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Hi. I'm sick and wanna write a oneshot. Thank you for everytime youve done the bare minimum and anything above that, and if no one else will, I'll appreciate all of you for even just getting out of bed in the morning. I know it can be hard :)


"Y/nnnnn, are you in there? I have a little present for you!"

You'd had all the time in the world, from the moment you heard footsteps on your porch, to the sound of the front door opening, to the sound of several skipped steps and finally, the knock on your door. You had all the time in the world to wipe your tears, clear your throat, and get all the sniffles out of your system but what would've been the point? He likely would've noticed anyway.

"Now's not a good time, Rui." It pained you to say it, because you had no clue what sort of reaction he'd have. Years of societal rejection, just to have a girlfriend that doesn't want to see him. The thought didn't do much to dry your tears.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes, but..." you sniffed again, letting out a shuddering breath. "I really don't want to bother anyone with this right now."

"I promise, you won't be bothering me. Can I come in?"

You groaned quietly to yourself. Why did he have to see you like this again? Didn't this happen enough? Honestly, you were really just as depressed now as you were before you met Rui. All that progress you thought you had made... now chopped up to this.

"Why would you want to?"

"To see the love of my life, of course."

Sure enough, the love in his voice alone felt like enough to fill a couple glasses. If he had that much of it dripping from his mouth, you wondered how much he kept stored inside.

"Fine," you sighed. You kept curled into a ball on your bed, attempting to hide most of your face behind your knees. You heard the door open with hesitation, as if he wasn't sure your consent was genuine.

The soft thud of something being sat on your dresser was heard by your ears. Now that you felt a presence with you, though, your sorrow only started to grow. It felt like a cup full to the brim and a little over. One more drop and it started to leak out.

"Why am I so useless?"

Rui froze, eyes widening as he looked at your tear-stained face. He was stunned to utter silence.

He recognized that phrase, of course. It'd been spoken a time or ten between him and Nene. But he couldn't understand.

You'd never made a harmful contraption. You'd never hurt a band mate. You could talk to people just fine without hiding behind a robot. He just... couldn't see it.

You had so much going for you. Even crying, clearly at a low point in your mind, your eyes alone held the stars for Rui to gaze at. You were still just as gorgeous as always. And, of course, you wanted more in life than to just be eye candy, but already, within the 30 seconds of his stunned state, he'd came up with a use for you. In what world were you ever useless?

"I'm lazy. I'm selfish. I suck at showing emotions, even to those I care about. I waste time, space, oxygen, and all with no remorse." You scoffed at yourself, shaking your head as a few more tears slipped out. "And now, I just cry over nothing. At least in the days following Super Nova's end, I had a reason to cry. What now?"

God, this was way too familiar.

"I've never helped a soul. I've never deserved anything I've gotten. I'm truly just... as useless as a typewriter with no paper. Why does anyone even bother with me?"

Rui blinked, and he was suddenly sitting next to you, pulling you into his lap and pressing your head to his chest. This felt wrong. You shouldn't be here, getting coddled like you had all your goddamn life. You didn't deserve this sort of reassurance, but Rui didn't feel like he was going to let go of you anytime soon, so you melted into it and started sobbing.

"And look at me now," you couldn't help but laugh out. "I'm so useless I can't even cheer myself up. How pathetic is that? Always needing someone else to do it for-"

A hand pressed under your jaw, closing your mouth gently but tightly. "Shhh. Just... be quiet... for a moment. Deep breaths."

You returned to sobbing, covering your eyes with your hands so you wouldn't soak Rui's shirt. He held you close, wrapped around you. This was just selfish. Now you weren't just wasting your time, you were wasting Rui's. Time was limited, for both of you.

"You mean the world to me. Y'know that?"

Your brain stalled, even as your crying didn't cease. Outwardly, you showed no reaction, but your mind had gone so silent you almost started feeling that ringing in your ears.

"I know what you're feeling. Please. Just stop thinking for a bit."

"Okay..." you sniffed out, pressing yourself a bit closer to him.

"I'll be honest with you. I never felt love before I met you. I mean... I loved my parents. I loved my friends. But until I met you, I had actually wondered if I was broken or something, because the thought of marrying anyone seemed impossible."

"You're just saying that..."

"Of course not. I thought the rest of my life would be just one, big solo show. But, just like I found Wondershow to help out with that, I found you to help me with the whole rest of my life." His hand carefully lifted your chin, your bloodshot eyes meeting his love-filled gaze. "My perfect little corner of eternity."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You chuckled softly.

"They say if you have a job you like, you'll never work a day in your life. So, having a life with you in it, it's safe to say I may never be sad again." He pressed his cheek to the top of your head. "And that's what I mean when I say that you mean the world to me."

You only realized that you had stopped crying when you suddenly felt it coming back.

"Why? I'm nothing special."

"Now, what are you, me?" He joked, ruffling your hair. "All jokes aside, though, you said you've never helped a soul in your life? Sweetheart, where would I be without you? And you're the farthest thing from useless. You're an amazing dancer. You have the voice of a lyrical goddess. You're remarkable with styling hair. You cook like a culinary genius. And best of all," he gave you a soft look, "you have the kindest soul I've ever met, because you love someone like me."

"Hey, what are you, me?" You cracked his joke back at him, and the two of you started laughing together. He pulled tou close to him, pressing his chest against yours. You could feel both of your hearts beating in tandem. Perfectly synchronized.

"I love you, Y/n. More than this world and the next."

"I love you more."

Rui would usually fight that with the obvious 'I love you most', but...

Maybe this time, he could keep quiet and believe you.

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now