Definite Progression

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"I'd say that wraps it up for tonight!" Tsukasa declared. Emu helped you carefully take off your wings and horns, handing them to Rui so he could put them away. Tsukasa closed off the practice and made for the door. You were quick to grab his arm before he could leave the stage.

"Nuh-uh. Remember?"

He looked at you in confusion, then recalled why you stopping him. The new song, right.

"Yuuki finished the last parts of our costumes. I put them in the back."

"Great! Let's go try them on!" On the way backstage, you passed Rui, who seemed like he had forgotten too. He soon realized as well and followed you two to the costumes. Once there, you grabbed the few that you needed and handed them to the rightful wearer.

Tsukasa's eyes sparkled as he held up his cloak, the neck of which was lined with fur. The same was for Rui's and yours, meant for the costume change idea you'd had. The song was about falling to corruption, wasn't it? Why not leave as real people and return as demons? But that reminded you...

"Ah, I meant to ask this long ago," you spoke up, "where did this song even come from?" You chuckled, looking between Tsukasa and Rui, who, in turn, looked at each other. " don't know?"

"Can't we sing for the sake of singing?"

"Yes, of course you can, but the lyrics are a bit... disconcerning..."

"Y/n, I didn't want to tell you this, but..." Rui started dramatically, "I'm a demon, sent here by Satan himself to drag you down to hell."

"Me as well," Tsukasa feigned shame, looking at his feet. "We couldn't have possibly gone through with it, though. We've fallen in love with you, and you deserve to live."

"My, such lovely actors," you rolled your eyes. Rui stuck his tongue out playfully, as Tsukasa struck a pose.

"We are, aren't we?"

You thought back, back to when love scared you and flustered you around these two, Rui specifically. You'd all grown close enough that that wasn't the case anymore. Such a tight-knit group, you never had to worry about that now.

"Well, we should try these on, then get back to figuring out the choreo."


You did just that, trying on your cool new demon outfit. It would've been convenient to reuse the horns from your dragon costume, but you found those didn't hold well while dancing. Now, you had a headband, which matched your new cloak, as well as the rest of your dark-themed ensemble.

You met with the others, who were dressed similarly. The main difference was size here. You and Tsukasa had similarly long cloaks and horns, while Rui's were longer. It was fitting, since he wanted to play the part of the one corrupting, making you and Tsukasa the corrupted.

"You make a lovely demon overlord," you cooed, pinching Rui's cheek. His face scrunched up as you did, then relaxed into a smile when you let go.

"What am I?" Tsukasa whined, wanting your attention. You laughed into your hand.

"A new henchman!"

He didn't seem to like that.

"Let's get to work now. We only have an hour and a half, after all," Rui suggested, pulling both of you out to the stage. You got into your specified starting positions and Rui played the song through his phone. With no one to man the stage speakers, this was the best you had. It worked well, though, seeing as Rui was often in the center.

You went about your choreo for the intro, then started the chorus. Tsukasa first, then a reorganization during the interlude, then Rui, another reorganization, then you twice.

Once through with that part, you stopped taking the main melody and took the higher harmony for the part. Personally, you loved it. It'd been a while since you'd sang notes high enough for you to feel like you were shouting.

"Shizume Shizume."

You'd also grown used to Tsukasa's voice over this time. You liked it, even found yourself reverting to that sort of singing style occasionally on accident. You especially liked how he sang this particular song.

"Otose Otose."

Once through with the first chorus, you paused for a break. The three of you had hoped to get that part decent before starting on the others. It gave time for Rui to come up with the next parts of choreo, and reduced the stress you were all under.

You practiced this part a few more times, until time had ran out, then called it a day. You went back to take off the demon costumes. Once Tsukasa had left, waving goodbye, Rui wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Whose house?"

It'd become a normal thing to spend nights at each other's houses, more often yours since, y'know, you had an actual bed.

"Do you have any work to do?" He shook his head, nuzzling into your neck. "Then why don't we stay at my house?"

"Ok," he murmured, slurred into your shoulder. You reached up to scratch at his head, humming a laugh.

"So clingy."

He huffed out a whine, and you chuckled lightly at him. You patted his head, then pulled away. "Let's go."

You went home, made some quick supper, and hurried off to bed. Not before a quick game, though. Something relaxing, after a day of hard work.

"It's 10:30," you said, setting your phone down and yawning.

"Ok, we'll get somewhere we can stop and go to bed."


"Me too," Rui laughed lightly next to you. Somehow, some way, you'd fixed his sleep schedule. Somewhat. You had no doubt he'd be pulling another all-nighter machining as soon as he needed to.

You closed up the game and put everything away, and were in Rui's arms before you could blink. He was always so warm, as if you'd never actually need the blanket you had over both of you.



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