Practice, practice, practice!

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"Alright, everyone, we need to practice extra hard today! The show is in less than 24 hours and- ...Where's Y/n?"

"She said she wasn't feeling well. She'll try to make it," Nene passed your message on to Tsukasa, who frowned. The importance of this practice was immeasurable. It was the last moment the group had to fix mistakes, perfect the show... and now you weren't going to be a part of it?

On the other hand, he didn't want you to end up being sick for the show. If you rested now, it would prevent your ailment from getting worse before showtime. That did seem a bit more important. He just had to hope that would be what happened.

Just then, Rui felt his phone start buzzing. He found your contact name on the screen, and wondered if he should really answer. He didn't want to seem upset at you, even though that's kind of how he felt, but surely you'd understand after what he'd said last night. After contemplating for a moment, he sighed and excused himself, picking up the call.


"Rui... I'm sorry. There was something I really wanted to tell you last night an-"

"Y/n, Y/n, don't. It's not important right now. You feel like you ruined our friendship and everything. I get it, me too. But right now, I need to focus on the show. And if you aren't actually sick, I suggest you do the same."

At that, before you could get another word in edgewise, he hung up.

At that, you could barely hold back the tears. "Goddammit, Rui, I love you...!"

You crumbled, falling over onto your bed and curling in on yourself. You hiccupped and sniffled as you held your phone tight to your chest. Dammit. Dammit dammit dammitdammit...

You wanted to text him. 'I love you. I love you so much' but what good would that do?

Your phone buzzed, but you were too busy sobbing pathetically to register it, or even want to look at it. It took several minutes of you getting everything out and calming down for you to pick up your phone. On your screen was several texts from Yuuki.

I was going through my old stuff from our troupe days and found a half-finished song
Figured you and your loverboy could finish it off and sing it ;))

You finished wiping new and dried tears from your face and opened the messages. There was a picture of a page of music, with all the music written and half the lyrics underneath. You read over it, when it dawned on you.

This was it. The song you needed.

You shot up and grabbed your earbuds, plugging them into your phone. You then went to your music app and, in less than a minute, you were at Phoenix Wonderland.

You rushed to the Wonder stage and as soon as you were there, jumped up onto stage and approached Tsukasa. The music paused, along with everyone's choreo. He approached you, smiling.

"Y/n-san! You're feeling better already?"

"Yes, and I'm here, and I'm ready to kill our show tomorrow!" You cheered, and suddenly the rest of the troupe cheered with you.

"Then let's get going!" Rin clapped her hands.

"Becoming Potatoes. We should practice that one now," Rui directed. Emu and Miku went to grab everyone's canes. Meanwhile, you ran over to Nene.

"I have a new development," you whispered to her. "A song my friend wrote part of a couple years ago. It's perfect."

"Perfect for what?" She tilted her head. You froze, deadpanning at her, then she remembered. "Oh, wait, that. We can talk about it after practice for a bit if things don't run too late."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now