Sweet Clouds

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"I'm actually pretty glad I got to see the sunset. Thank goodness I don't get emotional over that. The colors are too pretty for me to have to give it up."

"Yeah, they were really nice. It reminded me of Pheonix Wonderland."

You tilted your head in confusion, and Rui perked up, realizing why.

"Ah- that's our Sekai. It's a theme park."

"Woah, cool! I can't wait to see it!"

Truth be told, Rui really wanted to ask about your Sekai again, but he was beginning to know better. After seeing you cry once, he never wanted to see it again.

You soon made it back to the carnival grounds, seeing the crowd had thinned to less than half the size it was when you left. It made you wonder if the people you were hoping to avoid even remained.

Looking around, nothing in particular caught your eye. The stand you had won your plushie at still had more of the same kind sitting out, but it looked like most of their small prizes were gone. In fact, it looked that way at most of the other stands too. They sure were getting paid.

"I'm not seeing anything interesting, really," you sighed. You'd hoped for a little more enjoyment with Rui before you had to go home and live alone for another night.

"I'm afraid we may have exhausted all the fun already. Darn."

It was then that you glanced over a food stand and had to look back to see what it had said. Your eyes widened at the words 'Cotton Candy' in big letters out front. And for a fairly cheap price too.

You were quick to grab Rui's arm and point, smile etched excitedly across your face. "Look! They have cotton candy! C'mon, let's go get some!"

Rui agreed warmly, trying to keep up as you dragged him to the stand by the arm. Once there, you were surprised by all the flavors they had. You were just used to the normal flavor. You'd never played with the thought of cherry or grape cotton candy. You didn't know what to get.

"Hmm, I don't know what flavor I wanna try. Which one do you want?" You turned to him, seeing his thoughtful gaze.

"I like the sound of the ramune flavor. How do you think that even works?" He chuckled. You simply shrugged and looked back to the board.

"That does sound pretty good, actually. I'll get one for both of us. Be right back!"

Before Rui could even think to stop you, you had already ran up and ordered. He was convinced you just wanted to make sure he wouldn't pay for you again.

A few moments later, you came back with two bags of the puffed sugar and handed Rui his. It was a light blue color, lighter than the sky. Had he not been in the light of the cotton candy stand, he might've mistaken it for white.

He smiled and took it, and watched as you were quick to open your bag and take a bite. You hummed in satisfaction, sighing about how delicious it was. He opened his own bag out of curiosity, and took a bite. You were right. It was amazing.

Soon, you two were chatting happily and making your way back to the bike to ride home. Looking off at where you'd come from, you breathed out an 'oh.'

Since it had been mostly downhill to get to where you were, it was mostly uphill to get back.

"So, are we taking turns on the way back?" You suggested. Rui shook his head, and spoke much like he had last time you'd said that.

"It's not so bad. I'll manage."

"Oh okay," you frowned, pouting. You unclipped your plushie and handed Rui back his safety pins, when an idea entered your head.

"Well, if I can't drive back, could I do a quick run of it right now? I wanna see what it feels like to drive with a seat behind you."

"Sure, but it doesn't feel much different."

With that, you set your plushie, cotton candy, and the handful of assorted other candies on the ground and hopped in the main seat. You patted on the back one, beckoning Rui to sit in it, which he did.

At first, you found yourselves laughing at the height of the seat, since it was meant for Rui's height. You couldn't touch the ground on both sides, you had to lean on one or the other.

Then the problem came that you couldn't balance when the bike was moving either. You had to stop several times to make sure the whole bike wouldn't fall over.

Eventually, you began driving decently, and smiling as you did so, until you heard a startled sound and a crash from behind you. You were quick to stop and turn around, only to find the entire back seat gone and on the ground, next to Rui. Panicked, you dropped the bike and ran the short, few steps over.

"Are you okay?!" You crounched next to him. He sat up from the ground, wincing, but putting on a smile nonetheless as he held his head.

"Yeah, just a couple bruises. I wonder what happened..."

You started to calm down a bit at how he didn't seem too injuried, until you watched a bead of red trickle down from his nose.

"Oh, your nose is bleeding!" You gasped, and he touched a hand to the trail, pulling it back to see red on his fingers.


"Stay right here, I'll go get some napkins!" You dashed back to the carnival, going to the nearest food stand to ask for some napkins. They gave you a handful and you rushed back to Rui, only to find him fixing the bike, blood dripping down his neck by that point.

"Rui! You're still bleeding!" You pulled him away from the bike to dab at his face, whilst he gave you a surprised expression.

"I found out why the seat broke-"

"The bike can wait, just give me a second." You wiped what hadn't already dried from his face, down to his chin and neck, then balled up the rest of the napkins and put them under his nose to block the continuous flow. It seemed to be slowing down.

You directed for him to hold them there and took the others away to the trash can. When you returned, you couldn't help but feel like you were treating a child, with the way his yellow eyes looked like a doe's, staring up at you. You crouched back down in front of him, looking him over with evident concern in your eyes.

"Does your head hurt at all?"

"Just a little where it hit the ground. Why?"

"I just wanna make sure you didn't get any brain damage or anything. That'd explain the nosebleed, after all."

"Well, I definitely have some kinda brain damage. But I'm pretty sure that's from long before now," he joked.

You laughed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now