your head happily. You handed him your brush with a bashful sigh and he made an excited sound as he grabbed it. He slid his hand under a bit of your locks and slid the brush through their ends.

"You work from the bottom to the top, right?"

"Mhm," you hummed. He did just that, gently brushing through the ends and working up your head exponentially. You found it relaxing, like how your mother used to do it. She'd hum one of her favorite songs quietly and brush through every stand of hair you had at least twice. That's what convinced you it relaxed her too.

"I think I got it all." After a few minutes,  he smiled at his work, handing you your brush back. You looked at yourself in the mirror, then smiled and gave Rui a thumbs-up. He was clearly overjoyed.

As he left the room, you sighed in relief. Not because he was gone, but for another reason.

Because you weren't overthinking this time. The dark circles on his neck weren't giving you that dark feeling the way they had when this sort of thing had happened the first time. You were okay. And as far as you could tell, so was Rui. So, naturally, that was relieving.

Once you were done getting ready, you left your bathroom too. Once out the door, you immediately made for Rui. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and there was barely any hesitation before he returned your embrace. You stood there for a few moments, then pulled your head from his chest to look at him. His eyes were full of adoration for you, so much you couldn't help but smile. You leaned up and kissed him softly, then gave him a quick pat on the shoulder.

"We should get going."



That day went by, then another. Then weeks until nearly 4 months had passed. By now, your neck was entirely healed, as well as Rui's. All throughout this time you'd spent uncountable days with the members of your new Sekai, learning and writing new songs and memorizing lines for the play. You were playing the dragon queen. In a way, you should've seen it coming.

Something that made you anxious, however, was the role of the knight, played by Tsukasa. Something you saw from the beginning.

Nene played another knight. Emu played a messenger of the dragon kingdom. Miku played the narrator. Kaito played your advisor. Rin and Len played several different parts. And Rui played the king.

This is the world you found yourself in now, on stage, acting out another of the parts between you and the knight. The horns clipped into your hair were just barely noticable to you, brushing against your scalp occasionally. Aside from those and your fake wings, you weren't in costume, just your casual clothes. The wings were what you needed to get used to.

Rui had made them. They were mechanized, so they'd open and close at certain sound cues. Of course, this made them plenty heavy at first. He'd weight reduced as much as he could, but you still had to learn to balance with them. Tsukasa had to fight with something similar: his armor.

You'd admit, Rui looked dazzling in his golden crown and regal cloak. You were glad he seemed so calm about the relationship you and Tsukasa had in the play. Though he had been oddly handsy lately...

"Tsukasa, look!" Nene's voice called in a whisper. She hid behind fake bushes, pointing to you. "It's the dragon queen, all out in the open!"

She brandished her sword prop, but Tsukasa stopped her. "Nene, stop!"

"Why? We can get her head, right here, right now."

Tsukasa sighed. "I... I didn't want to tell you this, but..."

"What? What could it possibly be?"

That was your cue. Your wings opened and you ran off-stage. Tsukasa deflated, watching you run off.

"I love her, Nene."

With that, the curtains closed. You shifted the wings on your back into a more comfortable position and ran over to high-five Emu and Tsukasa.

"I knew you'd be perfect for the dragon!" He laughed boisterously. This was at least the fifth time he'd said that since you were casted. You thanked him, then walked through the curtains, seeing Rui, Kaito, Miku, Len, and Rin clapping from the audience.

"Rui makes a nice king too," you hummed. Tsukasa nodded along, but couldn't deny it hurt a little. Didn't he make a good kni-?

"Oh, and you make a nice knight too! Really fitting!"

Okay, he felt better now.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now