Carnival Food

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When you made it to what you thought was going to be just a parade, you were met with an entire carnival. You looked around excitedly at all the games and food stands. Rui seemed a bit surprised himself.

"Ah, this is more than I expected."

"You didn't know it was a whole carnival?"

"No. I guess I could've assumed, though."

"Well, c'mon! Let's go look around!" You walked deeper into the carnival as Rui quickly parked the bike and followed.

Your eyes immediately caught on a big plushie at one of the stands. It was your favorite animal, and its stare seemed to speak your name. So, naturally, you walked over to the stand with a big smile on your face. You were just glad you had a couple bucks in your phone case.

"Hey there! You tryna win that plushie there?" The lady at the stand asked, seeing how your starry-eyed gaze stuck to it like glue.

"Mhm! What do I have to do to get it?" You nodded and began pulling your money out.

"Well, that ones pretty big. To get it, you have to roll a 10 or higher on these dice. It's just a dollar to play. You wanna try?"

"Of course!" You all but shoved the money into her hands and took the dice in your own. You shook them excitedly and gave Rui a smile before throwing them. The lady watched them roll until they stopped.

"Awe darn. Ya got a 7. You can still get one of the small prizes, though."

"Shoot. I still want that big one." You sighed. You grabbed another dollar, but before you could ask, Rui did.

"Could I play a round?"


He gave her a dollar, grabbed the dice, gave them a shake, and threw them. Again, when they stopped, the woman read them."


"Ah, it seems I did even worse."

"Let me give it another go."

The dice flew.

"So close! 9!"

"Once more for me too?"

Another roll from Rui, and the woman smiled wide at the dice when they stopped. "There's an 11! Way to go, kids!" She reached up to the plushie and took it down off the wall, handing it to Rui. "You two have fun, now!"

"This thing's cute." He laughed, lifting it up to his eye level as you walked. He then handed it to you, making your face redden a bit.

"A-ah, thank you."

"Are you gonna name it?"

"I'll have to think of a fitting one first." You thought a bit to yourself, looking at the soft animal. "I'm a bit more worried about carrying this thing everywhere," you chuckled, hugging it close.

"Hm, well, here, I can help with that." Rui stopped and reached into his pocket. From it, he pulled two safety pins and a paper clip. The second he put back.

He then took the plushie and stuck one of the pins into the top of its foot and the bottom of its hand. He did the same to the other side, then circled around you and gently slid your arms into the space between the animal's arms and legs.

And there you were, giving a stuffed version of your favorite animal a piggyback ride at a carnival. Definitely something you'd remember.

"Where should we go next?" He then asked. When you looked at him, however, he seemed a bit more focused on how you and your backpack plushie looked than the rest of the carnival.

"Well, um... when does the parade start?"

Rui pulled his phone out to look at the time. "Ten minutes."

"Maybe we could look for a good spot to watch?"

"Sure. Do you want some food before hand?"

"Hm, maybe." You began to feel just how hungry you were, not having had any supper before coming. "What kinda stuff do they have here?"

"I'm sure they have tons of stuff. Let's see while we look for our spot."

"Ok!" You agreed happily, and began to walk around the unfamiliar area, plushie still being carried on your back.

After a minute or two of walking, you were able to find a stand whose menu made your mouth water.

"Oooh, it all looks tasty," you breathed, looking at the choices. When you finally made your choice, you and Rui made your way up and ordered. Caught up in the smells and watching one of the people in the back cook, you nearly missed Rui handing the person taking your order a ten, paying for your food for you. You poured as you walked away from the stand.

"What's that face for?" He asked coyly. You furrowed your brows at him.

"You didn't let me pay for my food."

"Oops. Must've forgot," he tilted his head playfully, adoring your angered expression.

"Fine, but I'm paying for your food next time we get some," you huffed, crossing your arms (for what you could around the arms of the animal still on your back).

"Fine, fine."

Your food soon came out, and you ran up to grab it. As soon as it's smell hit your nose, you swore you could see the gates of heaven for a split second. You scurried away from the stand happily, picking at it.

"That looks delicious," Rui commented, watching as you stuffed your face. Suddenly remembering he was there, you were quick to cover your mouth and stuffed cheeks bashfully until you could swallow and regain your composure, laughing nervously to yourself.

"Yeah, hehe, it is. What did you get again?"

"Candy," he said casually, mouth also full of whatever sweets he had gotten. You looked at his hands, seeing they were absolutely full of assorted flavors, brands, etc. Three of the wrappers were already empty, and he was in the midst of trying to open another.

"Ah," you cringed a bit to yourself. He was absolutely going to get a stomachache from all of those. "Do... do you need some help there?" You lowered your own food and reached a hand out to help him.

"Maybe we should find somewhere to sit," he chuckled, nearly dropping at least five pieces of candy from one of his hands. You giggled at his struggle and nodded, looking around for any sort of seating. You were able to find a picnic table by one of the stands and quickly pulled him to it, sitting across from him as he let all of his sweets fall onto the flat surface. You were surprised he could hold that much in his hands. It looked like twice as much, laying out on the table.

"Don't you think you'll get sick eating all of that?" You gave him a concerned look, taking a bite of your own meal.

"Not if I pace myself," he shook his head, as if he wasn't already eating his sixth piece. You sighed out a laugh.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now