The Seed of a Story

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"So, what is this super cool idea you have?" You asked, sitting in one of the chairs in the backstage meeting room, watching Tsukasa start writing on the whiteboard. 'Play ideas.'

"A play!" He declared happily. "I already have a ton of ideas for it. So," he made a tiny sketch of what looked to be a dragon and a knight, "the main characters are the ruler of all beasts, who is a dragon, and the knight tasked with slaying them."

"Oh, I already like where this is going!" You enthused. Personally, you were always the fantasy type.

"So, the knight has always loved the dragon and doesn't want to kill them," he explained, doodling out the plot as he went. "But the king hates the dragon and is the one sending the knight after them. The knight goes out and infiltrates the dragon's den and professes their love to the dragon, who mercies them because they promise eternal loyalty if the dragon will turn them into a beast. So the dragon sends them out on a quest to get something that'll let the dragon kill the king. The knight does that, then helps the dragon slay the king. Then the knight proposes and they all have a big feast!" Tsukasa capped the marker with a proud smile. "The end."

You clapped happily, looking at the funny doodles that now almost filled the board. "I love it! It's so traditional and not at the same time!"

"Right?! It's such a good idea! We'd be crazy not to go through with it!"

You nodded, ear catching bits and pieces of Ego Rock coming from the stage. You wished you were out there dancing. But this was a pretty good idea.

"So, the only problem points are here," he pointed to the doodle where the knight goes on the dragon's quest, "and backstories. Like why the knight loves the dragon and why the king hates them. That sort of stuff."

"I see..."

"Oh, and I also want this super dark scene with the dragon that makes them look like the bad guy but really they aren't, y'know? It just makes them marrying the knight and ruling the kingdom so much bigger of a change."

"Right, yeah. If we're gonna talk dark stuff, how about the dragon and its beasts feed on humans they find wondering out in the woods beyond the kingdom?" You spoke darkly, giving Tsukasa a fearsome gaze. He laughed.

"Ah, yes, yes! It's great!" He uncapped the marker, drawing in another doodle near the beginning of the plot where the dragon sat on a throne with two beasts offering a dead person. "Now, onto backstory stuff. The king hates the dragon. Why?"

"Well, what if the dragon killed the queen? Before the story, I mean. You didn't mention a queen at all, so I assume that'd work."

"Oooh, I like that, that's something. Now, why does the knight love the dragon?"

"...they could be raised by beasts in the forest and really see how beautiful they are? And at some point they wondered into the kingdom and the people took them in, and now they're a knight."

"Wow, you come up with ideas quick! But there's one problem with that..."

"What is it?"

"Wouldn't becoming a knight mean slaying beasts? If they love beasts, why become a knight?"

"Oh, right... well, if they love the dragon, isn't that the same question? Why become the knight meant to slay them?"

"Hm... yeah... that's a toughy."

"Knock, knock!" Miku's voice sounded at the door as she tapped on it. Tsukasa opened it for her, welcoming her in.

"Are things going well in here?"

You and Tsukasa both nodded happily. "We'll have to tell you everything we came up with once we get these little kinks out."

"Oho, I'll be happy to hear it. I'm afraid it may have to wait, though. Rui sent me back because you're both missing a lot of practice, and Y/n still needs a good bit."

"Ah, okay. We'll pick this up later then, right Y/n?"

"Mhm, now let's go! I wanna get better at Becoming Potatoes!"

The three of you joined the others, who greeted you warmly. Well, Rui's greeting was questionable. He glanced over you and Tsukasa quickly, as if expecting something to be out of place. He then smiled as if nothing had happened.

"Welcome back you two! Did you get a lot done on your idea, Tsukasa?"

"Absolutely! In fact, the plot is almost done!"

"Ooooh, I'm so excited! Can we hear about it?" Emu bounced happily. Tsukasa shook his head.

"Not yet. As soon as it's done, though, we'll be sure to show you!"

"Can we at least hear what it's called? If it's Romeo and Juliet again I'm gonna throw up," Nene groaned. Tsukasa paused.

"Aha, oh. We didn't come up with a name for it."


"Well, anyway," Rui slid your cane into your hand, then handed everyone else theirs. "We should get back to work."

After an hour or two of practicing Becoming Potatoes, which you'd gotten notably better at, practice was drawn to a close. You finished your bottle of water before bidding farewell to all your friends. Well, the majority of them.

"I really hope I don't come off clingy asking this but..." Rui started, scratching the back of his neck bashfully. It was just the two of you left now. "Could I stay at your house again tonight?"

"Sure. I don't see why not," you smiled. "Oh, I could even tell you the play synopsis while we play that game you like! Just don't tell Tsukasa, okay?"

"I don't see why I'd feel the need to," Rui laughed, then suddenly, he leaned into you, wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug. You returned it with little hesitation. After a moment, he quickly pulled away with a disappointed look. "Ah, my, I really am too clingy. Sorry."

"No, no, you're fine Rui! C'mon, let's go home."

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