Come Back...

490 15 18

"Oh, I have another one! I just have to know this... so, there was a video circling around a while ago where someone took apart the different parts of the Round 0 second chorus. Was that super high melody really you?!"

Tsukasa bounced in his seat as he asked yet another question. You'd long since lost count of them, not that it mattered, but you'd been there a while. With a smile you nodded.

"Yes. In fact, that's why we added the whispering after the 'rinne tensei', because I was so out of breath they needed a way to cover up all my gasping," you chuckled at the fond memory, recalling how you'd spent several shows at that very part of the song, hiding behind the wall of your friends so you could catch your breath before the next verse.

"Aha, Y/n-san, your voice is so dynamic! For you to sing at such a high pitch, only to come back down to the normal one a millisecond after...!"

"Yes, it was a challenge to master. I doubt I could do it anymore."

"Big bro! Y/n-san! It's almost time for the meteor shower!" You heard Saki call from upstairs.

"Ok, Saki!" Tsukasa called back. He then turned back to you, frowning. "Darn it, I was hoping to ask a few more questions."

"There's always next time. Besides, that was more than enough to stave you off for a while, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it should be. You should come over more, Y/n. Maybe we could even invite the rest of Wondershow over and have one big sleepover!"

"I wouldn't miss that for the world!" You laughed, listening as the sound of Saki's footsteps echoed down the stairs. She walked around the corner into the livingroom, holding a hoodie.

"I brought this for you, Y/n-san. Unless you were hoping for something of Tsukasa's," she smirked. You brushed it off and thanked her, taking the hoodie. It fit you fairly well, and was plenty warm.

"You get your coat on!" She pointed at Tsukasa. "I'll meet both of you at the back door."

"Ok, alright," Tsukasa muttered as he stood. He beckoned you to follow him as he rushed up the stairs to his room. You stood in his doorway, watching as he looked through his closet for a coat he liked. Your face was uncertain as you watched him deny several, throwing them across his room, eventually, he picked out 2, and gave them both a troubled look before turning to you and holding them up.

"Which one looks better?"

In all honesty, they looked basically the same. The only difference was the color, by a little shade.

"Um... the right one?"

"I thought so too." He discarded the other one, chucking it as he had with everything else, and slipped on the one you'd suggested. "Ok, let's go!"

Finally, you went to the back door, seeing Saki tapping her foot with an impatient look.

"Took ya long enough. We got a good 2 minutes to get to the spot."

"We should get going, then!" Tsukasa smiled, seemingly disregarding his sister's frustration. You followed the siblings outside, walking through the cold night with them until you reached a pile of rocks, sitting in an open space.

"Ah, it's already started! Come, quick!"

You ran over, sitting on the rocks, and looked up at the stars. The view was gorgeous, the clouds nowhere to be seen and the stars and moon brighter than ever. Amongst it all, streaks of white shot across bits of the sky and disappeared. If you looked close enough, you could even see the purpley outline of the Milkyway. It reminded you of a duller version of the Starscape, where it was rare not to see a meteor shower.

"Ah, it's beautiful!" Saki sighed, taking a picture and texting it to somebody. The same idea popped into your head, and you soon found yourself sending an image of the sky barrage to Rui.

Told you I'd be thinking of you :)

There was no immediate response. Of course, Rui was probably looking at the shower himself.

And as you sat, oblivious to anything but the beauty of such a nostalgic scene, Tsukasa stared not at the stars, but at you. The moonlight contrasted your soft skin to the darkness of everything else and lit up your eyes like nothing else. Even now, so long after your group's dispersion, you still sat in the spot light, and you were still stunning in it.

With a quiet sigh, he continued to miss the whole meteor shower, only watching what he could see in the reflection of your eyes. In a way, he thought to himself, maybe he wanted to be back in the Starscape just as much as you did. It would take him back to his days of carefree obsession. When he'd bought all those plushies of you (thankfully, he'd remembered to hide them under his bed before you came) and downloaded all your songs. It was such a great time, even when he was anxiety stricken by his sister's illness.

He wished you could go back to feeling so alive too.


The wind was cold over Rui's arms, giving him goosebumps he didn't seem to care about. All he could feel was the melancholy and loneliness of where he was standing, out in his own driveway, watching a meteor shower over the roof of your house. While the light he could see through your kitchen window had warmed him earlier, it was dispelled by the reminder that it wasn't you.

He'd wanted you to be here with him to see this. He'd wanted to be able to admit to you just how much he wanted to be yours, and hope you'd accept. None of these little dreams had come true. He hoped one would soon.

A buzz from his phone awoke him from his darkness. It was a text, from you. A picture of the very same meteor shower, and a cheesey reminder of what you'd told him.

Sure, it was great to have you thinking of him, but it would've been better to have you next to him, even as just friends. It didn't matter anymore. As long as you were there.

And you simply weren't.

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