Easter :D (it's not)

555 16 45

April 23rd

This is your Easter chapter. Idc if it's not on theme

Inspired by several things, including another work on this platform. Creds to ffeymi_jel (read it unless your sensitive to certain content present)

Feel free to tell me if theres typos in this one. I recently got my nails done and its affected my typing. Specifically point it out if you see tour instead of your, because that has been plaguing my nonstop while writing this

This should make up a little bit for the angst :)


It was April 23rd, another lovely morning. By that, you mostly meant 'hey, at least it's spring.' In actuallity, you had no reason for joy. But spring often made that a little less obvious to you.

You got up, stretching out with a groan and getting ready for school. You got your uniform on, ate a quick breakfast and rode the bus to school. You had your homework ready, you'd reviewed for the test, you'd studied a bit of the next lesson, so you were all ready, as far as you were sure.

Fresh off the bus, you made for the front doors, as anyone did. It wasn't like you had any friends to meet with outside. Not since moving schools that past summer. You just followed your usual routine as always. At least until you were hit with a discrepancy.

Your foot caught just barely on the step before the main doors, and the inertia of your body continued. You felt yourself fall forward and rose your arms to hold your head. Before you could be met by the harsh tile floor, however, you felt a foreign warmth across your arms and waist.

"Woah, be careful! That would've been quite a tumble," a voice spoke, cautioning you. It was familiar, almost in a friendly way. But that was impossible. You didn't have friends here.

The person helped you stand back up straight, and you exhaled quickly. Your eyes met theirs. Their amber eyes. You couldn't help but think you'd seen them before. You'd stared at them before. They were beautiful. But you'd just met this man.

"Thank you. That would've hurt." You glanced away from his eyes and to the floor you'd almost bruised yourself on.

"Yes, it would've," he spoke with certainty, and his eyes held a sort of pride. It sounded like he was speaking from experience. "My name's Rui by the way."

That name entered your brain like a slap to the face on a brisk winter day. Why? Why was that so familiar?

"I'm Y/n. Thanks again," you spoke politely, then made for the doors, carefully making sure to fully step up. Before you could get very far, however, you were stopped.

"I've seen you in my math class. Wanna walk there together?"

That was odd. You'd no more than opened your mouth to him twice. Of course, he could just be interested in you. Why say no?

"Sure. You don't mind if we..."

As you asked if he'd be alright stopping at your locker on the way, you felt that familiarity again. Deja vu. But you were certain you'd never been here before. You didn't know this man. You didn't know the name 'Rui'.

Regardless, he agreed quickly, as if he didn't have to think about it. He didn't even have to listen to your question to know his answer.

You led him to your locker, but he didn't seem to need it. You were steadily feeling uneasy, but at the same time, a part of you wanted to feel at ease. Because you knew Rui. He wasn't to be feared.

But you didn't know Rui.

"To class then?" He tilted his head with a warm smile, following you closing your locker and turning back to him. You nodded, and walked to class.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now