A Family Dinner

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"Rui, I got a question for you."

"Um, yeah?" He couldn't help but be a bit intimidated by your mom, cornering him while you're away.

"Do you have a crush on my daughter?" She asked playfully. He felt a slight heat at his cheeks.

"Depends on if you'll tell her my answer."

Your mother's smile went warm, and it felt like Rui was pulled out from under the ocean, relief washing over him.

"That tells me about all I need to know. And no, I won't tell her if you don't want me to. But can I tell you something about Y/n before you go chasing after her and get hurt?"

"Uh, yes, what is it?" Rui watched as her smile faded into a somber look.

"Y/n got out of a relationship close to a year ago and... well, it wasn't the best. Just, please, be careful with her? She's more fragile than you'd think."

Rui recalled how you cried under the stars at the carnival he took you to. Never again would he want to see that. And he'd give anything just to be able to hold you as he fell asleep at night, and kiss you and tell you just how much he loves you...

"Trust me, I don't think I could stand hurting her."

Your mother's gaze melted into one of adoration, pulling a hand up to her chest and tilting her head.

It was then that she heard your footsteps coming back down the stairs and turned back to the boisterous chef she had been when Rui first walked in.

"Supper's just about ready, Kiddo. Oh! Why don't you go show Rui around? I'll call when food's done."

"Sounds good, Mom." You beckoned Rui over to where you were, to which he came pretty quickly. You pointed out the living room, the dining room, the kitchen. All the basics. Then you took him upstairs, showing him your parent's office, pointing out their room, and finally your room.

"Here's where you'll be spending the night!"

As soon as he walked in, your scent immediately threw itself at his nose. He couldn't help the way it warmed his chest and made his heart beat a little faster. Such a fond scent.

"And this is your bed for the night. I got some extra pillows and blankets if you want them, too."

"I'll be sleeping in your bed?"

"Yeah? Haven't you ever been to a sleepover. The host always gives the comfiest sleeping spot to the guest."

"Ah, right. Then where will you be sleeping?"

You reached under your bed and pulled out a giant beanbag, close to just as long as the bed itself.

"Beanbag chair."

"Are you sure? That's gotta be bad for your back."

"Nah, I've done it a million times before. And you think sleeping on a couch isn't bad for your back?" You crossed your arms.

"Okay, fair, fair. And truthfully, I fall asleep at my desk more so than on that thing."

"Rui," you gave his name a scolding tone as you shook your head. He merely shrugged with a small chuckle.

Rui's chest jumped out of his body when he heard a tired mew come from off to his left. There he saw his bag, and a cat crawling off of it. Lucky.

"Awe, hi Lucky," you cooed, reaching down to pet her. She ignored you without even a second thought and sped walked over to Rui. You could tell from the circular indentation on the top of his bag where she must've decided to sleep, he probably smelled good to her.

His starry, wide eyes followed Lucky as she walked over to where he had crouched down and nuzzled against his hand, purring instantly.

"She's so soft!" You could tell he was holding back the urge to squeal. It was sweet in a way.

Lucky left his hand and walked up between his legs, raising her front paws up his stomach to try and reach his face. When it was too far away, she lept up onto his shoulder and sniffed at his cheek, butting her head into it.

"She likes you."

"She does?!"

"Mhm. She probably hasn't even noticed I'm here. Looks like she got a new favorite human," you pouted.

"Kids! Dinner!" Your mom's voice called up the stairs.

"Ah, quick, before she gets suspicious of us being up here. Is my mom too much? I can see if she'll tone down a bit-"

"She's fine, I don't mind her."

You sighed in relief. "Hah, good. I didn't want her to scare you away."

"I think it'd take a bit more than that for me to jump ship."

You gave him a quick smile before pulling him downstairs to the dining room with you. Once there, your mom was setting out the food and plates. You quickly directed Rui to a seat before offering to get silverware.

Then, when everyone was seated, your mother explained just what you were having.

"We have chicken, broccoli, and rice in that big pot. And here I have some more experiment chicken for you, Y/n. And Rui too if he want to try it."

"Experiment chicken?"

"She's seeing if she can find a new flavor she likes," you explained as you grabbed some of said chicken. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw how Rui seemed hesitant to dip out some of the chicken, broccoli, and rice. After a bit, he did have a full plate, however.

The three of you dove in, finding the food delicious. You didn't fail to see Rui lagging behind, but you didn't exactly know how he ate in the first place.

"Rui, how's the food taste?"

"Even better than I expected! You really are something of a chef."

"Don't fill up too good. We still have dessert after this!"

"Dessert?" His head snapped towards the kitchen, where your mom was looking in the window of the oven.

"Mhm. Brownies."

You bounced happily in your seat, and Rui took another quick bite of chicken and rice, picking out a few pieces of broccoli.

You tried one of your mom's experiment pieces of chicken curiously. You could immediately taste some of her favorite herbs. Rosemary, basil... "Ah, it's delicious, Mom!"

"You like it? I think it's close, but not quite what I'm going for."

Rui quickly snagged a piece of the chicken from your plate while you were talking to your mom and thoughtfully ate it. He nodded quickly.

"Mhm, it's amazing!"

Confused, you looked down at your plate, seeing the other piece of chicken gone. "Hey, that was mine!"

Both Rui and your mom, who'd watched him steal your food, laughed warmly.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now