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Hi here are Rui :3

• Rui makes a lot of excuses. He just doesn't want people to worry about him because that would be no fun :( so it's basically become a reflex to think of some kind of fake excuse when someone asks what's wrong. Even when he wants to be truthful, his lie is rolling off his tongue before he can stop it.
• He's not someone who likes dull-looking things (as seen on his costume). At the same time, too much color hurts his eyes. He likes somewhere in the middle, between neon, dark, and pastel.
• I've noticed his singing doesn't show much of a flux of emotion. Most of the time he just sounds amused or plain happy. I'm no expert in him by any means, but I feel like his singing shows more emotion when he's singing something that's all his own. So um yeah he wrote As You Like It and uh I rest my case (also Showtime Ruler ofc). Anyway, I think he reserves his emotions normally because they make him louder, and he'd hate to take away from the others.
• I have something like this written in the first chapter of the sequel, but he finds normal people either boring or scary. He immediately loves anyone who shares his interests.
• He feels like it's his job as the director to come up with all the choreography, but it's really not a strong suit for him. He often has the others giving him ideas and finding a way to merge them together. Having said that, however, he's always putting in uncountable hours to perfect the choreo first so he can teach the others.
• He daydreams a lot, and not about certain people, but certain scenarios. He thinks it'd be fun to teach an English person Japanese, even though he knows he'll probably embarrass himself.
• He has something of a staring problem. It's just that he can't take his eyes off of things that fascinate him, and even when he can, it's not for long.
• His favorite season is Fall mostly because he doesn't like the others. Summer's too hot, Winter too cold, and Spring too rainy.
• Not one to be scared by bugs like Tsukasa, but he does get uneasy around bees. He will purposely avoid areas where he's seen wasps and gets a little freaked out when he spots a bumblebee resting on his leg.
"Uh... aha... what should I do?"
He's not particularly touch-starved, but Rui is a decently physical person. Mostly because of the romantic parts of it, like hugging and hand-holding. Also likes to feel your skin against his because he knows you can feel him too. He enjoys holding you because he feels like he's protecting you and that you'll always be with him.
• Going off of that last bit, that's why he seems so possessive. It's because he's scared to lose you to someone else.
• Rui doesn't have a clue where all his love for you came from. He really never had a crush before. Sure, he had people he envied or thought were attractive, but not the kind he wanted to be with like you. He's constantly wondering if he's doing it right, even if it's just little things like kissing you.
• He really likes cats. He's been known for "terrorizing" Lucky often - meaning he pets and plays with her until she runs away. She comes back eventually and the cycle restarts. She's a very lovey cat, but that still isn't enough for Rui. Probably because he wants to use her as a pillow sometimes.

Dating hcs YAAAAAAA

• NUZZLES 👏👏 He loves nuzzles so much. Whether it's you nuzzling into his chest or the top of his head or him nuzzling into your neck or hand. It's another way to get out all the overwhelming love he feels for you.
• He sometimes enjoys when you treat him like a child. He gets butterflies from you cooking his favorite dish for him or patting the top of his head and praising him for a job well done. The problem is, you're always taking care of him. Tucking him in on cold nights so he doesn't get sick and treating him when he does. He gets frustrated when he can't do the same for you, or even himself.
• Very much a cuddle bug :3 That's where he does most of his nuzzling too. He wants to feel every inch of you impossibly close to you, so he sometimes has to make sure he isn't crushing you with how tight he has his arms wrapped around you.
• He tells you how much he loves you often. I'm not sure what his love language is between physical touch and affirmation, but I'm going with the latter. Sometimes it helps to say he loves you so much because, as I mentioned, his love for you can overwhelm him. He'll say he loves you and every single specific things about you he loves so much, and everything he loves you more than. He had to stop once because you started crying.
"I love you so much, Y/n. More than the Sun and the Moon... than every star in the sky... more than singing and dancing... preforming as a whole, really-"
"Stoppit. I love you too."
• Sometimes squeals your name when he sees you. When he comes over to your house and sees you've been waiting for him, he'll open his arms and rush over.
• If you're looking for ways to fluster him, rougher kisses can do that. Anyone wants to feel desired. Also if he says something and you twist it into some form of innuendo, he'll get stuttery (he's very embarrassed by sexual topics).
• He has a petname for every scenario, so he seldom calls you your name anymore, unless it's following one of those petnames (Ex. Dearest Y/n or my Darling, Y/n). He's very weak for petnames like Love or My Love. Plus the nicknames you have for him, like Ruru.
• Sometimes he asks you concerning questions just so you'll give him attention. A simple "I love you, c'mere," normally shuts him up.
"Y/n, Starlight, do you still love me?"
"Ruru, of course I love you! Get over here," *kissie noises*

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