Knock Down

539 19 35

You kissed across his skin softly, and he huffed in impatience. Surely amazing, angelic you wasn't teasing him. No, no, you were just trying to find that spot he lik-

He choked out half a yelp and jolted as you bit down in the nape of his neck. You let off much too early, scared you'd hurt him (in a way he hadn't wanted in the first place, that is). You leaned up slightly.

"Are you alri-?"

"Y-yes, just please keep going...! Please, please, please..." he whispered out.

You let out one of your warm laughs and continued. He felt himself start to slip quickly out of consciousness and panicked. No no nonononono he had to be awake! To tell you he was okay. To offer to return the favor and hear all your pretty, perfect sounds. Leave his light, bashful marks on your neck for fear of hurting you. You didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve any pain. Ever.

He blinked profusely, hoping to clear the haze. It'd cease for a second, then return hard. Panic still rose in his chest, icy next to his racing heart and fluttering butterflies.

His hand rose to his face, and he bent one finger and lightly bit his knuckle. The dull pain seemed to keep him lucid. He kept like that as you kept up your treatment on his neck. Once you'd left plenty of hickies and bruises, everywhere from his shoulder to his collarbone, and just below where his uniform would cover, you blew over them lightly, hoping to cool Rui's still roasting skin. You attempted to soothe the marks by running your thumb over them. Once you were satisfied, you leaned up fully, and froze at the sight of Rui.

He was a mess. In fact, that might've been an understatement. His face was beat-red, his hair completely messed up from where you'd been sliding your hand through it, and you noticed a deep blue forming on a trembling knuckle he held next to his face.

"R-rui...?" You didn't know what to say or do. His half-lidded eyes seemed to swirl, as if trying to follow the spinning of the room.

He hummed, nonetheless, voice broken
and sore. You ran a soothing hand down his cheek. The ice pack that had fallen off him a while ago was replaced on his forehead, and you climbed off of him and turned the ceiling fan on to blow air over him and hopefully cool him. You hoped that would be enough. There was no way you were opening a window this time of year, and he had only one shirt to take off (you wouldn't be helping him this time).

He was still dizzy and short of breath as you left to go to the kitchen. The spinning was slowing, but his eyelids were still growing heavier. He slapped himself, managing to wake up a little. Remember, tell Y/n you're okay.

He ran his hand down his neck, wincing at the soreness you'd left. It was painful, yes, but fond. He couldn't help but smile.

It took a while for him to be able to sit up. It took some effort. The new pain in his neck made it hard to turn his head, and there was a similar reaction in his finger when he tried to push up with his hand. He somehow managed to stand, legs jittery and unbalanced. Once stable enough, he came to you in the kitchen, wearing a tired smile.

"You're awake," you chuckled.

"Indeed." He was proud. He hoped you were too.


"S... sorry?" He couldn't believe it. You were still ashamed?

"Yeah. I went overboard."

"You did not!" He argued in frustration. Before he could explain just how you hadn't, you pointed to his hand.

"Your finger. That bruise was from you biting it, yeah?"

He nodded.

"Well, I assumed that was like the movies where they do that 'cause they're in pain. Sorry I hurt you."

Your shame was clear. Rui was disappointed, among other things. He held your head in his hands and looked into your eyes.

"Y/n, I'm fine."

"You almost passed out again."

"But I didn't. In fact, that whole time I was forcing myself awake, I kept thinking 'I'll stay awake so I can tell Y/n I'm fine.' And now I'm doing just that. Do you really not believe me?"

"You still look... well, like you've been through something."

"I know, sorry. But Y/n, you even got an ice pack for me and turned on the fan because you knew I was overheating. And I'm sure if you needed to, you would've opened the windo-"

"I wouldn't have..."

"...Not that that matters, but you took such great care of me..." His hands slid down and circled behind your upper half. "I should be thanking you. You shouldn't be apologizing." He pulled you to his shoulder, hugging your head and putting a soft kiss on top of it.

"Fine," you sighed. You hugged him back reluctantly while he was still warm.

"Now, whaddya say we go play some games, hm?"

"Yeah, let's."

Hours later, you were cuddling with Rui again. His head was stuffed into your chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, keeping you close. You lazily played with his hair.



He laughed quietly, much how he had that morning. "Thank you."

You thought it was odd he was thanking you for just saying his name.

"Of course. Whenever you want, Rui."

His head lifted up, eyes wide with curiosity. "Really?"

You questioned if you actually knew what he was so appreciative of. "Wait, what are you thanking me for?"

"For being so gentle," he sighed, laying his cheek to your chest. "So nice."

You huffed in embarrassment. "I'd hardly say I was nice or gentle."

"That's your opinion. So, 'whenever I want', hm?"

You exhaled. Not that you wanted to say no, but you didn't want to put that in his head either.

"Go to sleep."

"You first."


Someone send me requests I'm begging 🛐

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