Closer Yet

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'Life made bitter, I can make you tense!'

These were the sung words that confused Rui when he woke up. Ah, he'd been listening to Jack... something last night. And you'd been at Tsukasa's. He missed you. It was cold, and his arms were too empty.

He sat up, grabbing his phone. 10%. It was a surprise it made it through the night, playing music instead of charging. He turned off the song, but paused after noticing a message. It was from you!

He perked up at the sight of your goodnight wish. He stared at it fondly for a moment, until his eyes gazed at the time sent. 11:52...?

Good morningggg 😊😊

What had you up that late? Jealousy pooled in his stomach, making him sick. On the thought of time, he glanced at his clock. He was late. Shit.

Hesitantly, he sat his phone down and rushed to get ready. He'd have no one to walk to school with this morning. It made him bitter. Regardless, he knew he'd see you there. You'd even be there before him, with the time that Tsukasa's bus came.

As soon as he was ready and was about to open his garage door, his mom popped in through the door in the corner of his room.


"Yeah?" He asked, clearly rushing.

"I made you some toast. Didn't see you in the kitchen earlier. Um..." She avoided his eyes, walking over and offering it to him. "Please feel better. You scared me last night."

"I will." He calmed down, taking his breakfast. He gave his mom a quick hug. "Sorry."

"Don't be." She let go with a pat to Rui's shoulder. "Now go. Y/n probably already left without you."

"Yeah," he sighed. He thanked his mom, then left quickly, speed-walking down the sidewalks in hopes of making it at the time he usually did. He still got there late, seeing you and his other friends sitting on the bench out front, looking concerned. As soon as your eyes laid on him, he expected you to stand up, but not the way you did. You stood slow, walked over slow, smiled happily. You weren't excited to see him, just glad.

"Rui!" You looked at his hair uneasily as he neared. "Someone didn't comb their hair this morning."

"Most don't realize I comb it at all..."

"Well I do. C'mere."

It was a bittersweet feeling, how you cared for him after showing no eagerness. You had been worried, right? It didn't quite show the way it normally would.

Once you'd finished fixing his hair for him, you pulled him and the other two into the school. You seemed so... cold. He should've convinced you to stay with him last night.

"Y/n." He whispered, pulling you behind Tsukasa and Nene as they walked down the halls. "Are you okay?"

You looked at him with confusion. Your eyes looked so much dimmer. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Dunno. You just seem... off."

"Ah, yeah. Tired. Late night."

"I see." He felt sick again. Why was it a late night? Was Tsukasa really that entertaining? Why did you never have late nights with him?

"You're wondering why, hm?"

He gave you a surprised look. "Yes, I am."

"Tsukasa asked me out."

He froze, stopping dead in his tracks. Oh. You were... Tsukasa's...? And on the day before he was going to do the same. How ironi-"

"Hey, hey, I'm joking!" Your hands found his shoulders, reassuringly holding him. He didn't look at you. You walked in front of him, turning his head towards you. His wide-eyed and despairing gaze soon melted into a relieved one.

"Don't... don't just say that..."

"Sorry. Too far?" You'd stopped whispering. Tsukasa and Nene had already turned a corner into another hallway.

"No... just..." he sighed. "Need a breather. Let's catch up with the others."

"You don't just wanna walk around with me?"

Your sweet voice, how could he ever deny you? He turned around with you, walking in the opposite direction.


"So that's why-" Tsukasa paused, looking back. Upon seeing you and Rui missing, he looked around the hallway. Nowhere. "Where'd Rui and Y/n-San go?"

Nene was going to look too, before she remembered you were both gross and in love and stuff. She paused, then turned to Tsukasa.

"We should probably find the-"

"N-no! No, they'll be fine! Let's just get to class."

"Ah... okay, Nene."

You both owed her. God, did you owe her.


"Hey, now, self-control. Tsukasa and Nene could walk around any of these corners, y'know." You patted Rui's head where it rested on your shoulder. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you just inside the doors of an empty classroom.

"They won't come in here."

"Unless they see us through the do-"

"Stop thinking about them."

"Awe~, Ruru's jealous of his friends."

He huffed into your shoulder. "Remember how I said I had something I wanted to show you?"

"Mhm. Still set for tonight."

"Come to Phoenix Wonderland. 5ish."

"I'll be there."

He pulled away, placing a kiss on your lips as he did so. "Let's go to class."


On your way there, you were caught by the two you'd left. "Y/n-san! Rui! We found you!"

"Ah, Tsukasa. Sorry we disappeared."

"It's no problem! Do you still want to go for a few more laps before we go to class?"

Rui grabbed your shoulders. "Actually, Y/n and I were just going to class. I have a bit of homework from last night I didn't do."

"You didn't do your homework?" Tsukasa asked, incredulous. You turned to Rui with a similar look, but more curious.

"Yes, quite a predicament. We'll see you at lunch. Maybe."

"Ah, okay then. Bye you two!"

"Bye, Tsukasa!" You waved. Once in your class, Rui guided you to your seat, then sat backwards in the desk in front of you, staring at you fondly.

"Don't you have work to do?"

"I'll be fine."

"What do you want, Rui?"

He chuckled, then got up, walking over next to you. He held your chin, turning you towards him.

"Nothing much. Just your eyes, ears, hands... maybe your mouth." He kissed you softly. Then, he turned and sat in his seat next to you. You shook off his handsiness and looked at your phone to pass the time until class.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now