More Crazy

375 14 18

Guys I had a dream last night that I went feral and deleted my Tsukasa fic bc it wasn't Rui and wrote like 5 new Rui fics ._.

Anyway new chapter :D


The next morning, you were sleeping away peacefully, mind clouded by the same sort dreams and thoughts you used to have while dozing away in Rui's arms. It was funny, considering you thought you were both on not-so-great terms. But, here you were, laying in his arms. Ah, but... he sure did smell different... and what was that alarm-like sound coming from somewhere behind him?

Your eyes fluttered open, taking in the chest you were being held close to. It seemed a bit too small to be Rui's. And you certainly didn't recognize the shirt. Wait a minute...

Weren't you at... TsukasA'S HOUSE?!

You quickly tilted your head up, finding Tsukasa's head was in fact there, still snoozing away. His arms were wrapped around you loosely, just under your shoulders, while your hands were around him in the same area they used to be with Rui. You started by removing your hands, face beet red at the situation. But that left the issue of getting out of Tsukasa's hands without waking him.

You didn't want him to find out about this.

You realized the alarm sound was coming from Tsukasa's phone on the nightstand behind him. You were lucky you woke up first, but letting it play meant that Tsukasa could wake up any moment. So, you tried to make quick work of slithering out of his arms, until you heard him stir.

You couldn't do anything but stare at him like a deer caught in headlights as his eyes slowly blinked open. It took a moment, but he finally seemed to notice you. Then, it took another moment to realize your position, and his face turned bright red.

He did a half scream, then cleared his throat and smiled at you. "Well, g-goodmorning, Darling!"

"D-darling?!" If your face could get any redder, it definitely did.

"Hm? Not your kind of petname? Then how about... Sweetheart!"

"Tsukasa, what are you talking about?!"

"Petnames! They're what you call a spouse, aren't the-?" His eyes then widened, and his words died in his throat. He swallowed, then looked at you with a near mortified gaze. "Was... was us getting together... a dream?"

It took you a moment of floundering to understand the question and answer it. "I... I'm going to assume so... I don't exactly remember becoming your girlfriend... Or anything like that..."

Tsukasa immediately made a noise between a squeal and a scream. Whatever it was, it was loud. His arms retreated out from under you in the blink of an eye, and he rolled himself away from you just as fast. In a moment of misjudging just how much mattress was behind him, he rolled right off the bed, thumping almost as loudly on the floor as his screaming. He curled up tight, covering his face in his hands. It was so red it looked like it might melt off.

"T-tsukasa!" You got up and crawled to the edge of the bed, looking down at him. "Are you alright?! Don't hurt yourself right before our show!"

He sat up at the speed of light, hands leaving his face. "The show! What time is it?!"

"Ah." You looked around from some sort of clock. You grabbed Tsukasa's phone of the nightstand and took a look. "6:03."

Tsukasa sighed, a hand holding his chest. "Thank goodness." He got up from the floor, dusting off his PJs. "Good timing, then. I thought I had slept through my alarm!"

He sure seemed over the two of you cuddling. And... everything after.

"Alright, I'm gonna do my normal mourning routine, then we can head to Phoenix Wonderland, putting us there at 7:00! Well... 7:03 now. Y/n-san!" He turned to you. "Is there anything you'll need?"

"N-no, not that I know of."

"Alright, I'm going to shower and do my hair! And should you need someone to help you with your own, gorgeous hair, I'd be pleased to!"

"That's alright, I was just going to do that in the dressing room..."

Tsukasa carefully searched his dresser for a good 10 minutes for an outfit, occasionally asking for your help. Meanwhile, you held the outfit you had packed in your lap, waiting for a moment to yourself when you could change. When Tsukasa finally did leave for the bathroom, you made quick work of changing outfits, just to make sure no one would accidentally decide to interrupt. A quick look in one of Tsukasa's many mirrors told you you didn't look half bad. Y'know, for having just woken up and not done anything to your appearance.

You counted through the minutes it took for Tsukasa to get through his shower. 1... 2... 3... 5... 10... 15... 23...

Okay, you were bored. So, naturally, you got on your phone. And, while you're not sure how it happened, you somehow found yourself in you and Rui's old chat history.

Y/n :D

Rui :D

You kept scrolling, feeling bittersweet butterflies flutter up in your stomach. You scrolled all the way to before you'd become so close. Even before you were friends. The days of asking 'when is it more convenient for you to hang out?' and the like. All the great moments you'd had, you wished you hadn't made that one decision.

Rejecting Rui. What a stupid, stupid mistake.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now