A Change of Pace

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Rui was just barely able to pull away from your lips when he placed another short kiss to them. He looked at you like he wanted to do it again, but was able to look away, shifting his lips down to your jaw. Meanwhile, one of his hands gently tilted your head to the side to expose more of your neck to him.

His kisses that trailed down the skin there were gentle as a feather. It was only after a few short moments of this that you found he wasn't being gentle for the sake of it, but because he was searching for the best spot to get a reaction out of you. It became apparent when he trailed his tongue up your sensitive skin, eliciting a shakey hum from your throat.

He left more warm, wet trails up your neck, searching for all the places where you made the most noise and prompting your hands to slide up his neck to his head, gripping gently at his hair. After enough time of this, you felt his teeth graze your skin and shuddered. He smiled against you, nibbling lightly at your skin. A wave of familiarity washed over you when he moved the hem of your shirt over and licked down your shoulder.

You became aware of how you trembled, unbelievably excited by the moment. It surprised you to feel the same holding onto your chin, Rui's hand just barely shaking as well. Quiet sighs of his name made the shaking worse for a moment, and his breath against your neck and shoulder was shallow and fast as he bit softly into your best spots.

You jumped pretty violently when a knock sounded on the door in the corner of his room. "Rui, are you awake?" His mom.

"Yeah, just getting ready," he responded casually, sitting up and wiping the corners of his mouth.

"Is Y/n up?"

He gave you an expectant look, but you could hardly process the words they were saying. With a chuckle, he answered for you.

"Sort of."

"Alright, make sure you leave soon so she can stop at her house, ok?"

"Will do."

She wished you both a nice day at school and you listened to her footsteps fade down the hallway behind the door. You then looked at Rui, who was holding back laughter.

You let out a giggle at the look on his face, and you both laughed for a good moment, before Rui's eyes trailed down to your neck.

"Oh. That's..." he trailed off.


"Tilt your head over," he asked, moving your shirt out of the way to look at your neck. His expression was a mixture of troubled and amused.

"What? What is it?"

"There's... there's a few marks. And they're pretty red." His eyes turned to you. "I didn't hurt you at all, did I?"

"No. But I can imagine the kinda earful I'm gonna get if Mom sees," you sighed, running a hand down the expanse of your neck. The skin was hot under your touch.

"Your uniform should probably cover it. Just don't let her see you before you get changed."

"She's going to smother me as soon as I'm through the door, Rui."

He hummed, thinking to himself. "Tell you what, I have a bunch of hoodies. You could just pick one out and wear it with the hood up."

"Oh, well, that's something." With that, Rui got up and walked over to his dresser, grabbing a pile of poorly folded hoodies, he brought them over and sat them next to you on the mattress, looking through them. He then shoved them towards you with a smile.

"Take your pick!"

You looked through them all and grabbed one that was one of your favorite colors. You slipped it on over your clothes and cozied into it, smelling Rui on it. It was quite big on you, and Rui chuckled at that.

You smiled, holding out your arms in the sleeves that were too long for you, but Rui's mind seemed elsewhere, staring at your midsection. You tilted your head.


He moved closer, and both his hands came to your sides, pushing in the hoodie until he found your waist under the fabric. "It's so big on you!" He all but squealed, his hands warm on your ribs. You shuddered at the touch, then pushed his hands off you with an awkward agree.

"Well, should we go then?"

"Yeah." You got up and grabbed your bag, slipping your shoes on. Rui grabbed his backpack and shoes, then met you at the garage door.

"Hey, wait. Are we gonna make it in time?"

"What do you mean?"

"You woke me up at 7, and all of... that probably took a good half an hour, and the walk there is about 15 minutes, and I'll probably be 5 minutes getting ready if I rush... that'd put us there at 7:50. So we'll miss role call."

"I may have deceived you a bit," Rui chuckled nervously, running a hand down the back of his neck. "I woke you up at... 6:30 I think? So we'll probably get there about the time your bus does."

"So you had all of that half-hour planned out?!"

"Yes and no." He left his sentence at that, not bothering to elaborate. It made you anxious, but you shoved it to the back of your mind.

You soon reached your house, nervous to open the door, even as you did. Much how you had expected, your mom was in the kitchen when you entered, and she got up quickly to rush over to you and wrap you in a hug.

"Ah, Sweetheart, I missed you! And how're you, Rui ma'boy?" She asked, patting Rui on the head behind you. He smiled warmly.

"Great. And your daughter's fine and well. I made sure of that."

"Hm, and just what kind of 'fine and well' are you, Y/n?" She teased, holding your cheeks in her hands. You nervously pulled away.

"I'm good. I just need to get changed before school," you left your mother's embrace to rush upstairs. As you retreated, your mother gave Rui her usual mischievous look.

"She thinks she's so good at hiding."

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now