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Rui woke up the next morning to a familiar song. One that brought back a fond memory. The park... your singing... what was this song called again?

You shifted over to press something, and the song stopped just before the chorus. Seems that song would be the next thing to plague his mind until he could remember the name.

"'Morning," he heard you greet, breathily and quiet. Your voice had some sort of effect on him, bringing back that tremble he'd felt the morning before. He started to wonder if he could make you feel that way again, but a quick glance at the clock showed there wouldn't be time.

He hummed in response, nuzzling deeper into your chest. One of your hands came up to pet his head, occasionally scratching at his scalp with your nails. The blissful expression he had when you did that made you smile.

"C'mon, zombie, time to get up."

He shook his head.

"Yes, we have to. We're barely gonna have time to walk there. I still have my alarm on bus time."

"You're making that a normal thing?"

"Yeah, guess I should. Don't see why not. And as long as you're there to walk with me..." You felt Rui's arms tighten around your waist. It filled you with endearment. "So, are you gonna get up?"

"Nm-mm," he hummed, shaking his head. You giggled at how it tickled you

"Not even if I help you?" Rui heard something of your mom's mischievous lilt in your voice. He lifted his head tiredly.

"Help m-? Mmph!" His eyes widened as you pressed your lips forcefully onto his. Little surprised noises fell from his mouth into yours. When you pulled away for a quick breath, he was pressing into you again, leaning your head back into your pillow.

Well, he clearly wasn't tired anymore. Now you just had to figure out how to get him to stop this. You thought about it, and remembered what he had said yesterday. 'You just say the word when you want me to stop, Y/n. I promise I will.'

"Rui, stop," you breathed out as he pulled away. He stopped himself before he could go back for more, looking at your somewhat surprised expression. He turned to the clock, then back to you with a smile.

"We should get going." He climbed off of you, then started petting Lucky where she sat curled up by your head. All the while, all you could do was stare in disbelief.

He was having fun. Enjoying himself. You told him to stop... and he did. No questions asked. Not even a frown. In a way, it was confusing. But you remembered...

Ah, right. This is Rui. Not Isago.

He jumped when he felt your arms grip his hoodie and pull him towards you, hiding your face in his chest. He chuckled warmly. "Hi there." But he didn't feel so warm when he heard you sniff. "Y/n?"

You lifted your head to look at him, small tears pooling at the edges of your eyes and threatening to fall. You smiled, nonetheless, but it didn't help to see the concern in his face as he held your cheeks with his hands.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" You laughed a little, nuzzling your face back into his chest.

"It's nothing," you mumbled out. Rui huffed.

"Now, now, come out and tell me. I don't want to have to force it out of you like yesterday."

You shook your head frantically, wide-eyed. You both laughed a bit, then you looked up at him with just about the most sincere look he'd ever seen.

"You're just... you're great. A-amazing, actually."

Rui didn't really know what to say back. He wanted to deny it, tell you how much better you were. Maybe how he didn't deserve you. But now didn't seem like the best time to fight your compliment. So he just wrapped his arms around you and held you tight, letting your tears dry up where they fell. Once you were alright again, you quickly grabbed your uniform out of your dresser and excused yourself to your restroom to change. Meanwhile, Rui sat at the edge of your bed, petting Lucky and kicking his legs. You soon came out, hair neatly combed and face done lightly with makeup. You went over to him, smiling and stealing a bit of Lucky for yourself.

"We should get going if we want to stop at your house. You still need to change too, after all."

"Ah, right. Let's get going then."

"Y/n! Rui! Come say bye before I have to go!" Your mom called from downstairs, as if on cue. You and Rui got up and left the room, running downstairs to meet her. Instead of a hug, however, you were met with her hand grabbing your chin lightly and turning your head to the side.

"Hm, still kinda there," she ran her finger over the marks again. She then tilted your head to the other side, examining the unharmed skin. "But it looks like you both had a pretty uneventful night, hm?"

You sighed, trying to shake off the red rushing to your cheeks. Meanwhile, Rui avoided looking at you or your mother, clearly just as flustered.

Your mom let go of your face and brought you into a warm hug. "I'll miss you, Darling. And maybe even you too, Romeo," your mother joked, ruffling Rui's hair. She gave you a kiss on the head and held you for another moment before she let go, grabbing her purse and making her way to the door. "See you both in a month! And Rui, Dear, do make sure you don't break her." Nothing followed after that sentence but the door closing behind her to punctuate it. You could hear Rui exhale, as if he'd been holding his breath.

"Still think she isn't too much?" You tilted your head at him.

"No, she's great. Still think she's cool."

You could basically hear her response to that in your mind. 'Well, just wait til you marry my daughter. Then I'll be your mom too, whether you like it or not!' followed by you groaning about how that wasn't going to happen.

"Anyway, let's go. I can talk to you about a few show ideas I've been thinking up along the way."

"Oooh, yay!"

Revitalized | Rui Kamishiro x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now