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Rui returned to his home, promising he'd be at your house soon for that supper you promised. When he got there, his mind trailed back to his plans tonight. He had to be quick if he wanted to get to Phoenix Wonderland before it closed.

Even with this thought in his mind, he found himself starfished on his couch, heart beating loudly with excitement and a smile on his face. This was it. This was when he was going to confess to you. He couldn't wait.

He felt tired, the insomnia of last night still evident in his body. Regardless, he was so euphoric he could scream. Go out somewhere empty, preferably with a nice view, and let everything out. Even better if you were there, cheering him on.

He didn't realize it when his eyes closed and he dozed off peacefully, as if he was on a cloud. Cloud 9. That's what this feeling was.

He awoke, over an hour later, with a faint and occasional ting from off behind him. He stirred tiredly, looking off to his desk. There sat you, in all your glory, eating out of a bowl next to his lamp. You turned to him.

"Oh, look who's awake."

"Shoot, I didn't mean to fall asleep," he winced, mentally scolding himself.

"I brought you supper. No doubt plenty cold now."

You sounded mad. He screwed up.

"Sorry. Really, I was just..." but he didn't know what he had been doing. In an excited frenzy, he'd thrown himself on his couch. No reason, just because he had so much energy and wasn't thinking. And then he fell asleep.

You didn't answer, just stood up, swirling your fork in your bowl, and walked over to him. You sat it in his lap, and he saw it was full of noodles of some kind. They looked delicious.

"Mine's still warm. You can have the rest."

"No, I can just eat the cold on-" he saw how you glared at him and realized that maybe this wasn't the best time to put you before him. His stomach was growling, and his mouth was nearly overflowing with saliva at the scent of your supper. He simply nodded and started eating as you sat back down at his desk.

"I'm sorry," he said again after his first few bites.

"It's no bother. I doubt you slept much last night."

"What makes you say that?"

You motioned for him to take another bite, which he did as you answered.

"You've been acting off all day. And the messy hair and lateness proved it this morning. You must really not enjoy me spending time with Tsukasa."

"No... I guess not."

"I don't know what you're so worried about. I have more fun with you anyway."

"I'm glad..."

"So, you have any plans for tonight? Or am I just feeding you from missing lunch?"

He set his fork down, despite the few bites that were left and the continuous hunger he had.

"No, I do have something. Or... I did. What time is it?"

"It's 6-ish."

That left 2 hours until the theme park closed. He stood up, setting your bowl down, and grabbed his phone.

"What're you doing?"

Then, the song played, and you were back in your Sekai again.

"Hey, what's the big idea here? You didn't finish eating!"

"That can wait. C'mon, we have some rides to go on!"


He tugged you along through the entrance to the park, and straight into the dwindling line for the first ride he knew you liked.

"Rui, you need to eat."

"Y/n," he turned to you, holding your hands in his. "I have a surprise for you at the end of the night. I promise I'll eat something after that."

"You promise?"

"I do."

You sighed. "Fine. But if you get hungry before this surprise of yours I will force feed you."

"O-okay then."

Several rides, laughs, and maybe even a few kisses later, the park was closing, and you sighed in disappointment.

"No more rides, I guess."

"Unfortunately, but there's still that surprise I promised you. C'mon." He pulled you towards the Wonderstage.

"The stage? What, are we actually going to dance this time?"

"We might," he mused, as if to say there was no way of telling how this was going to go. He led you to the front row of the audience and sat you down. You could see the excitement in his wide eyes as he did so.

"Stay here, you'll see soon."


He ran backstage, clearly giddy, and you heard quiet metallic sounds from behind the curtains. Then, suddenly, a loud crash. You didn't hear much of anything after that, and decided you should make sure Rui was okay. You ran where he went, and gasped when you saw him on the floor, wincing in pain.

"Rui?! Hey, are you okay?!" You lowered down to your knees, reaching out to him. He perked up at your voice and rolled over to cover a few of the bots on the floor.

"Y-y/n! You're gonna ruin the surprise!"

"But you're hurt!"

He sighed, not daring disagree. "Close your eyes for a second."

You did so, covering them with your hands. You heard a few metallic drags, then warm hands on yours, pulling them away from your face. He sat on his knees in front of you, smiling warmly. Once he could see your face again, he pulled you to him wrapping his arms around you and holding you gently. When you returned the embrace, however, he pulled away from one of your arms.

"Ow, owowow," he winced. You pulled away quickly.

"S-sorry! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a couple bruises," he put his hand to his side, feeling up his ribs and making a pained face.

"Maybe we should go home," you spoke caringly. After a moment he sighed.

"Yeah. We should."

As you helped him up, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. His big confession... ruined because a bot fell on him backstage? He'd be sure to keep everything cleaner in the future.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now