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"Seriously, Rui. I know the difference. And this is... definitely love." Tsukasa could feel his face heating at the insinuation. It was such a cheesy thing. To say he was in love with you... it was embarrassing, especially to one of his closest friends. The feeling was really turning into something bothersome.

"You're very... oblivious, Tsukasa."

"Oblivious, sure, but not stupid!"

"I'm just saying, even if you do somehow actually love her for something other than her fame and experience, I'd try to extinguish all that. You guys really wouldn't be good for each other."

Tsukasa stood quickly, am offended rage beginning to bubble in his stomach. "We wouldn't be good for each other? Y/n's the girl of my dreams! To think I'd ever give her with less than my best is outrageous!"

"And what if she wouldn't treat you with her best, hm? What if she uses you, crushes your heart... Oh, and heaven forbid she doesn't even love you in the first place!" Rui's voice had a lilt of almost hysteria in it. Tsukasa's brows furrowed.

"She's amazing. Perfect. She'd never do something like that!"

"Maybe not on purpose, but your ignorance is laughable."

"I know what she's been through. I've followed her and her career since she started, and no matter what may be wrong with her, I'll always be there to help her! She doesn't have to return anything. Just as long as I have the honor to be called hers-"

"Stop treating her like she's some saint! She's human, just like the rest of us, and any human can be cruel."

"Are you just saying all this because you think I'm trying to take her from you?"

Rui sighed roughly, rubbing his forehead. "I never had her to begin with. That much is clear."

Tsukasa, seeing the clear pain in Rui, calmed down. "Having said that. Do you love her?"

Rui thought for a hard minute. Yes. He hadn't stopped loving you. But he needed to.


"Then... I promise, I'll... I'll make sure not to ruin anything. The troupe... our friendship... I promise my love for her won't get in the way of what's important."

Rui, now out of things to say, hummed softly and left the roof. Meanwhile, Tsukasa thought deeply into what he'd said. Envy... surely he didn't think he loved you just because of your fame and experience? Because he thought you were pretty. Pretty like your voice and your hair... and those gorgeous eyes... and how you looked so shy on stage...

Shoot, what was your favorite color again?


At practice that night, it was more of a celebration than an actual rehearsal. With the show just around the corner, this was their last normal meeting before it was time. Tsukasa brought tons of soda, Emu brought candy, and the virtuals helped with some actual food. You'd made a chocolate cake for everyone, but had you known the amount of junk food that was already being brought, you might've changed your choice.

"Y/n!" Emu called as you walked in to the Wonder Stage. Once your cake was safely out of the way, she threw her arms around you, enthusing about how excited she was for the show. Nene came up slowly behind her, smiling in a way that was uncommon. Looking around the area, it looked like you were the last one to show.

"Y/n, welcome," Rui mused. Tsukasa walked out from backstage and grew starry-eyed upon seeing you, rushing over.

"Y/n-san! Fashionably late, haha! Now that you're here, we can get started." At that, music started playing from the stage's speakers. He held your hands, looking at you with wide and euphoric eyes.

"Did you hear? We sold out the show! This whole place is gonna be full!" He wrapped his arms around you, tight, and nuzzled his face into your neck, thanking you. "It's all thanks to you, Y/n-san."

"No, no, no, it's you guys they came for! I'm not even that big a part in all this." You patted his back, half awkwardly, face just barely heating. That warmth grew when you looked at Rui, who smiled and waved at you, and you remembered how he used to hug you like this.

"You smell so nice..."


Tsukasa jumped, pulling away with a red face. "N-nothing! C'mon, let's eat!" He drug you away by your hand, sitting you down in one of the seats at the front of the theater. "Whaddya want? I'll grab it for you!"

"No need. I already know what she likes." You turned, albeit a little too quickly, towards the voice. Rui's, to be exact. He lowered a plate into your lap. Sure enough, everything on it made your mouth water, but you were much more focused on the warm smile lining his face. He gave you that smile, then went back to the food table, leaving Tsukasa with clenched fists.

It was a bad idea. Rui knew. But he found he had had the sudden urge to show up Tsukasa in front of you. Maybe because of their argument, but he refrained from pulling something like that again. In fact, he didn't even sit by you, leaving you all to Tsukasa while he ate. Instead, he sat back a couple rows, next to Nene and Emu. From there he had the perfect view of the two of you. One he'd avoid like the plague, because it still hurt sometimes. And when Nene would catch him glancing, she'd be sure to catch his attention back in some way.

"What do you think of the show, Rui?"

"Hm? Ah, it's definitely our best one yet!"

"You really think?" Emu mused, and he nodded.

Meanwhile, you giggled pointing to your cheek. "Right here."

"Here?" Tsukasa would wipe his own cheek, missing the smudge you mentioned entirely. He'd never admit it was on purpose, but it was. And worth it too, because eventually you gave up trying and reached for his face, wiping the chocolate off with your thumb and bringing it to your lips. He watched carefully. You were always such a sight. He was so glad to be preforming next to you.

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