The Right Thing at the Wrong Time

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The rest of your time at the waterpark was fairly fun. You spent a good two hours at the wave pool, watching Tsukasa try to run from the huge waves and Rui not even have to jump when they washed over. Nene had stayed back more towards the shallow end, and Emu stuck with her for company, so it was mostly just you and Rui at the deep end, having fun together and making light conversation.

Later on, you'd finally gotten to meet Kaito, though it was short lived. Apparently, he was meeting Miku, Rin, and Len somewhere for supper. Mentioning that reminded you and the others that you had yet to eat as well, which is where you went next.

With the sun starting to wane into the horizon and paint the sky orange, you and your group decided to go on just a few more calm rides before heading home. You went on the spinning swings, the carousel, even the mini train, just for fun. You lived out these last few moments until Emu checked the time with a frown.

"It's almost time to go," she sighed sadly. "I think we have just enough time for the ferris wheel, though! Nene, do you wanna go on that?"

"Sure, sounds nice. We get to see the whole park before it closes."

"Mhm, and with all the pretty lights too," Rui added.

"Then it's settled. You two can go in your seat," you grabbed Rui's and Tsukasa's arms,"and the three of us will go in another!"

"Sounds great!" Emu agreed, leading the way to the ferris wheel. You let go of your friends arms, oblivious to the similar feelings shared between them. Running through both their heads were the same words.

'Why does he have to be there?'

Soon, you all reached the tall wheel, and you marvelled at its lights and height. You'd be surprised if you didn't hit your head on the moon, all the way up there.

The five of you got in line, separated by who would be going in the seats together. When you reached the front, however, the man running the ride stopped you.

"Sorry, kids. 2 to a seat."

You looked at the other two, both giving each other an almost expectant look. You gave them a smile and stepped back.

"It's alright, you two go-"

"No, no, Y/n, you must go. There's no way you're missing that view!" Tsukasa insisted, stepping towards the exit. "Anyway, this ferris wheel's a bit too tall for me. Have fun!"

"Ah, thank you, Tsukasa," you waved appreciatively, walking with Rui up to the seat. You were strapped in and sent rolling in a few moments, and you reveled in the beautiful sky, lined with the gorgeous lights of the park. You could hardly pull your eyes away from them. The ride jittered to a stop at the top as you gazed over the vast sights to be seen.

You could see rides you'd been on, rollercoasters still zooming down their tracks and spinning rides still full of squeals from riders. You could see the waterpark, and its slides, still not even as tall as where your seat on the wheel was.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

You managed to pry your eyes away from the sight to look at Rui, but it only fixed your eyes to another gorgeous view. His warm smile, and his head silhouetted by the sunset behind it. Your chest grew warm and tight.

"...yeah... it is..."

Your mind was in a bit of a haze for what happened next, and it felt as if a snare was pulling you towards Rui. Slowly... breathlessly... you drew closer, until your eyes instinctively closed and your lips met his. You sat in the sweet sensation for a short moment as you felt it grow.

Rui's hand raised up to cup your cheek, and at that, it was suddenly too much. Your chest grew tighter and hot, and your breath hitched as you pulled away quickly, cheeks growing red.

Rui stared at you for a second, until he seemed to snap back to reality and brought his hand back down, looking away with an awkward laugh. You too did the same, chuckling and looking back at the lights.

"That was..." he started, but it was clear he wasn't all there.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry," you apologized lightheartedly, shaking your head as you continued to laugh. "I don't know what that was."

"No, no, it's fine, really. I guess if you hadn't, I probably would've," he admitted. It sent even more blood rushing to your cheeks, which you held tightly in an attempt to cover.

"D-don't say that!" You laughed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry, just being honest!"

The ride then picked up moving again, sending you around a few times. The breeze cooled your face to the best it could, leaving a light, yet stubborn dusting. Eventually, you landed at the bottom, being unhooked from your seat so you could walk down to the exit, where Tsukasa stood, quick to notice your change in demeanor.

"Did you enjoy it, Y/n? You seem like you may have been a bit scared up there!"

Goodness, he was terrible at reading people.

"I-I'm alright. It was... really nice..."

"Awe, there, there, Y/n-san! C'mere!" He pulled your head to his chest, running his hand down your hair in an attempt to soothe you. "No need to fear, the ride's over. You're back on land again."

"Uh... yeah... thanks."

The awkwardness of that was all it took to rid your face of the last few traces of what had happened, pink finally fading from your cheeks. When Tsukasa let you go, looking at your strained expression, he smiled triumphantly.

"Ah, you already look better!"

And even as Tsukasa stole your attention once again, being touchy with you as he was before, that dark feeling Rui had felt had finally ceased.

He already had so much more than Tsukasa could even wish for.

[Hahahahaha this one had to be a day late bc I need to ration yall's food 😈]

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