❄ Christmas Intermission ❄

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[Yaya its Chistmas everybody take 10 dabloons 😩💰💰]


"I'm making blueberry muffins and you're gonna watch."

There was a moment of silence over the phone as you grabbed what you needed. The tray, the liners, the mix...

"Don't start yet."


You watched your screen as random bits of Rui's room flashed across it. Soon, you heard the sound of his garage door opening and saw the sky with it's cold blues and puffy clouds.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm coming over!" He smiled, bringing the phone close enough for his face to fill the screen. You chuckled, shaking your head.

"Okay, door's unlocked. I'm just getting all the stuff out."

Soon, the call was hung up, and seconds later, you heard steps on your porch, followed by the opening of your door. From it walked in your boyfriend, who hastily took off his winter coat and boots to run over to you and hug you from behind, kissing your cheek and neck.

"Stop it, stop! That tickles!" You giggled, pushing his head away. You set down the final ingredients you had gotten out and turned to face him, giving him a chaste kiss and nuzzling into his warm chest.

"I missed you," he mumbled into your hair, making you laugh.

"You just saw me yesterday!"

"Yeah, but you didn't stay over," he whined. "I wanted to cuddle."

You broke away, opening the box of muffin mix and emptying its contents. "I wanted to, but I have to help my Mom get ready for tomorrow."

"But you couldn't just come home early?"

"I wouldn't have and you know it," you smiled, handing him a measuring cup and instructing him to get the water.

"Yeah, I suppose you probably wouldn't have. And I wouldn't have let you either."

"My point." You poured the mix into your bowl and grabbed the oil, looking at its label. "Hey, you hate vegetables, right?"

"Mhm, with an undying passion," he purred and brought the water back over, dumping it into the bowl. "Why?"

"Does that include vegetable oil?" You pointed to the bottle, holding it for Rui to see. He read it slowly, face blank.

"I have to put a 3rd cup of this in the muffins," you snickered, watching his eyes widen. He then frowned, placing a hand over his mouth.

"At least I don't have to drink it straight like that. I suppose it's alright if it's cooked in something."

"Like vegetable soup, hm?"

You could see his nose twitch in a half-cringe and laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. It'll still taste good, promise."

"Well, if you're promising, who am I to deny it?" He grabbed the small can of blueberries from next to you and brought it to the counter where you had your can opener.

"Oh, could you turn the oven on? I forgot to."

"How high?"


You then began stirring the water, oil, and mix until you were sure it was incorporated. By then, Rui had brought the strained blueberries over to add, waiting until you lifted the spoon so he could pour them. Soon, your batter was done and ready to be put into the cups you had set up. You walked past Rui to one of your drawers, pulling out an ice cream scooper.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now